Chapter Eleven

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What a day! John thought.
Eating his dinner in his room he sat at the end of his bed and scrolled through his music on his phone trying to put the events from earlier far from his mind. Swallowing his last bite he tapped the touch screen, sat back, and closed his eyes. Allowing the sound of Meat Loaf's "No Matter What" to serenade him into a more relaxed state of mind.
Denise. What was she thinking? What if mom walked in, or Brianna and J? Seriously all it takes is one mistake.
The more he tried not to think of everything the more the events washed over him like a tidal wave. Glancing at his phone he changed the music into a more upbeat sound. Laying back he tried again to relax. Anything that was left lingering today could be discussed and dealt with tomorrow.
He couldn't help but be curious about Denise's abilities or whatever they were. Something strange was happening to her just as his own gift was coming into light. Did that mean something? Well there was nothing that could be done tonight no need to stress about it.
As he coaxed himself to believe that, his body became limper.
That's better.
Closing his eyes to the angry sound of "Uprising" playing furiously in his ears.
Normally he didn't sleep with his head phones on only the music playing through the small speakers provided by the phone. Tonight though, he wanted the music to wash over him. He didn't care to hear anything but the sound of a concert screaming him to sleep. Denise would wake him she always found a way.
As the abyss washed over him, every sense in his body began to tingle. He could smell food, not the empty plate he left for morning, instead he could smell hamburgers. It didn't stop with smell, he could hear chattering as well and girls laughing. Followed by footsteps on pavement. Opening his eyes he was readying to cross a street. As he started to proceed forward he stopped and jerked around. Closing his eyes in this dream like world, Johnny could hear "The Thong Song" in the back ground of his mind as well as the sound of beeps from a crosswalk. Again opening his eyes he was still standing at the intersection. He turned his head to the right noticing a street sign. "Academy Boulevard." He then looked to the left where he could see some police vehicles and some sort of commotion at a gas station right across the street from him.
With the light signaling for traffic to stop so that pedestrians can pass, he made his way across the street and over towards the commotion. Talking to the officer at the scene he made out every detail of the conversation as if it was his own. He felt like he was just watching some three dimensional movie that he couldn't shut off. The conversation was brief and only lasted a few minutes, then whoever was in control headed back to his car. As he got behind the wheel of his car he spoke into the air as if his intention was to speak directly to John.
"I know you're there, I don't know who you are. The girl from earlier perhaps? Someone different? It doesn't matter really I will find you. When I do, there are things I can make you do worse than what this cop will perform. Soon maybe."
Snapping back into his own reality, John sat straight up sweating. As Elton John started in on "I'm Still Standing," he quickly turned off his music and pulled the headphones out. Jumping up he headed down the hall and into Denise's room. Swinging the door open violently, he must've startled his sister as she quickly turned in his direction and yelled back at him.
"What the hell John!" Clutching her chest as though she were going to have a heart attack. She watched him scornfully.
Losing every sense in his tongue, he couldn't speak. He wanted to shout out and let his sister know he had just experienced the older him she was talking about. He wanted to tell her he saw a street sign, police and he was transported into this wild man's mind while he was telling a cop to randomly shoot people and commit suicide. He wanted to also tell her how the cop was going to comply like he had no free will. He wanted to tell her all these things, instead, maybe it was the scolding look in her eyes or the fact that she looked like she was ready to freeze him where he stood if that were even possible, he blurted out the only thing that he could hold onto in his mind.
"Academy Boulevard."

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