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What do I even start the conversation with? Do I just say hi? Do I tell him who it is in the first text? I pull out the notebook that was stuffed in my bag and flip to the page he wrote his number on. Great, the ink is smeared. I can still tell what most of them were though, except the last one. I can't tell if it's a 1 or a 7. I'll just guess. I finally finish the number by tapping the number 7 then texting who I hope is that orange haired boy.



Hey, this is y/n.


who? i don't know anyone of that name


oh really? i'm sorry i must've gotten the wrong number.


that's fine.


I set my phone down. I can not believe I texted the wrong number. I text the other number instead. Me and Hinata talk about my mistake and joke around about it for a couple minutes until i receive a call from the last number.


??? Is calling you

Accept Deny


I hesitate but being the idiot I am, I pick up.

" Hello?"

" Hey! Are you Kenma's girlfriend? Dont tell me he found a high school sweetheart before me!" A voice from the other side obnoxiously yells.

" High school?" I ask.

" Sorry about him, that was one of my friends. Also yes, we're in high school. I'm a second year." A calmer voice speaks, yet I can still hear the muffled screams of the last person who was yelling. It sounds like he got kicked outside into a separate room.

" Oh really? I'm a first year"

" Well that's nice.. well again, sorry for him. bye" the boy says, quickly hanging up since it seems he can't keep a conversation going. Apparently the name of the boy is Kenma or something

You changed this contacts name to kenma

whatever. I probably won't ever talk to him again. I look up as I hear my door open slightly.

" Go to sleep, who were you talking to?" kei asks.

" no one important " I say.

" who?" he asks again, this time walking inside the room and sitting down beside me. I hand him my phone, showing him this kenma guys contact.

" Kenma? Who's that?"

" That orange hair boy gave me his number at practice. I typed it in incorrectly. Apparently this boy is in high school as a 2nd year. I don't know where though"

" Just stay safe. Don't give unsafe info out to strangers. goodnight." He says, patting my head then leaving the room.

" goodnight, kei" I say as he closes the door. I smile, he may seem like a bad person but deep down he's affectionate as well. I lay down and go to sleep.

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐓 𝐎𝐅𝐅 ➶ (𝐤.𝐤𝐨𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now