Chapter Thirty Seven

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After the long drive, Michael pulled up to the house. He wasn't sure if the boy was home, considering it was after school and he may have other activities to bide his time. Sitting in the car for a moment, he thought about how best to proceed. Considering the older Graham had no recollection of what happened, this may not be easy. He allowed his mind to wander on a few of the scenarios as well as their outcome.
First he could approach the house and explain to him he was not whole and there was a six year old version of him in his car. Telling him he should come with him and meet his younger self. End result the boy screams "Chimo" and slams the door in his face.
Second scenario, he could go up to the door, acting as though his car broke down and he needed to use a phone, have him keep an eye on his younger self, and when he gets close push the younger one into the older one. End result, in this day and age no one has land lines and Michael's assumption is based on an old couple possibly residing there. Today even old people have cell phones, so he would just slam the door in his face or hand him his own personal cell phone not exiting the house enough to make contact.
"Nope." He thought. "This is frustrating."
Third scenario. He could scream Graham at the top of his lungs and in pure blind confusion, he opens the door. Michael could then proceed, carrying the small child in his arms, to throw him at the older boy screaming "catch." End result he would have no choice.
Looking toward the child he spoke his mind. "I can't do that though can I?"
Confused the boy stared at him. Unbuckling his belt he finished. "Let's just get this over with and see where it gets us ok?"
Complying the boy unbuckled, headed out of the car, and waited for Michael to be at his side. When he approached, the child held out one tiny hand. Taking it Michael headed up to the front door. When he knocked, he was caught off guard, as an older lady answered.
"Can I help you?" she asked with a deep Ukrainian accent.
"Um…yeah…There's a boy staying here….I'm assuming maybe your grandson….Graham?"
Perking up a smile broadened her face. "Oh you're here for Graham… not mine… no…no…very sweet…he had troubles…needed someone…..I take him in….good boy…so very good."
"That's awesome….so can I see him please?"
"Yes…yes…I go get him."
Heading inside she yelled for him and made her way back to the front door.
"Please come in…" she stated. Michael politely declined. She continued. "I'm Ani." Lighting up once again she noticed the smaller version of Graham hiding behind Michael. "OH and who is this….such a handsome boy…"
"Oh…um….he's autistic…very shy…" Michael smiled at her. He liked this woman, he could tell she had a big heart. "I'm Michael by the way."
"Oh nice to meet you…you come inside now…we know each other…I don't bite…"
Quickly the older Graham made his way past her. "Thanks Oma but I got it now."
She smiled and pinched his cheek. "Ah such a sweet boy…Ok I go inside you tell me what you need ok?"
"Ok." He smiled at her.
"Ok." She stated, heading inside and closing the door.
Breaking the silence as the boy peered at him he said. "I like her."
"Yea so do I." he headed toward the fence. "Weird…I dreamt of this….I'm not sure why…."
Feeling relief wash over him, Michael said. "Well I can tell you why. You recognize him?"
Looking toward the child he said. "Kinda…seems familiar….Not sure though."
"Ok….um….I'm going to make it all  clear but you have to trust me, I know I'm asking a lot considering you don't know me, but trust me ok?"
Curiously the boy said… "Ok?"
"Good I need you to approach the child."
"Trust me remember?"
"Ok, can I ask what exactly this is about?"
"Your mom." Seeing his look of distaste he continued. "She didn't intentionally bail on you. You will understand too, as soon as you approach the boy."
"Um…am I supposed to eat him?"
Chuckling Michael said. "No….honestly just grab his…." Placing the boy closer to the child, he finished. "….take his hand….and see what happens….I'm new to this too so don't judge me."
"Ok." He said. As he grabbed the boys extended hand a light emitted from each side. Instantly the small child's glow became overwhelming, causing Michael to squint. He didn't close his eyes however instead he watched in awe as the small child became transparent and then disappeared into the older one.  As though the process took a toll on the older Graham he fell to his knees.
"Are you okay?" Michael asked, extending his hand.
"Yea…no...No...I got it. I can get up." He got up and from the look on his face, Michael could tell he had a moment of clarity. "Holy shit…I'm remembering things…my mom her name…is Alice."
Smiling Michael stated. "Precisely."
"What's going on how could I forget that…?" Turning in a circle he stated. "There's so much more…I'm….my mind…."
"And we have time to figure that out…"Michael replied. "But right now….we need to find your mom…so…you game?"
"Yeah, definitely." He said heading back to the house. "Just let me grab my things and say goodbye."
Once done Graham buckled into the passenger's side. Michael headed off.
Curious he said. "Ok so you did say there was so much more. I don't need details of your life like I said let's save that for later. I basically need to know if you remember anything about her. Like anything that might help us get a location?"
Looking out the window he said. "Small bits and pieces really. The thing is, I remember growing up, but like she was there and not there. It's really hard to explain." Sitting upright he finished. "What's weird is I remember my mom raising me until about the age of ten. Then everything after that is washed out…..Faded…..."
Peering at him he asked. "Well do you remember any location? Like maybe a state you lived in….something like that?"
"Honestly no…..Oregon…'s always been Oregon."
Remembering what Brianna said he exclaimed. "Well according to a very special little girl I know she stated you were actually conceived in Colorado, I'm wondering if our first clues would be there."
Graham stared at him puzzled.
"Let me explain." Michael said. "From what I can gather your mom conceived you in Colorado, she then had a collapse with your father….I knew your father….I can see why….continuing she gave birth to you sometime in the past..." Stopping himself he quickly changed the subject and asked. "Do you know you're gifted?"
Watching him the boy smiled. "Yea somewhat. I remember when I was ten years old the world started fading around me, I can't explain it but I was losing memories."
"Tell me about that."
"Well when I was ten, I don't know what happened exactly my mom came home crying….she was so upset...I went to the room and gave her a hug….she told me I was her whole life….."
Thinking hard he continued. "She asked me if I could get her some water, I headed to the kitchen and it was like a second thought or something, because I opened her door again and she was gone. I was ten, I didn't know what to think of it, then the apartment started fading….like crumbling around me..." Grabbing his chest he continued. "I felt this inner light and then ….things happened so fast...I watched myself create me…. Like the kid, yet younger. I watched myself create him, but he looked different it was like I created him from my first memory which was when I was three…..everything flashed…..I got scared and I ran…..that's when I found Ani…..she took me in."
"When I found the younger you, he was six. Brianna, the special girl I stated earlier, said that one of you doesn't age. So …."
Graham quickly cut him off. "No he couldn't. As I lived with Ani, I kept in mind the small piece of me I left behind. I was so scared I didn't want to go back. Then I felt something in time….like when I was around fourteen…. My heart started fluttering. I felt I had to check on the younger me and see if I was still there. When I did…it was weird….the apartment remained untouched almost like no one could see it… fluctuated…" he held his hands up motioning back and forth. "….Rippled like it was in danger of becoming lost in time itself. Anyway I got up to the first door and went inside and there were pieces of something… they weren't really there….it was someone else….or I was getting pieces of someone's life…And automatically I knew what to do. I ran to my mom's apartment across the hall and there I was lying on the ground. I felt the body and the heart beat was fading, his skin was peeling. I got really scared. I drug the body out to the hallway where that other apartment was. I saw these boys one was like ten and the other was just a baby maybe one or two maybe."
"Wait a minute. I think you are talking about John and JC. They were there?"
"No…not like that. It was like a portal into their lives and I just knew what to do. I reached in with the baby first and I grabbed something like….it was chalky...I placed it in the chest of the younger me and listened, his heart beat picked up. I knew that would have been enough to sustain life but I wasn't sure how long so I kinda got greedy and did the same thing to the ten year old…it was almost like what I took was too much for my tiny body to handle…. The small 'me' well….it felt like his heart was going to explode I got scared. He started growing really fast like aging. To sustain him I gave him more of my mind….I was positive that he couldn't adjust to the new living entities in him without more of my own mind..."
Remembering back, he grew quieter. "When I grabbed a piece of my mind…..something happened...I looked up at the door and left almost like I was being controlled…..I went back to my bike.....left….and I never went back again. That was almost four years ago. I'm not sure what changed though. You came to my door, and the night before I had a dream. I dreamt you were coming, I dismissed it, though, there were pink flowers falling everywhere, thought it was just a dream."
Michael smiled knowing that Brianna must've given him a little push.
"Then." Graham continued. "When I saw your car I just had this sudden feeling of de ja vu."
"I will admit." Michael stated. "This is a lot more information than I bargained for. But at least you've given me the clue that you yourself have never left Oregon, I wonder though, if your mom realizes that, or is she trying to recreate you in Colorado?"
Graham shrugged.
"Well I still have no idea where to start looking. Plus there poses a problem, if she is bouncing herself in time how are we going to catch up with her?"
He shrugged again. "I honestly don't know."
"Well since we have the time, I think the first thing will be to check out that apartment you started in. That's where I found the younger you."
"It was still there?"
"Yea, it didn't look like it was rippling in time though, actually it just looked run down." He chuckled. "Right now we will start from square one…..after that we will just have to see."
Looking up, Michael almost forgot about the small moon shaped planet turning in the sky. Graham was looking up solemnly at it as well. Not allowing anything about it to enter the conversation, he made his way to his first destination. At least it was something. He knew all else would be revealed….As Brianna had stated…..In time.

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