Should I leave?

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Their first show with Christine back after over a decade was only a couple of hours away from starting. The band was supposed to be at the arena, getting ready for soundcheck. Lindsey wasn't about to go meet with the whole group, before he didn't talk to Stevie. Checking that nobody was around, he knocked on the door of her dressing room and opened it, entering quickly. 

"I didn't say you could come in." She was brushing her hair at the vanity. 

"Should I leave?"

"Depends on what you're going to tell me."

Hands in his pockets, he walked over to stand behind her. She lifted her chin up to look at him. He saw just how full of hope her eyes were... He beant down to kiss her and was surprised when she lifted her arms and circled them around his neck, deepening the kiss. 

"I hated not seeing you." She backed off to say to him, attacking his lips again. 

Lindsey put his hand on top of hers and suddenly pulled away. "What the fuck is this?!" He shouted, holding her hand up. 

"Do you reall have to ask?"

"When are you going to stop playing me?"

"I'm not."

"The hell you're not! Kissing me like that, saying you missed me? That's not normal!"

"Is it normal for you? You're not exactly single, are you?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I told you that you had three weeks."

"And I didn't understand what the fuck you meant by that!"


"Help me out here, Stevie."

"I gave you three weeks to ask Kristen for divorce."

"Couldn't you just told me that instead of talking in circles?"

"I thought if you cared enough, you'd understand."

"Stevie, you're not actually doing this?"

"Well, why not?"

"You don't love him."

"You don't love Kristen, but it didn't stop you from marrying her or having three kids, did it?"

"This is different."

"How is it different?! That it's me, who's marrying someone else? I had to be okay with you doing that, but you're not when it's me in this position."


"What when?"

"When did he propose?"

"On our trip to Hawaii, not that it should matter to you."

"Please, tell me this is one of your sick jokes..."

"I deserve to be with someone who loves me, Lindsey, it's not just you, who's allowed that privilege. I sacrificed having children, at least let me have a husband."

"He might have you, but he'll never have your heart."

"And that just makes you so fucking happy, doesn't it? You must get a great kick out of it!"

"This has to be the stupidest thing you are going to ever do."

Only then she spun around to fully face him. "Tell me, which part of me being with Joe you despise the most? Is it the fact I'm with someone, is it because it's Joe Walsh, is it that it's him I kiss, wake up in the morning and go to be at night with, is it that it's him who gets to take my clothes off, that he's the one to lay me down on the bed, touch me, kiss me, kiss me everywhere..."

"Shut up."

"That it's his name I repeat over and over again..."

"I told you to shut the hell up."

"That it's him, who grips my hips, while thrusting himself into me..."

"I'm warning you, Stevie." He closed his eyes, his fist clenched.

"That it's his tongue, making me quiver, making me breath heavily, holding onto his hair..."


"You don't change much, do you?" She laughed harshly, shaking her head. "So, which one is it anyway?"

"All of them! I hate every single thing he gets to do to you and with you! I hate him with everything I am! He stole you from me!" 

"I wasn't yours to begin with, Lindsey. I've always been just a phone call away, that's all. You play your family life, then you come to me, because you're wife is a fucking bore."

"You can't say that, you can't deny I love you."

"Is it okay to call someone you love a whore?"

"You provoked me and you knew exactly what you were doing!"

"Maybe I did, but that doesn't give you the right to talk to me like that."

"You can't leave me." 

"You blew your last chance, Lindsey. You're going to go home to Kristen and I'm going to marry Joe. Whatever we had, that's over."

"Don't say that..."

"I mean it."

He stared at her for a moment, before approaching her with confidence that surprised them both. He took her face in his hands and leaned in, tilting his head to one side. His lips pressed softly against hers and he let it last for a few seconds. He backed off just barely, they're lips still almost touching. He parted his lips and so did she, letting his tongue explore her mouth as his hands moved down her back. 

"Do you still mean it?" He asked, pulling away from her. 

"Just go..." She whispered, avoiding his eyes.

"Stevie?" He tilted her chin up with his finger to see her crying. "What..."

"Go! Lindsey, leave me alone!" 

"Did I..." He tried again, but got cut short.

"LEAVE!" She screamed at him.

And he did, without looking back.

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