Chapter Seven

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Denise only cleaned this intensely when she was mad, and right now she was furious. What the hell!! Ditching is that what John is reduced to. Really! Because her mom usually was home late Denise was one of the members of Johnny's contacts, and because they couldn't get a hold of her mother they called Denise. More than likely they left her mother the same message that they left her. Johnny was absent for four periods the last four of the day, which means he more than likely took off sometime after lunch or right before lunch. That's not John, that's not like him, what the hell is he thinking. Scrubbing the counters furiously she tried to calm the anger that was building its way up her throat. She wanted to scream right now, he hadn't been in school for the better half of the day, then where the hell was he? What was he doing? He knew the school would call what the hell was he thinking?
"Calm yourself niece, this is not helping the situation at all."
Her over active mind started thinking of rants, John skipping school to go smoke cigarettes with his friend Collin, whom Denise never liked, or worse smoking pot.
"Ugh, what could he be doing, what has he been doing?"
As though needing to be broke from the trance that currently consumed her, Brianna called to her from the living room.
"Done Denise, what's next?"
Screaming from the kitchen, she asked. "Did you put J's stuff away too?"
"Does the living room need vacuumed?"
"Um…. Yea I guess…" she heard hesitantly.
Heading in that direction it was best if she checked for herself. As she made her way to the next room she got there just in time to see her brother walk in, place his pack down and take a seat on the couch. Trying to act casual she finished with her sister while eyeing Johnny from the corner of her eye. The boy didn't seem high on drugs and he didn't reek of cigarettes.
Looking around the room she answered. "No Beep, its fine, good job."
"Hi John..." Brie said smiling at the boy. "So then I'm done?"
Johnny smiled at Brie and watched Denise suspiciously. She knew, he knew that she knew he did something wrong, she could see the guilt line his face.
Watching John she answered. "Yea, you need to go put your hair back and then you can go play with baby J." Directing her attention back to the girl she knelt down and began coaxing the hair behind Bries ears.
Even though Brianna was ten she, like little John, had gotten the short genes in the family which was unusual considering her and little John had different fathers. Denise and John had the same dad, and Brianna and JC had the same father between them. Had their father not passed away she could imagine that Brianna and JC would be of pure relation, that didn't stop her from loving them as much as she did Johnny. You could see the difference between Denise and Brianna, her hair was moderately curly while Brianna's was wildly straight with one unusual streak of red that made a triangle at the top of her head.
Knowing she had other things to attend to she did the best job she could with her fingers.
"Honestly Brianna how can you stand this hair falling in your face."
Brianna chuckled. "It doesn't bother me."
"Well go put it back ok?"
"Ok." She answered, eyeing John one last time she left the room.
Watching her sister leave she didn't immediately turn toward her brother for fear of giving away the rage that consumed her. "How was school?"
"Good." John answered, unwittingly.
"So what did you learn today?" she asked making her way to meet his eyes.
"I don't know the usual, I guess."
"Really! So usually every day you learn how to ditch huh."
She saw the look of defeat in John's eyes as he slumped down in the seat. He knew he was defeated. As if answering his question she answered. "Yea John I know. Worse you're usually home before me so you made it obvious."
Placing herself calmly next to him she continued. "Now you can explain to me why."
Denise readied herself for some long lame excuse as to what made him skip school, even though he has never done this before, he was after all a teenager and prone to stupid actions. Watching him closely, John turned away from her penetrating gaze and focused his attention on his hands.
"Oh and so you know I lost track of time. That was my bad." He chuckled. "Ok, so this is not easy, where to begin."
Thinking for a moment he paused, she calmly allowed him to continue. She knew if she were to cut him off and yell no progress would be made.
"Ok so I know this morning when I woke my hand was around your arm, I'm not sure why though." Meeting her gaze he asked. "Do you know why?"
He must've seen her startled reaction because he didn't give her enough time to answer, not that Denise knew what she would say, she wasn't sure why either. She only knew what she went through, which she would eventually explain to him.
Continuing he went on to describe the events of the day. From burning Brian, his hideout, and even about some stranger who followed him at the park. That concerned her the most but by the time he was done, Denise herself, didn't know what questions to ask or where to start. Rubbing her hands against her legs she grew restless, she couldn't hold still any longer and she said the only thing that came to mind.
"Want a smoothie?'
Smiling, John replied. "Hell ya."
Taking a deep breath she said. "Ok, let me check on Beep and J."
Even though she used her gift freely in front of Johnny, Brianna and JC were clueless mainly because she was sure with their age they would say something to their mom and that wasn't something she was willing to disclose yet. Walking past the boy's bedroom she made her way into the girl's room where Brianna and JC made camp. Slowly opening the door she could see they managed to put the room in complete disarray. Brianna would more than likely clean it later, for now she sat on her bed reading to JC nestled close to her side. She quietly listened as the two were absorbed in the story. Denise could tell by their relationship that Brianna would become to JC what she was to John, his confidant and best friend.
Satisfied she quietly reclosed the door and made her way into the kitchen. Taking two cups from the cupboard she placed them on the counter and grabbed the juice she had made to compliment last night's dinner. She couldn't really call it a smoothie but this was the closest thing they had without venturing to a nearby Jamba Juice.
Pouring the drinks she quickly returned the punch to the refrigerator and placed one hand over each glass. When she had first started utilizing her gifts, everything she had done always took a certain amount of concentration. Now it was as easy as if she had taken a blender and had mixed everything by hand. Focusing she allowed her mind to soar beyond the confines of the kitchen. The thoughts flashed instantaneously in her mind one after the other. Starting in the order of a cold cloudy day, to a chilled rain that turned into small pieces of hail, from there into soft flurries of snow, and finally into an out of control blizzard. With the final thought she could feel the cold course through her hands, over the tip of the glasses, and into the red liquid it contained.
"That's so cool." Johnny said though she hadn't noticed when he entered the room. His blue eyes shone just as wide as the first time she had used this gift in front of him. The same little John, and his smile said it all.
The sudden knock on the door broke her gaze on him, smiling she pushed his head. "Go answer the door you boob."
Taking two spoons from the drawer Denise pondered on Johnny's story and decided now was as good a time as any to ask.
"Hey John, what did the guy at the park look like?"
Heading with the drinks into the living room Johnny was still at the door, he turned and looked at her wide eyed and pointing.

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