Chapter Twenty Two

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As evening found its way across the state, Alex pulled into a motel, checked in with some of the cash he pulled out earlier, and, with a few personal belongings settled into the small room for the night. Because he left early he was able to drive straight through Wyoming and make it to the junction for route 84. Tonight he would dream of Alice, tomorrow he would drive straight through to Portland, Oregon. 84 would be the route he used for the entire drive so this seemed reasonable.
Taking out a fresh change of clothes he proceeded to take a shower. He would change tonight, and be ready for the open road tomorrow. Keeping Alice as the cornerstone for his mind he quickly made his way through his nightly ritual. Yes he was a killer but it didn't mean he didn't have a responsibility to be a clean killer.
After finishing his regimen, before bed, Alex rested his head on his pillow allowing Alice to consume his mind. Tracing back to the last day he had with his beloved. The day that started his new found adventure.
He had taken Alice out to dinner after spending a wonderful day at the park. She was the only person he shared a connection with. Alex has always felt different. Thinking of her beauty he could still smell the fresh shampoo in her golden hair as it shimmered in the wind. Her blue eyes were radiant, and her generous smile only complemented every line on her face. Alice was a masterpiece of beauty. He didn't understand as much then as he does now, but now he can see she was a threat. A threat to humanity as all those with gifts are.
Once again retracing back he resumed his memory as though it happened merely yesterday. The day had been perfect and that night was the first time he entered her. They made love and it was perfect. He could still feel time ripple around her as he caressed her inside and out. Mike had once told him when you are with the one you love, time stood still and only that moment mattered. At first he thought that was what had happened. He was a fool.
After reaching his peak and pleasuring her, he went to the kitchen to get some water for her, as she laid on her side in a dream like state. Her eyes still showering him with affection. Making his way into the kitchen he glanced beyond the window and that's when he noticed.
The first thing he remembered seeing was a red mini cooper, in the middle of the street…. Motionless. Ignoring the first sign of danger Alex made his way to the sink turning on the water. The pipes squealed and nothing came out as though the water had run dry. Heading to the refrigerator, he opened it to notice there was no buzzing coming from the machine and all the liquids were in a frozen like state. Picking up the container of milk, he shook the container but the contents did not slosh around, it remained still. Popping off the top, he tipped it upside down but the milk remained as if the container remained right side up. Alex's heart started racing. Putting the lid on the container he placed it back in the fridge and gently squeezed the container. The milk was soft, with each squeeze the container conformed to his hands and fell back to its original place. Closing the fridge he headed to the front door and opened it.
The red mini cooper was in the same spot. The air felt chilled but unmoving. Glancing in the car he noticed a motionless figure behind the wheel. Walking closer to the car he saw a woman who was stopped in mid-sentence on a cell phone looking at something in the distance that was elusive to his eyes. Perhaps the road ahead. Looking around he listened for a brief moment to his surrounding areas, but no sound emitted. No dog barking, no wind blowing, there was nothing to even show that the world around him was alive.
Alarmed he ran back into the house and made his way back to the bedroom, his heart racing as though it was ready to jump from his chest. Alice still lay on her side as motionless as the woman in the mini cooper. Scared that she may be lost in this void forever, he reached to touch her. That's when she turned to face him, smiling, completely unaware of the events that had transpired.
"Hey thought you were getting us something to drink?' she said. "I'm literally parched."
Confused he made his way back toward the door, turning around in her direction, he noticed her animation had stopped once again. She was looking at him as though she were looking through him.
"Alice?" he said, confusingly.
With no response she lay there motionless one arm slightly raised as when she first questioned him about the drink, looking through him as though he were transparent.
Making his way back down the hall he headed out the door and back to the mini cooper. Opening the door to the car he hesitated before touching the woman stuck in time on the phone. He half expected her animation to resume as well screaming at him for touching her, confused and angry. Nothing happened. The woman remained frozen, silent. Unsure why, he expected this result.
Making his way back inside he went into the bedroom.  Heading toward Alice, and, once again, when he was close enough she resumed animation.
"What are you doing, where's the drink?" she smiled.
Trying to process his confusion he repeated the same steps backing away allowing her face to pause with the last look she gave him. With clarity emerging from every corner of his being, Alex put the events together.
He noticed when he came close to Alice she resumed animation, yet, when he came close to the woman in the mini cooper she remained frozen in time. Alice... Time. There was something more there than he could imagine, unsure what, he knew it was dangerous, and somehow Alice knew. She had to know, there was no other explanation.
His anger grew. All the time they had spent together and she said nothing. With something so extraordinary and powerful, yet she remained silent. Then he realized and the blood grew cold as ice in his veins. The anger consumed him. Somehow she was the connection, the power that was awoken in him would not have been, had she not been here. Somehow this is her fault. Allowing his rage to take over he sat beside her on the bed as she resumed animation once again.
Watching him oblivious she said. "Are you ever going to get me a drink, seriously I am so thirsty." Leaning back on the bed she finished. "Guess I will just dehydrate right her." Slumping over she peered at him through half closed eyelids. "Really?"
He watched hesitantly. Finally ready to make his move, he said. "Well, I would get you some water but funny thing really."
Smiling and playing into his calm demeanor she asked. "Oh yeah what's that?"
"You see I went to get you some water but when I turned on the faucet nothing came out. So I decided ok let's get beautiful Alice some milk, but as I opened the fridge the milk seemed frozen. Though it wasn't, was it?"
Confused she stared at him blankly. Before she could get up Alex seized her by the arm and continued. "Oh you wouldn't have noticed I left the room would you have? Considering every time I moved away, you were frozen like a statue and everything outside as well. Why is that? Why can I all of the sudden do this… tell me Alice what is this?"
From the look in her eyes he could see she was keeping something from him and now she knew, that he knew. The look of fear highlighted her face. Alex would not let go.
No longer speaking softly he spit out his words at her. "What the fuck is this Alice what did you do to me?"
With tears welling up in her eyes she grabbed his hand and tried to wretch herself free. "Alex you're hurting me, please let go."
"I'm hurting you and you're keeping shit from me. Makes me think I would've never had this problem had you not entered into my bed. Is that it? Is that the case Alice?"
Alex began shaking her violently the feeling of the power overwhelmed him as Alice let out a small squeal of pain. That excited him. At that moment he felt it. He knew what he must do. Reaching for her throat he grabbed it firmly and the excitement rushed over him as the intensity grew stronger.
"Alice, I will give you one more chance before I kill you, what did you do to me?"
Squeezing tighter he could feel her gasping for air and the thrill was exhilarating. Then in one instant as the color drained from her face, Alice's body became transparent. Refusing to let go he watched in awe. Taking his other hand he placed it on the other side of her throat in hopes of stopping whatever transformation was taking place. As he leaned his body over hers, Alice disappeared.
Unsure of how to fix the events of time frozen, Alex quickly headed out of his room and down the hallway. Although through the window he could see that whatever she had cause to awaken in him had ceased. Time resumed its flow. The mini cooper was no longer there while another car awaited the permission of the stop sign. It was as though nothing had happened.
He knew it. It was Alice.
Resuming the confines of the small room, Alex opened his eyes. Living with this ability since it transpired in him he learned to accept it, and, as he did more abilities opened up to him. He learned through the months Alice was subliminally aware, because of her own awareness she woke his subconscious mind into the realm of where hers awaited. He could believe that from the time of the hospital his mind started opening, and that could've been the case, but without the super charge from Alice none of this would've been possible, that was something he was sure of. His destiny awaited him, from the time he met her it became clear he was supposed to destroy her and others like her. He was gods soldier, people like this could not exist it raises too many questions on humanity itself. No one should have the power of god but god himself. Humanity has a tendency to misuse what god gives them. If these people were allowed to survive all of humankind would fall victim to one atrocity after another at the hands of greedy people working for the power from within them. They must be destroyed. Alex was sure not to abuse his ability, after all what kind of messenger of god would he be if he didn't first practice the art of restraint? With his power to contort time that was one he never played in, always keeping it to the side, that was his just in case he ever needed it.
Taking a deep breath he was relaxed. Thinking of Alice always put a sense of tranquility over him, and with that he allowed himself to fall into a deep sleep. For now he would have no need of his forbidden ability of time, though this case, with multiple players, he may actually have to pull out all the stops. Only time would tell.

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