Chapter Ten

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Alex pulled his car into the back area of the Toys R Us parking lot. Stepping out of his vehicle he took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. Something called him here. Unsure of what, he took a look around. A woman was laughing and carrying on next to a black Ford Expedition. The child in her arms was no more than two years old, pressed against her hip while she held him up. They were in the middle of the parking lot parked closer to the intended store. A man, previously unnoticed, came around the back of the SUV, taking the child from the woman as she opened her door. He went on to strap the small toddler in the back as they prepared for departure. Watching them for a while longer, he seen nothing they did as something that would have interested him.
Moving on he noticed four teenage girls talking mindless chatter to one another while laughing and sucking on drinks they must've obtained from inside the mall. No static in their voice or buzzing in his ears, nothing to concern him. He watched as other people exited the store quickly as the doors were getting ready to close. No static or buzz from them either. Just normal people going on with their everyday lives.
He was the only person who pulled in while everyone else was leaving. Still looking for something to catch his eye he continued to scan the area. To the far left of him two men walked past laughing and teasing about a fat girl they saw inside. He made out every word. They proceeded to get into a red Acura and drive off. When he was getting ready to continue his search, that's when he noticed it.
Across the lot, on the corner, red and blue flashing lights lit up the darkening sky. Closing his door he set his alarm and headed towards the commotion. There was something over there. Uncertain of what just yet he casually walked in that direction.
As he got closer he could see the corner gas station blocked off with yellow tape. Two K-9 units and four regular size squad cars were surrounding the store, lights blazing.
Possible robbery.
He wasn't sure. Still that wouldn't make him feel the need to drive out here. By blind societies standards he has done things worse than a mere robbery. As he reached the corner he observed as traffic slowed, while the nosy drivers tried to get the goods, when, in all actuality they were more of a hindrance than anything.
A young male officer came from behind one of the squad cars waving his hand as to urge circulation to move forward. On the first glance Alex new he found what he was looking for.
The officer was about 6'0, with his black hair slicked back, and his muscular build he looked more like a pro athlete than a cop. He was definitely in better shape than Alex. There was something about him that was wrong.
Heading toward the stoplight he pressed the button to cross. As the light changed, and just before he could step into the intersection, he felt a hand press firmly on the back of his head. Turning around quickly he looked in both directions, nothing. The feeling ceased. The cross walk started its serenade of warnings that urged the crossers to hurry to the other side. He decided he would wait until the next light. Pressing the button yet again, he felt the hand return. Less alarmed and more curious as to who or what might be causing this distraction, he turned his head toward the right facing the street sign and then swiftly to the left toward the parked squad cars. This time the hand didn't falter but kept with his movements as though god himself had placed one almighty hand on his head to alleviate a headache he didn't currently have. He was pretty sure this wasn't god.
Continuing with his plans he crossed when the light changed. As he approached the corner, the cop was still waving one hand to traffic but to no avail. People were still slowing and when one moved forward another would approach the corner at a reduced speed to see if they could catch a glimpse of the commotion as though they had nothing better to do but to watch whatever tragedy might have unfolded. People are morbid. It made Alex sick. Look at them all, how irritating.
"Excuse me officer." He said politely.
No matter what type of person society would label him as, paranoid, obsessed, serial killer, lunatic, or however many names they come up with, one thing they would have to agree on, if ever he were caught, he had manners.
The cop watched him curiously. Keeping his composure he spoke in his professional tone. "Sir this is an official crime scene investigation I need you to keep your distance."
Though they didn't have a lot of a vocabulary exchange his voice rumbled with the static and buzz that were menacing to Alex's ears. BINGO!
Taking a glimpse at his name tag the last name read "Rill." By his monotone he could see that officer Rill was strictly by the book. Which meant Alex trying to be polite to find the information he needed wasn't going to work. No worries. Among his unique gifts one he discovered that happened to be one of his favorites was his "Power of Persuasion." By using the subliminal part of his mind he can manipulate a subject's brain and implant subliminal thoughts and directions. He also gains a certain amount of control as long as Alex's subliminal mind is stronger than his subjects. The up side to this procedure is everyone can fall victim and they will carry out whatever orders he gives them, because without control of their own subconscious brain it becomes more of a necessity to perform or complete whatever actions he gives. The down side is people who are open minded like he is are less likely to fall victim because they started the process of opening their own subliminal mind. So in trying to control them he risks looking crazy if, by chance, they see his true intentions. That doesn't happen often but it has happened.
Now, as he sized up officer Rill, he readied his mind to intrude on the young cop. Another good thing about this gift was when he knowingly tried to intrude on one whose mind is open, he gains a certain amount of knowledge as to exactly how much of their gifts they can use. If they do fall victim to his persuasions, then they are still in the beginning stages and are not yet understanding their talents. If they don't, then they are more in control of their subconscious mind and he runs a greater risk of exposing himself.
Concentrating on the space between the eyes and right at the bridge of the nose Alex envisioned gently pushing on the officer's forehead as if it were a marshmallow. "Actually I am not going to step away from anything. You are going to listen to my every word and do exactly as I say. Now, what's your first name Officer?"
Alex waited patiently, this moment would reveal the moment of truth. The officer watched him attentively. After a long pause he answered. "Brian."
Excellent, he had him. That means this officer is a new found talent and had not yet developed his skill.
Smiling he said. "Pleased to meet you Brian. Our encounter will be brief I assure you and before I get into what information I need why don't you tell me what happened here." He relaxed his shoulders and gave the officer his attention.
Listening to the young officer's story it seemed as though someone had called a bomb threat into the local gas station. Because there was a brief case in the bathroom they had to call in the bomb sniffing dogs. Everything was a hoax of course but they were still there making sure to wrap up and get all the information they need for their reports.
The officer ended with. "It can be a tedious process."
With the hand still holding firmly to the back of Alex's head he continued to ignore it and answered. "I can imagine." Brushing one hand behind his head as though he were trying to swat a fly he continued to press the cop. "So what happened to you?"
"Excuse me?" The cop looked at him puzzled.
With the hand forcefully intruding on the stem of his brain his impatience grew with each passing minute. "Ok you've noticed some gift, something unusual with you personally, something with your body perhaps, or maybe something you noticed you can perform, a unique feat of some sort."
"Yea, come to think about it, something strange happened about a week ago, but how'd you know about that?"
"Don't worry about how I know anything. I ask the questions and you answer them, understand?"
"Understood." The officer said, compliantly.
As if he were reciting his police report he started. "Officer Hart and I were called to a domestic dispute, when we arrived on the scene a fight had already broke out between two males. As I approached the men a third individual came up from behind and hit me in the head with a bat."
Continuing he said. "I heard my partner yell "look out!" I didn't have enough reaction time so before I knew it I was on the ground. The worst of it was that the bat had been modified. Three nails protruded out of the top of the bat and two of them landed deep in my skull."
Pulling his hair back he showed Alex the area where the bat made impact. With no visible scarring Alex had an idea where this was leading.
"Surprisingly I didn't get knocked out I guess it was the adrenaline rush. When I turned around officer Hart already apprehended the perp and had her on the ground. Apparently she wasn't aiming for me. They were all high on drugs."
"Interesting." Alex said, ushering him to get to the final conclusion.
"Well the ambulance arrived about fifteen or so minutes later, and, pulling the bat from the side of my head, there was no blood. Actually the wound was almost superficial. Of course I had to go to the hospital and follow up which I did, but by the time we had arrived the wound completely healed not even a mark was left. The doctor was at a loss but they sent me home with some Tylenol that I have yet to take. Just another day in the life of a police officer."  Standing proud as if he were receiving a medal of honor he finished. "To protect and serve, well, there's bound to be some risks."
His ability to sum it up. Cell regeneration. He was a healer. Talents like this were rare and impressive, if he allowed this man to live he could probably excel to the point of complete cell regeneration and mainly become immortal. That would throw off the balance and order of life this would not do. He must be destroyed.
"Well officer that was an interesting story to say the least. Thank you for sharing it with me."
"No problem. Why did you want to know?"
"What did I tell you about asking questions?"
As though he forgot, the cop looked down at his feet. Alex smiled broadly at the power he possessed over the young man.
"I will go ahead and tell you. You see I was curious to know the circumstance surrounding your gift. Because you sir do have a gift as have I. You see your gift seems to be healing and my gift…. Well…. Mine led me to you."
The officer watched Alex intently as though only some understanding was received. Alex didn't care this would be the last thing the officer heard.
"You see somehow your mind awoke a talent that lies deep inside every human but most people live their lives and don't worry about what they can do. They are just happy with the mere emptiness of their existence going about paying their bills and just living with no purpose, but to make more losers, to live their life and continue on and on with society. You see Brian, you and I, we are different, we awoke our gift, yours being healing and mine the ability to find you, gain control of you and ultimately destroy you."
With his last sentence the young officer reached down to the holster of his gun.
Quickly pressing harder on officer Rills brain Alex patiently continued. "Now don't go trying anything foolish not yet at least. Trust me I don't plan on touching you, you will do everything yourself. Now place your hand back at your side and look at the traffic. Tell me what you see."
Relaxing his hand at his side the officer turned toward the oncoming traffic that were slowing before turning the corner. Speaking in a melancholy voice as though he understood his final outcome he said. "I see curious people looking to see what happened."
"Be more specific." Alex smiled.
"Well, women, it looks like maybe getting off work." Scanning further he continued. "Families, maybe heading home, every one of them slowing down looking. Babies in the back seat. Chattering."
"Better. Good for you Brian you have the power of observation. But you know what I see?"
The officer once again turned his attention to Alex.
"I see nothing but a bunch of nosy assholes who need to learn to mind their own business, and what are they showing to their off spring, nothing but how to be a nosy asshole. All they are doing is contributing to the problem and teaching their children to contribute to the problem. All this does is cause hindrances, they turn and gawk at accidents on freeways. They slow down and next thing you know they get rear ended because they were going too damn slow. And then the crowd comes to see the accident from the accident. A bunch of dead end people with dead end lives and nothing better to do but look at the one thing that may distract them from the facts that stare them straight in the face every day. You know what that fact is Brian?"
The officer just stared at him with no expression.
"The fact is their lives have no meaning they are pointless. They have no reason to be here. Their existence is nothing. It wouldn't matter if they were here or not. And now Brian we have the rare opportunity to show them that. Your sacrifice today will show them how pointless they really are. It will also teach them that this tragedy is what happens when you stop and stare."
The officer's face went pale as he asked. "What tragedy?"
"Well." Alex smiled at the look of helplessness that overcame the young officer. "The one you're going to cause sir. You see." He put one hand on the cops shoulder. "I want you to casually walk up to the gawking pedestrians all sitting innocently and unknowing in their vehicles, and as they pass by I want you to put one bullet in their brain. Passengers, drivers, back seat kiddies, I don't care, all of them. Start taking them out. And when your little cop buddies try stopping you, you are going to put one bullet in your brain, besides that's the only way to make sure you don't regenerate. Understood?"
As though he were just a shell of the former officer, and now only replaced by a machine he compliantly started undoing his holster.
Quickly stopping the young cop's arm Alex continued. "Wait until I leave.  You have to, at least, give me a good five minute head start then…. fire away."
Quickly turning from the officer he continued his decent back to the other side of the street, with the hand of hindrance still latched onto the back side of his skull. Unlike most of civilization he didn't have to sit there and watch the events unfold, and he knew that the officer would comply, he didn't have to be there. It didn't matter what society thought of him he knew that violence was just an unfortunate necessity but a necessity nonetheless.
Understanding more of what was happening with the hand on his head he quickly got back behind his wheel and began speaking aloud.
"I know you're there, I don't know who you are. The girl from earlier perhaps? Someone different? It doesn't matter really, I will find you. When I do, there are things I can make you do worse than what this cop will perform. Soon maybe."
As he started the engine, the hand quickly disappeared. Smiling Alex pulled out and headed home.

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