Chapter Nineteen

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Watching the time closely, John cleaned his room as fast as he could. Once done there, he moved to the bathroom, and from there he straightened the hallway, ending in the kitchen where he met with his sister who was already scrubbing the counters. She looked at him and smiled, and for no reason they both broke into a furious laughter.
After their brief episode John asked. "Do you think moms going to be pissed?"
"Not really considering we caught her in her own bs too. I mean really setting him up here just to meet us? That's stupid, even for her."
"True." John agreed. "So you think he's cute?"
Denise looked at him startled. "Um, where the hell did that come from John?"
"Just asking geez." He laughed and pointed at her. "Oh my god you do!!"
"Shut up John. He's alright. It's not like I'm going to fuck him, Jesus." She blushed.
Walking away from him she proceeded into the laundry room.
Laughing John said. "You like him!!"
"Fuck no, John shut up. He's cute that's all. I don't even know the guy."
"Ya, but he's smart."
"Well you like smart guys, and I think he might be the smartest guy we've ever met."
"Well trust me I like smart guys but not him, not like that, I get a weird vibe from him. Not sure why."
John watched as she placed the wash rag in the washer and went ahead and started the laundry.
"Raging girly hormones maybe?" John laughed.
Joining the laugh she said. "John you're a fucking moron. Don't try and think to much your nose might bleed."
"Oh ha Denise. You're such a bitch." He chuckled.
Making his way back into the kitchen Denise followed with the broom and dust pan.
"I will tell you one thing, that kid that's with him freaks me out." He stated.
Handing John the broom Denise knelt down with the dust pan. Continuing she said. "Yea me too. Honestly he kinda looks like a ghost or a zombie or something."
"Fuck that's mean Denise even for you."
"Well seriously John look at him. He's pale as a ghost and he has no facial expression."
"What do you mean?" John asked puzzled.
"John you can't be serious. I mean come on, did you see him at the park with his hands on his ears. He was seriously like zombied out or something. Fucking freaky if you ask me."
Thinking back John remembered the kid holding his hands to his ears staring vacantly and moving his head. He got goose bumps at the thought.
"What do you think is wrong with him?" He asked his sister.
"Honestly I have no fucking clue and I could go the rest of my life without finding out too." She laughed, and threw her hands up as though she were throwing invisible holy water. "Back spawn of Satan."
John couldn't control his laughing. "Damn you're mean Denise."
Denise made her way to the living room and John followed just in time to see Brianna and JC come through the front door.
"Hey." Denise said trying to tone down her laughter. "How was school?"
"Did I miss something?" Brianna asked, noticing her sisters red face.
"No not at all." She chuckled. "John and I just cleaned though so you don't have to worry about your chores today ok?"
Looking suspiciously at her sister for a moment Brianna shrugged her shoulders and said. "Cool. C'mon JC." Taking the boys hand she headed into her bedroom.
"Fucking weird." John said, looking over at his sister.
"What?" Denise asked confused.  
"Well look at them I swear they came out of the womb at the same time or something."
Denise laughed. "I know right, they totally remind me of children of the damned or something."
John chuckled. Denise laughed with him, until their hysterics were cut short by the sound of an engine cutting off.
"Shit." John said. "Mom!"
"She's home a little early."
Smiling he made his way towards his bedroom.
"What the fuck?" Denise said. "You're not going to stay out here and face the music huh?!"
"You got this." John said as he made his way to his bedroom, placing an earbud in each ear to drown out the sound of his sisters bitching.
Alex pulled into the rest stop and glanced at the map he retrieved from the convenient store. Not wanting to waste too much time having to constantly refer to it, he took a pen and paper from his glove compartment and marked down all the major highways he would hit until he reached Oregon. Once again he could feel the hand massaging the back of his head, ignoring it he continued. He only knew of interstate 25 to 80, now sitting at the Fort Collins rest stop he quickly jotted down all the other directions he would need.
Heading up the 25 he would hit interstate 80 in Wyoming. Underlining Wyoming to keep in mind of the interstate change, he continued. From there he would head into Utah where he would merge onto the 84 taking him through the top end of the state, and straight into Portland Oregon.
Unsure of what city they were in, Alex started the engine and headed out of the rest stop. He knew he didn't have to worry about the small schematics, everything would be revealed to him….. In time. Smiling he made his way back on the freeway.
Relaxing on his bed John forgot about the trouble they would be in with his mom, he half expected her to bust in his room at any moment asking for a plausible explanation which he hadn't bothered to think about. Flipping through the music provided by Michael, he found a song and hit play. Closing his eyes he rested his head on his pillow and allowed his mind to wander.
Instantly John could feel the surge in his chest. Going with the perception he allowed his mind to make its descent. He heard brief talking in the background followed simultaneously by an image. He saw himself looking over a map highlighting interstates and highways until the final destination was highlighted in bright yellow.
Quickly placing a notepad and the map on the seat next to him he pulled out of the rest stop and darted down the freeway. Looking once to the right John caught a glimpse of the name of the location. Fort Collins.
Before releasing the grip on the world he intruded, John heard the driver say. "That's right John see you soon."
Catching his breath as though he unconsciously was holding it John sat straight up where he saw Michael and Denise standing in front of him with a look of confusion.
"Jesus." He said. "How long have you guys been standing there? Is mom home?"
"No it was Michael." Denise answered.
Cutting into her sentence Michael said. "And we've been standing here long enough to see that you just had a vision!"
"Um yea." John answered. "And we have a big fucking problem."

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