Chapter Eight

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He wasn't expecting a warm welcome, but at this moment in time Michael would've settled for a "Can I help you?"
Instead the greeting he got was more of suspicion and confusion from both ends, the girl he had expected and the boy who he didn't. He had been drawn to the child earlier but he had no idea he would be at the same residence. Had he known that, he may have made himself a little more discreet. Now he must've just seemed like a stalker.
Wonderful. He thought.
No worries somehow this was all part of the same puzzle, now more than ever more pieces just made themselves known. Keeping his composure and finding it necessary to break the awkward silence he said. "Hi, I'm Michael."
As he extended his hand at the boy, he ignored the sudden withdrawal from him and continued, pointing at the boy. "I'm not sure who you are."
Setting his sights on the girl he said. "But you must be Denise."
With her confusion setting in Michael relaxed a little, this meant he had the right person and she wasn't going to slam the door in his face.
Bewildered she finally spoke. "How the fuck do you know my name?"
"Sailor mouth." He thought.
First lesson with the girl was she wasn't one for subtlety. Ignoring her fierce stare as though it were meant to intimidate him he explained. "Earlier I ran into your mother, April. I explained I had the perfect vacuum for her and she agreed I should come and give a demonstration. I am surprised though, she didn't call you?"
Pointing to his car he said. "Let me go and get my tools, I will be right back."
Before she could scrutinize him, he hurried out the door and headed to the back of his jeep. Gathering everything aside from the box together he headed back to the house. As he made his way past the girl, the boy spoke out.
"So, were you planning on cleaning the park?"
"Excuse me?" Michael acted perplexed as though their earlier encounter was just by chance.
"First lesson about the boy…. A smartass." He thought. "Perfect."
Before the boy continued he quickly regained control of the conversation. "Oh I get it I knew I recognized you. The park earlier." Setting the vacuum up, he continued. "Shouldn't you have been in school?"
The boy turned away, Michael smiled knowingly catching that he wasn't supposed to be there.
As though Denise was trying to change the subject she interrupted. "Did you follow my brother here?"
"What!!" he stated, it was obvious they wanted him to abandon the conversation. Complying with the silent request he said. "That's silly, ask him I left before he did."
The boy nodded in compliance. "Then why ….."
Before he could say anything more Michael interrupted. "Actually I was working, a friend of mine called me and asked me to meet his daughter there at the park… naturally she never showed. Not the first time this happened."
"Right." The girl said, sarcastically.
Satisfied with his lie he ignored her skepticism and continued. "You know I didn't get your name buddy."
"Really? That's probably because I didn't give it."
"Definite smart ass."
With the vacuum assembled he began moving around the interior of the living room. The house was modest yet cozy, and it was only welcoming for the outside. The chocolate colored couches clashed with the modern day rug that acted as a failed attempt to bring the room together. Moving one of the mediocre end tables he noticed the slushy drinks melting causing the condensation to drip on the outside of the glass. He could see they were freshly made.
"Were you guys drinking these?" he asked. As he moved the table closer to the wall.
The kids remained quiet and skeptical as he made his way around their furniture. With her auburn hair, hazel eyes and slender body you would never would've guessed that their mother, April, would have kids of their size. Watching these two children it was even less obvious as neither one of them had any resemblance to their mom.
Other than a few curls at the ends, Denise's hair was a straight light brown while her mother's hair was a deep set auburn and noticeably red. April's eyes were also an enticing brown while Denise's was more of a light hazel as though any attempt of one straight color failed and she was stuck with this as an end result. Denise also stood about a foot taller than her mother. While gaining access to information about the girl April had stated many times that she and her daughter did not get along, Michael could guess one reason being that the public appearance may have made them look more like sisters than a mother daughter duo. He still had to wonder the lack of telling him about the boy. Whose differences in appearance to his mother were just as much as the girls, you would've thought they were adopted.
When he first met their mother he was led to her unsure why until she had mentioned her daughter then it struck him. After about a week of hanging out he had convinced her to allow him a chance to get to know her family. April had no noticeable talents but the profound love and protection of her child seemed to be a gift in itself. Michael has traveled around the world and helped out a few families, and he has never ran into anyone who thought as highly of their children as April thought of Denise. He was sure there was some reason she didn't tell him about the boy he would have to remember to ask.
After he cleared out a large space, the girl spoke out. "How long is this supposed to take?"
"Not too long I should be out of your hair quickly." Once again focusing on the boy he asked. "So you're the man of the house?"
"Well, I am the only man here."
Denise chuckled obviously in delight to the remark.
Ignoring her he stated. "Really?! Well it's customary for the man of the house to at least provide a small introduction before a complete stranger starts moving shit around in his house."
He couldn't help but smile as they both fell silent.
Finally responding he said. "I'm John."
"Well, pleased to meet you John."
He greeted John quickly, taking his hand before the boy could give him a second thought. Instantly the world around him changed. The sight was spectacular. He saw John immersed in fire. The scenery was on a mountain and all around him was the sounds of music, loud forceful, angry music. In the brief description he recognized some of the beats as that of Trapt, Eminem and Metallica. There were many that were too muffled together for him to make out who the artist could be. John's small arms were extended away from his body and through the fire it looked as though he was looking up. Michael noticed above him was one menacing red eye, with an unnaturally dark shadow. Before he knew it the images disappeared as the boy pulled his hand back.
Making the most of the time he had, keeping his poker face, he turned his attention to Denise, hand extended.
"I may know your name but we have never had a proper introduction. I'm Michael."
"Denise." She replied warily.
Reluctantly she accepted his hand. Once again the flash took him to another realm. Her scenery was on a mountain top as well, with a snow filled landscape that was absolutely breath taking. Denise seemed to have a crystal shroud over her skin as white as the snow that fell around her. The girl appeared to be kneeling with her hands clasp together as though she were in the middle of a prayer. Interesting enough she was looking up as well. Above her was another eye, this one was not menacing, as was her brothers. It was blue, wide-eyed and looked alarmed. It in itself seemed out of place with the peaceful landscape. Before he could gain any more insight the scene abruptly ended with the sound of other children making their presence known.
Turning in the direction of the noise, two heads popped up from around the corner. Surprised and not expecting more he said. "Well, who do we have here?"
Walking over to the small girl he approached her where she stood curious and smiling.
"I'm Brianna, you can call me Brie or Beep. Everyone calls me B." She answered as she gestured for a hand shake.
In the child's features you could make out traces of her mom, besides her light golden hair she had one red streak that was the same color as her mom's. The coloring made a small triangle on top of the girl's head which gave the girl her own considerable uniqueness. Her eyes and nose resembled the same broad shape as her mom and her smile was just as generous. There was no mistaking she was a spitting image of April in younger form.
"She didn't mention this one either and the younger boy. O yea we need to talk."
Kneeling down he took the girls offer and shook her hand. "Brie." He said, "Delighted to meet you."
Unexpectedly he was transported to another make shift land. This time the surrounding landscape was a forest that rippled in and out of clarity as though it was almost transparent and nonexistent. Pink cherry blossoms littered the ground as more fell from the sky as though it were raining flowers. In the middle of the landscape was the small girl named Brianna holding a single pink rose close to her chest as if it were a precious gem. Twirling the flower in her tiny hand she smiled broadly as her eyes went from looking at the flower to meeting his gaze. She waved one last gesture of goodbye to him as he was instantly pulled back into reality.
Speechless at this new revelation Brianna broke the silence.
"It's ok. I like B more that Brie or Beep so call me B."
Saving him from the silence that consumed him, he smiled back in acknowledgement. "B, ok. I like B too." Turning to the smaller boy who patiently waited with a smile he continued. "And who do we have here?"
"I'm JC." Extending one tiny hand he finished. "You can call me J."
Anticipating yet another hidden ability he took the boys hand and shook it. Nothing could've prepared him for what awaited on the other side.
This child's world consisted of darkness, and an overwhelming fear gripped Michael as he allowed the images to unfold. There was no hints of a landscape that he could see. As if the only light that consisted emanated off the boy himself. In the distance he could see JC kneeling with one hand on the ground as if he were getting ready to sprint in a marathon. His look was fierce and intimidating as though he was focused on something in the distance beyond Michael and out of his line of sight. As though the child noticed the intrusion he redirected his gaze, and his face changed from focused and distant, to peering at Michael with rage.  In that instant the boy disappeared. Stunned by the ferocity, Michael released himself from the boys grip.
JC smiled innocently as though he was completely unaware, somehow though, Michael had the feeling that wasn't the case. The boy's short hair laid completely flat against his head, his blue/grey eyes and stout nose made him seem as ordinary as any kid. His ability, on the other hand, showed him to be incredibly powerful and very dangerous. If by chance he did have use of his gift at such an early age, then in the future there was no telling what he would be capable of. That thought sent chills down Michael's spine.
"Interesting." He thought.  He continued with his fake demo.
"More than likely I will be done before your mother gets home but I will leave you with a business card." Unwinding the cord he watched Denise and John as they sat together eyeing him with suspicion.
As though Brianna could feel the hostility the older ones reflected she said. "Well I don't mind watching." Her broad smile complimenting her pale face. Taking JC by the hand, she sat next to him on the sofa and patiently waited as though Michael was getting ready to perform a small play.
"Good." Acknowledging the small child he continued. "The point of this demonstration is so that your mother could see the difference in her carpet and consider my product because there's nothing like having a vacuum that also shampoos the carpet. Talk about a space saver."
Eyeing Denise, he began a quick vacuum over the carpet. Once finished, he grabbed the small tank from the front of the machine.
"Hey buddy." He turned his direction toward John who was having some quiet commentary with his sister, he felt it was time to break these two up. "Wanna take me to the kitchen, I need water to finish."
Reluctantly John led him. Trying to squeeze the opportunity, Michael said. "So I couldn't help but notice you're a big music buff huh."
"Well I like music who don't."
"Me too but I don't walk around with ear buds hanging out of my ears." Pouring water into his tank he continued. "From the park to here be honest have you taken a break from any of your music."
Looking up at him he said. "Well I like it, ya know, helps me think." The boy replied.
"Yea me too. I listen to a lot of different bands when I need to think." Opening his mind he connected with the boys and could see some of the images of different bands run at him. Recognizing some of the older artists he continued. "Yea, I am a huge fan of Elton John, Beach Boys, and I even like different sounds like Green Day and Good Charlotte." Utilizing what he saw earlier in the boys mind, he peered over as the boys expression lined with wide eyed excitement.
Turning off the water and drying his hands he finished. "I like things that aren't so repetitive ya know."
"I know right." He answered delightedly. "I can't stand that repetitive shit, it's like over and over the same thing."
Before John could continue Michael said. "See I had a feeling you were cool." He smiled and walked back down the hall.
Peaking the boy's interest was the best way he would be able to connect with him and build a relationship.
"First step success. That was easy."
Making his way back to his fake demo he looked back toward the older girl, her gaze pierced him as though they were daggers. Fortunately for him they weren't or she probably would've aimed the sharpest points for his head.
"Ugh… she's not so easy."
For the time being there wasn't a lot he could say to try and win the girl over, so for now he considered it a small victory with the boy.  Finishing up, he mainly focused on light idle conversation with John and the other two. He even managed to make the younger girl laugh a few times. When he was finished, he rolled up his cords and took all the personal belongings back out to his car. As he headed back up to the house, Denise waited to greet him by the door.
"Well you're done there's no reason for you to come back in."
"No worries." Michael said reaching in his pocket to grab his card. "Here ya go tell your mother to call me."
"Will do." She said.
As she was readying to close the door, he finished. "Thanks for the….uh…. cold shoulder?"
Watching her eyes widen was almost worth the girl's scrutiny the entire time he was in her presence. Michael walked away.
When he got back to his place he quickly put away the items used and reached for his cell phone, scrolling through the numbers. He quickly speed dialed April where she answered on the second ring.
"Hey." She said, sounding as high-spirited as ever.
"Well you were right."
She laughed freely into the phone. "Told ya."
"Yea she's a rough one."
"Giving up already?" she said contemptuously.
"What? No, are you kidding me? I do wish you would've told me you had four kids. I was a little off my game."
"Whatever." She laughed again. Michael loved her laugh, it was almost as if it carried its own harmony.  "In my defense sir, you never asked." She finished.
"Well madam you still should have informed me at least about your son, the results may have been more in my favor."
"Awe…. did someone get knocked off their high horse?"
"Yea well, next time."
"OOO you have me intrigued what's your next plan of action?"
"Hmmm….." he said, thinking about the boy he made his way to the room where the child had mainly resided. "Guess we will see won't we?"
The boy sat at the far end of the bed looking toward the corner of the room. Michael wasn't sure how long he had been in that position but didn't necessarily expect anything else.
"Well sir just keep in mind any tricking of my kiddies you have to get my approval first."
Laughing he finished. "I know… I know…. Geez woman give me some credit."
"Hey you're the one who decided to stalk my kids here."
"Whateves." He laughed. "Ok I have some things to finish here, so let me know the final result when you get home."
"Will do sir."
He hung up. Making his way back into the kitchen, he was confused. How can a woman with utterly no ability give birth to four children who obviously had some incredible talents? It didn't make sense.
Taking a notebook and pen from the kitchen drawer, he sat at the table and began jotting what he remembered.
Denise…. Age 18... snow falling…. Possibly cold…. ground white... white shield over girl's skin...alarmed eye above girl...…praying.... Thinking hard he tried to put the clues together and continued. .....snow---ice----cold---.
Mainly his mind surrounded around one word. ….ICE!!
Continuing he wrote...John.... Age 14 or 15...… consumed in flames..... Menacing evil eye above boy...possible evil...…. Anger...…music....loud music…… Focusing himself on what he wrote once again only one word stuck out....FIRE!!
Thinking he may have a clue to these children's abilities he continued onto the other two younger siblings.
Brianna…age 10 maybe 12? .....Forest… nothing too known visually...…..somewhat transparent scenery.....she seemed knowledgeable..... With one last mark he finished. ...she knew I was there….How...?
Moving on to the last one. ...JC....age 6 …7… 8... Who knows...gripping fear...darkness.....powerful....his closing thought on the child said it all. ....Too young to possess that much power….what type of power…. Unsure…...definitely dangerous...
With the smaller two nothing of what he wrote struck him as it had done with Denise and John. He was sure Denise had some ice ability as her brother was fire. What did the music have to do with it? Maybe the music helped him harness it? What did the eyes mean?  Guess only time would tell.
As the day drew to a close there was still more for him to do. Heading into his room he carefully peaked in on the child who now laid slumbering in the spot where he had previously been focusing on the wall.
"Guess he got bored with the wall."
Sneaking inside he carefully opened the drawer to one of the oak dressers he kept for the miscellaneous items he sometimes was inclined to purchase for whatever reasons that were not made clear to him at the point of sale. In this batch of random things he had purchased a wallet he hadn't felt the need to use, a mini flashlight, lighter fluid, an MP3 player as well as a tranquilizer shot from an old vet assistant that was meant to sedate a horse. There were a few other items in the second oak dresser but in this one he found what he needed grabbing the cased MP3 player. Returning the drawer to its original position he carefully snuck out of the room. Taking one last glance back he closed the door.
Passing back through the kitchen he checked his modem to make sure it received a signal. Because of his lack of use on the internet, it could've been disconnected and he wouldn't have been none the wiser until he checked it for usage. Though today he was lucky, the box remained intact so there was no need for him to wait for the long draught out booting process.
Placing the MP3 player on the table, he took out his laptop he kept hidden for superficial reasons, and started the small device. Glancing through the manual to the music player he waited patiently for his laptop to load. In the process of so many things happening today this would probably be the easiest job he has had in a while. Knowingly, once the cards were laid out, he knew things would once again become more complicated than they are now. So easy was a nice change of pace.

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