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we all walk out of the café, me and Kuroo are the one's mostly talking while Kenma just says a couple words every now and then. As we walk around, a certain store catches my eye. I didn't even read the sign to see what was being sold, It just looked so cute and interesting I felt like I had to go. I grab onto both Kuroo and Kenma's hands and lead them to the store, I walk inside, the boys trailing close behind me.

" Hello! If you need any help just call me over!" A worker says. I glance around, It's a cute shop filled with books, posters, cosplays, and more. I see a pair of cat ears and immediately think of Kenma, the first time I saw him, I thought his eyes were like a cats. He'd look really cute in these. I take the cat ears and walk over to Kenma with the ears behind my back. He looks up at me confused. I smile and reveal the cat ears, putting them on his head. I take a step away to see how he looks and holy shit, he looks adorable. Kuroo looks over as well and lets out a chuckle.

" Y/n, you've made him blush again!" Kuroo teases. I do actually notice the red tint on Kenma's face. I smile a little and take the cat ears off of him, putting them away.

" Sorry Kenma, I just knew that you'd look cute in them" I apologize as his blush fades away.

" It's fine" He says. We leave the store, not buying anything. We all walk to a park to take a break from walking around all day. We sit down on a bench and I look over at Kenma, strands of his hair lightly being blown around from the wind. I admire him as he looks down at his phone. He's really cute.

" Y/n, can you come with me to get ice cream?" Kuroo asks, pointing over to a ice cream truck with about 2 kids ordering from there. I nod my head and walk over there with Kuroo, leaving Kenma on the bench.

" So Y/n, how do you feel about Kenma?"

" What do you mean?"

" Do you like him?"

" Depends on what you mean by the word like"

" Well, do you have a crush on him?"

" No I don't .. well I don't think I do.." I say, he laughs a little. He takes his ice cream and walks away from the truck.

" Well If you do have a crush on him and you wanna talk about it, or just talk about anything, here's my number" He says, grabbing a napkin from the truck and taking a pen he found in the grass, then writing his number on it and handing it to me.

" Thanks" I say, smiling at him as we walk back to Kenma.

" Don't thank me, we're friends now" Kuroo replies.

" So Kenma, are you ready to go?" He asks Kenma. Kenma nods his head and gets up. We all walk back to the café and get Hinata's bike. We say our goodbyes and I ride away, returning Hinata's bike first then going home. I walk to Kei's room but he isn't there. He's probably with Yamaguchi. I sigh and go back to my room. Today was really fun, Kuroo seems cool as well despite his insane bed head hair.

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐓 𝐎𝐅𝐅 ➶ (𝐤.𝐤𝐨𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now