Don't bother me

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Lindsey was almost on his way out after they were done, but he felt long nails dig into his forearm and pull him back. She took him to the same room they had started their morning in and pushing him inside, she locked the door behind her. He was about to open his mouth and ask what was she doing, but he didn't get to that part as her own lips closed over his. She took his jacket off as he helped her with her blouse. She wasted no time being careful, tugging the zipper of his jeans down, while his fingers unsnapped the button of her slacks that fell around her ankles. She locked her hands behind his neck and he hoisted her up, kissing her furiously. They ended up on the floor and he pushed forcefully into her. She moaned, hanging onto him, her body in sync with his. 

"Stevie... Stevie. Stevie!" Joe shook her gently, not to scare her.

"What?" She opened her eyes, seeing nothing as it was pitch black. "Why are you waking me up? What time is it?"

"Relax, you were just having... a dream I guess. Although, I would love to hear all about it, I swear I heard you moaning." He closed his eyes again, putting his arm around her. "Sleep." She felt a kiss pressed to her shoulder.

Stevie wished she could fall asleep. She lay awake, staring into nothing. She just had a sex dream. About Lindsey. She hated him and herself at that moment. She turned on her side, cuddled up to Joe and willed herself to fall back to sleep. It took her a long while to...


Stevie woke up a few hours later, it was barely ten in the morning. She looked over her shoulder and Joe was no longer in bed with her. She felt so embarrassed by what happened that she had no idea how to face him. Maybe he forgot about it, she hoped. 

Her feet had only touched the floor, when Joe came in from the bathroom, quite obviously just out of the shower. "Morning."

"Hey." She pursed her lips for him to kiss and tried a quick escape from the bedroom, but she wasn't that lucky. 

"You had a sex dream, didn't you?" The tone of his voice definitely sounded teasing. 

"No, I wasn't." 

"Yeah, you were." He laughed, hugging her, to show he was only kidding. "I hope it was me you were dreaming about?"

She forced a smile and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "I'm going to take a bath. Don't bother me."

"Should I make you coffee?"

"No, I'll make it myself later." Stevie said and shut the door.

She pulled the nightgown over her head and tossed it aside. After searching for an elastic band for her hair, she pulled it up in a messy bun and waited while the bathtub filled up. The water seemed too hot for a moment until she got used to it. She closed her eyes and time seemed to have stopped. Strong manly hands massaging her shoulders brought her back not much later.

"What part of don't bother me didn't you understand?"

"You want me to leave?"

She shook her head, lowering her chin and giving him better access to the back of her neck. "Oh god, yes..."


“Right… here…” She let out a satisfied moan.

"You still want me to go?"

“Not at all as long as you keep doing what you’re doing right now.”

He ran his fingers up and down her arms, inhaling her overwhelming scent. He let her hair down by taking out the band.

“You’ll get my hair wet.”

“It’s a trespass to tie them up. You have the most wonderful hair I’ve ever seen.”

“Always a charmer.” She smiled and he saw her reflection in the mirror.

Joe left a trail of light kisses on her shoulder, speaking softly. "I've missed you, Stevie."

"I saw you in the bedroom not thirty minutes ago."

"It's not what I meant. All these years we've wasted..."

"Let's not do that, okay? It's all in the past, we're here today, together and that's what matters, right?"

"Right." He got up from his kneeling position and took a large towel, which was lying folded on the floor, and held it in all its length. “Come.”

“I can dry myself. Besides, I wanna stay in.”

“The water is getting cold.” 

“I can make it warm again.” He didn’t reply. She held his haze and got out after all.

Joe enveloped her with the soft fabric and held close. “This is better.” His hand touched her cheek, his fingers slid in her hair. Before long, he kissed her and she couldn’t suppress a moan. She needed him at that moment. Or maybe she wanted to prove to herself that that was true. That Lindsey was simply a dream and Joe was the man she wanted to be with.


Lindsey was the one late that day. When he came in he saw the other four members sitting together, talking among themselves. He approached the group, shook hands with Mick and John, Christine stood up to give him a hug and when he opened his arms for Stevie, she shot him a look and remained in her spot. 

"Boy are we going to have a fun day!" Mick shook his head, sighing. "The sooner we start, the sooner we finish. Let's go."

No one disagreed.

The day couldn't have seemed longer to everyone in the band and for those who worked for it. The tension could have been cut with a knife, everyone felt it, nobody said a word, silently begging for Stevie and Lindsey to break into an argument and get it over with. That didn't happen, nothing happened between the two at all. She looked everywhere but him and he did the same. He didn't forget their talk the evening before and kissing her definitely didn't help, but he couldn't help but doubt this was about it. Not that he was going to do anything about it, he was over chasing her.

They had a few more songs left to go through, but they had been playing them for decades, so Mick called it a day and bid farewell until the tour would begin. Stevie went to gather her things, wanting to disappear unnoticed. She was on her way out when she caught Lindsey leaving too. She stopped for a second, then hurried over to him and grasped his arm, her nails digging into his flesh...

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