Chapter Sixteen

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Alex was furious. He didn't often let his anger control him but this time he was given more than enough reason. What a hindrance. The unknown presence, the girl, how? How is she able to intercept his moves? Has to be intentional this was the second time. The hand, what was with the hand on his head? Obviously the only thing it was doing was tagging along. He knew from the first time that he had felt it someone was watching him. But where was the girl then? Somehow they were connected.
Looking around the underground parking structure, no one had yet made it to their cars. He took no discretion in removing the silencer off his 9mm and placing the gun back in the glove compartment. Trying to keep his mind at ease he wiped the silencer down and placed it in his middle console. Only feeling more enraged at the situation. Alex didn't like situations not in his control, and for the time being these mystery entities remained elusive.
Closing his eyes he laid his head back and thought about the only person who could ease his anger…. Alice.
In the hospital Alex awoke to the scent of disinfectant and hand sanitizer. The overwhelming smells almost masked the slight hint of cherry blossom perfume. It was her. To the right of his bed he caught a glimpse of a young, very attractive blond beauty. As she leaned forward, over his bed, he caught a glimpse at her name tag. Alice. With her hair drawn back behind her ears, and very little make up to hide her natural features, he felt compelled to tell her she was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. But when he tried to speak he noticed something muffled his voice, and that's when he felt the tube strapped to his mouth making its way down his throat. The long protrusion was hard against his esophagus and he could hear himself choke as he tried to swallow.
As she seen he was trying to move more than allowed she said. "Just hold still Mr. Schmeck, you fractured your collar bone, amongst other things, we don't want you doing any more damage do we?"
Her voice sounded like angels as he calmed himself and refrained from moving. She smiled down at him and her beauty was even more immeasurable. Though it was early in the game Alex picked up on the buzz and static in her voice, and still with the pain it caused, he could listen to her all day. He watched as the woman swiftly walked around the room checking his IV, pulse and fluids. She moved in a perfect pace as though she were gliding over the floor. Leaning back he allowed her to work without trying to be one of those patients that you regret ever saving their life.
As she finished she pulled up beside him. "The doctor will be in shortly to see about removing this nasty tube. You were out for quite a while sir you gave us all a scare."
With that last sentence she quickly made her way out of the room and Alex passed out.
Halting his thoughts he felt calmer and the clarity came to him as to what should be his next move. Before allowing his blond beauty to intercept his mind once again he leaned back and closed his eyes. Perhaps if this hand could reach out and touch him from some unknown distance, maybe, just maybe, he could do the same.
Clearing his mind he stretched his thoughts out beyond the confines of his car and into an unknown realm of darkness. Trailing past that he let go of his breathing and focused only on the blackness overpowering him. Feeling a tug in an unknown direction he allowed it to snare his mind.
Led by the small pull he could hear faint voices in the distance. Unsure of the topic of conversation he listened closely.
"Seriously..." A girl said. Alex was sure this was his girl. "John...." More static and buzz.
Then a boy's voice emerged. "Whatever .... Static.... Doucheturd….." Some feint laughing ensued. Was this some kind of game to them? Continuing to listen the boy arose. "…. I don't feel good….." Girl intervenes… "What….static….. Brother..." They're related? Boy continues. "No….. Like ….static... fucking puke…."
Alex felt a pressure in his mind followed by the screech of a loud harsh buzzing as a third person entered the conversation. As the pain escalated past his ears and over his eyes he couldn't help but to let go and scream a little as the agony rocked him back into reality. Looking around the desolate parking structure no one had come upon him. Leaning back once again he allowed the darkness to take him, this time everything happened much quicker as he started picking the conversation.
Listening the boy said. "Jesus…. Static…. Denise….." More static. The girl. "…what ev…static…. You never...buzzing…. Thinking you're so awesome…" Static and laughing. The boy….. "Damn straight son... buzzing…..Oregon.....static.....awesomeness." Then the girl. "You're an idiot….. Static..." Once again the third party spoke shattering Alex's brain, forcing him back into reality.
Jesus. He thought.
No matter, he got something to go by. Two names and his next destination. Denise…. John…..Oregon. Wondering about the third party he could only hope that this unknown person wasn't as powerful as his ability suggest. Every time he spoke he couldn't hear him.
No matter he would deal with this situation as quickly as it had come up. Allowing Alice to creep back in his mind and calm his thoughts he started the engine and pulled out of the parking structure. Oregon was only a few states away and he had all the time in the world.

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