Chapter Twenty One

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Denise had no idea what had happened in the room, but she could see something was on Michaels mind, seemingly anxious and excited, his demeanor had changed. Looking towards her brother for answers she watched as the boy smiled and acted as though nothing had happened. He was better at playing it off obviously but she knew she missed something, but what?
Breaking her trance her mom called out as she left the room. "Can someone get the garlic bread from the oven, I have something for us adults, I keep stashed in my room."
Making her way back for a brief moment she looked towards Michael. "What's your poison red or white?"
"Well let's see what kind you have." He went off following her mother.
Feeling the perfect opportunity Denise made her way to her brother as he finished setting out the cutlery.
"So little brother what the fuck happened?"
Looking up, he asked. "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean, in the room with Beep?"
"Didn't mom say to get the garlic bread?" He smiled.
"So get it then, dick."
Smiling slyly John made his way to the oven. "Denise doesn't it suck when someone knows more shit than you?"
"Shut the fuck up John, you're retarded. Seriously though what happened?"
Hearing Michael and her mom make their way back down the hall she silenced herself.
"Oh looks like your gonna have to wait." John chuckled opening the oven and pulling out the bread.
"John you're retarded." Denise screamed making her way to her brother quickly grabbing the oven mitt, and taking the hot pan from his hands. "Way to keep your gift on the down low, doucheturd."
"Oh shit." John laughed. "I got distracted."
Placing the hot pan on the oven she could feel the heat sear her fingers even through the mitts fire resistance.
"Johnny." Her mom said behind them as she placed two bottles of wine on the table. "Get the kids."
Denise made her way to her seat. Michael continued by grabbing the serving dishes and placing them in the middle of the table. The kids quickly rushed out taking their seats, with Brianna placing JC to one side and the other child on the other side of her.
"I want to sit next to Graham." JC exclaimed.
"Graham?" Denise thought. "I knew I missed something. Goddammit!!"
"You know you cant." Brianna replied. "We can't risk you touching him."
"I won't." The boy said in his defense. "I just want to sit next to him."
"J please." Brianna stated. "Not here."
Sounding as though she was his mom, JC quickly receded folding his arms and slumping back in his chair. "Not fair."
"You already know why." Brianna said as she grabbed his plate and proceeded to assemble his dinner.
Denise stared at her mother awaiting her reaction.
Turning her attention to Michael she said. "You have to forgive Brianna. She gets a little greedy with new toys." She smiled at Denise and continued to prepare her food.
Using the tongs Denise grabbed some noodles, followed by a small hint of sauce and two pieces of garlic bread. She watched as Michael made his plate, and John his, with no one questioning the weird exchange of words between the younger siblings.
"What the fuck did I miss?" She thought.
She had a feeling there was no questioning because John and Michael already knew. Hence John's cocky smile. Turning her attention to her dinner she all of the sudden lost her appetite, picking at her food she watched as John and Michael conversed freely with her mom and everyone joined in the conversations.
Sliding the noodles around on her plate, she kept more to herself until a faint whisper made its way through the air and into her ears. As though he was whispering right next to her and not sitting across the table. Michael.
"You know to keep things looking normal, you need to get more involved, didn't I tell you I would explain later?"
Looking up she made eye contact with him briefly before he turned away and smiled.
"Do you trust me?"
He looked up at her as she nodded in response.
"Then trust I won't leave you in the dark ok."
Feeling better Denise's appetite resumed and she hurried through her food, and even managed to make snide comments and make herself more attentive to the conversations.
After dinner she made herself available for cleanup and awaited a time for a more private conversation with Michael.
Michael could see Denise's impatience grow with each passing hour. Seizing his opportunity he decided to help Denise with the clean up before taking the boy and heading out.
"Are you sure, really it's my mess I can help." April insisted.
"No its ok you're the chef you should never have to clean your own mess, besides, with your oldest daughters help, we will be done in no time."
"Alright then how about I find a movie?"
"Actually Graham and I are going to have to head out pretty soon."
"You know you can always stay the night."
Michael smiled.
"I mean I have a couch and there's extra room in the boys room for your small companion."
"Umm… I will think about it."
"Alright I will see what extra blankets I have."
Heading back into the kitchen Denise already had clean up detail in hand. He knew this would be the only opportunity he would have at the moment to fill her in.
"Fuck, took you long enough." She said as she continued wiping down counters.
"Well sorry I can't just blow your mom off."
"You care to tell me what the fuck happened at dinner, and what's with the name change on your boy?"
"No not a name change that's his name."
"Graham? How did you figure that out?"
"Not me." Michael smiled at her.
Heading to the table Denise picked up what was left of the dinner and mixed them together handing the empty dishes to Michael. "Here can you rinse these?"
Not missing a beat she continued to clean off the table. "So if not you then who?"
Heading to the sink Michael turned on the water and explained. "Well I think I have figured out your sister's gift. I mean she's not exactly shy in acknowledging it."
Stopping herself Denise looked up at him in confusion. "Wait Beep? Beep told you his name?"
"Yea she made the statement that she can talk to him in time."
Before he could continue she cut him off, asking. "What the fuck does that mean exactly?"
"Honestly I don't know that, but I believe your sister has some ability that has something to do with time. Like time itself, I'm not sure what though."
Putting the pieces together Denise said. "So Brianna can talk to him, she found out his name, what about where he's from or who he belongs too? Did she find out anything about that?"
"Not exactly, actually she made a comment about his age. She said a few concerning things like he is 6 and 18 and, he is technically nonexistent, which I got the feeling of that myself when I first picked him up."
Placing the dishes he cleaned in the dish washer he continued. "Before I headed to your house that first day, I actually ran into someone who looked to be about the age Graham said, he was the 18 part."
Handing Michael the rag, Denise asked. "And?"
Rinsing it off, he continued. "Well the kid looked a lot like this kid here except older. I think that's his 18 year old self."
"OK so what's with nonexistent?"
"Well." Michael said as he folded the rags and placed them neatly to the side of the sink. "I believe the 6 year old him is nonexistent, but I don't know quite what it means yet except, somehow this kid is in two halves."
"How is that fucking possible?"
"I don't know yet. But I know in time I will understand. Your sister said as well I have two months to figure it out."
"What happens in two months?"
"Well she said in two months is when he actually turns 18, so what happens, honestly I don't know. Something though when he becomes of age."
Before Michael could continue April headed into the kitchen. "Looks good guys. Wow it's not often I get the night off from dishes."
Making his way past her he said. "Well hopefully this won't be the only time. But unfortunately, I thought about it, and I have to go."
"Really? That sucks I just got out the extra blankets for you to use. Thought we could sit for a movie."
"I will take a reign check promise, but I do have things I have to get done."
"Yea like what?" she asked.
Smiling in Denise's direction he lied. "I have to feed my gold fish at home. They get finicky if I ignore their health care needs."
"Liar." She chuckled. "Whatever. So you going to stop by tomorrow then? It's nice to see someone my kids actually approve of."
Thinking about it he stated. "Sure. Maybe we can have movie night tomorrow."
"Sounds good then."
"See ya later Denise." He said, acknowledging him, she waved.
Making his way back into Brianna's room where he knew he would find his nonexistent friend he opened the door quietly.
Brianna and JC had resumed coloring while Graham quietly watched.
"He's tired, you know he's ready to get some rest." Brianna looked up from her drawing. "Time has a tendency to do that to you."
Picking the child up as he stayed motionless, Michael asked. "So what do you mean? You know talking to him in time, and all?" Pausing he couldn't find the right words for the question he was trying to ask.
Somehow Brianna knew. "Well time is the keeper of all things here and there. It connects all areas of the world. Through time you can do anything. When I take him through time I can connect him with his original self and he can borrow his own vocal cords and explain to me his personal situation."
Trying to process her words he asked. "So are you speaking like parallel universe type thing or…."
"No, silly Beast man what does everything have in common with everything else?"
"No idea at this point." He stated.
"Time. Everything is a victim of time. Nothing escapes time.  So through time I can connect the dots because I can utilize everything that is hindered by time itself."
"Which is everything?"
"Yea, time has no limits, and time never stops."
Still not understanding but realizing he was out of time to talk about it, Michael finished with one more question. "That's pretty incredible. How did you learn of this ability you have?"
"Actually I have always had it. Time to me comes as natural as walking does for you. It's always right there. I also was blessed to have a time keeper."
Peering at her, he said. "You have so much explaining to do."
Brianna giggled and stated. "I will in…"
Before she could finish Michael cut her off. "I know, in time right?"
She smiled broadly as JC continued to color not even acknowledging the conversation at hand. As though the boy was accustomed to his sister's unique gift. He had a feeling that was more or so the case.
"Interesting." He thought.
Making his way to the door he finished his good byes and headed placidly to his car. Placing the boy in the seat next to him he quickly buckled his belt and headed for the short drive back to his temporary residence.

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