Chapter Twenty

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At the kids house, Michael found it unusual to be held in such high regards. Denise smiled warmly at the door and the younger kids made a special appearance just to greet him. Even more unusual was Brianna's hold on the small nonexistent boy.  From the time he entered the house the girl happily took him to play with JC and herself and he reciprocated allowing her to lead him into the bedroom. He didn't feel the need to separate the hold with Brianna as he did with John which confirmed his thoughts it was something with the boy John.
"But what?" he thought.
Instead of pondering on his thought he paid close attention to John's recount of the events that just transpired. When he finished Michael asked. "And you're sure you saw a sign stating Fort Collins?"
"Yea as he was leaving which means he's heading here."
"That's ok."
Denise looked at him with distaste. "Ok? How is that ok? That means he's going to come looking for Johnny and we don't know what this guy looks like, he could be anybody."
Calming her Michael asked. "Do you know where Fort Collins is?"
"Colorado." John interrupted. "It said that on the bottom of the sign."
"Thanks Captain Obvious." He said turning his attention back to the girl. "It's in Colorado which gives us 19 plus hours to devise a plan and get you two on track, in the event he does know right where he is heading to."
"Ya but I don't understand how he knows we are here in Oregon."
"Let's not look at the small shit. The important thing is John found that he does know, and now we can prepare."
"Yea but." John said turning to his bedroom door. "He knows we know, I mean he wasn't exactly acting surprised, he said see you soon so he's not worried at all."
Walking past John and Denise, Michael stepped out in time to hear their mom walk through the front door.
Whispering to Denise, he said. "We will finish this conversation later."
She nodded and they both headed into the Livingroom where April was waiting surprised.
"Did I miss something?" she asked. Looking to Michael for answers.
"Actually we were just bonding." He smiled slyly.
"Does this have anything to do with you two skipping school?"
Turning her attention to Denise.
"Mom, it's my fault." John interrupted.
Looking at the boy stunned she said. "You?"
Before Michael could stop him John stated. "I told Denise about some kids that were wanting to fight me after school today, and you can't back away from a fight so she came up with a way to avoid the whole situation. We decided to hang out at the library and read, that's when we ran into Michael. He seems cool we got into talking and came home. That's it."
She looked over at Michael, and he smiled broadly. "Come on it's not that big of a deal it's not like they skip everyday right." He said in the kids' defense.
"Eh you got a point." She said returning her gaze to John. "He makes a good point, and I'm glad you avoided the confrontation. I will call the school in the morning and excuse you."
"Thanks mom." John said. Looking over to Denise for approval.
Denise smiled and headed into the kitchen. "Hey mom I will help you with dinner tonight."
"Ok, that's weird. What have you done with my daughter?"
Looking at Michael from down the hall, Denise smiled and yelled. "I help out sometimes. Ok maybe not but I am willing to so don't question it."
April walked up to Michael and whispered. "Okay I'm impressed." Smiling she followed her daughter into the kitchen.
Looking over to Johnny he said. "Well that was interesting John."
"You took the blame, good job that's handling the situation like a man."
"No that's handling it like a boss." He chuckled.
Smiling at the boy he headed to Brianna's room to check on his small friend.
He observed as the boy he called Ben socialized more normal than Michael had ever seen.
On the floor the children were sprawled out coloring in some books provided by the girl. Ben stayed to the left of Brianna as JC colored on the right, each one designing their own picture.
Noticing the position of the children, Johnny walked around Michael and stated "Awe look Beep has a boyfriend."
The girl turned her head and snapped. "What are you talking about, he's way too old for me John you're retarded."
With that remark the hairs stood up on the back of Michael's neck. Visually the boy was younger than the girl at least by two years or so.
"Too old?" He thought.
Before Michael could intercede John said. "What the fuck are you talking about he's clearly younger than you. I get it you like to train them while they're young." He chuckled.
Cutting John off before he could say anymore, Michael asked. "Brianna do you know how old he is?"
John looked at him puzzled. Michael finished. "Remember I don't even know his name."
"But how the fuck is she going to know?" John asked.
"That's what we are going to find out." He exclaimed.
Turning their attention back to Brianna she said. "Right now he's currently 6 in this form, but in actuality he's turning 18 in two months, and he's running out of time."
Confused Michael said. "Wait what?"
Interjecting John asked. "Wait how do you know, and what the fuck does that mean he's 6 and 18 that doesn't make any fucking sense."
"Calm down John." Brianna stated. "You're not the only one with gifts." She smiled.
Surprised how she accepted her talent as though it was perfectly normal, Michael asked. "Did he tell you this?"
"Well." Brianna said. "Not exactly. You see he can't talk right now. But he can speak in time."
Before John could interject, Michael's excitement grew and he continued to control the conversation.
"What does that mean he can talk in time?"
She looked at the boy as he rose and held her hand waiting patiently at her side as she began to explain. "Right now he's stuck. There are bits and pieces of him everywhere because he technically no longer exists, and the only way he can utilize those areas of himself is in time."
Michael was at a loss, asking questions only raised more questions. For him it felt as though he was trying to learn to ride a unicycle while juggling in one hand and trying to play flaming bagpipes in the other.
"Fucking impossible to understand." He thought.
Taking the conversation in another direction in hopes to gain as much knowledge on the boy as possible, Michael asked. "What else did he say?"
Smiling, Brianna said. "He hates the name Ben for one."
"What would he prefer I call him then?"
"Duh by his name."
Waiting in silence, he looked at John as he watched not saying anything more. Looking back at the girl he asked. "Well what's his name?"
"Oh." She chuckled. "Have to remember you can't do what I can do." She smiled at Johnny and said. "Graham. His name is Graham."
Michael went pale. As Brianna continued letting go of the child's hand she approached Michael and motioned for Michael to come closer. He leaned forward, and she proceeded to grab his glasses mimicking the movements the child had done earlier. Speaking as though she had rehearsed every line.
"You see me and I see you. You see he but through he you fail to see." Pointing at someone who was not currently in the room she stated. "He is me."
Handing his glasses back, she smiled. "Do you see now Beast man?"
Michael felt as though he was reverted into the twilight zone, where nothing was as it seems.
Breaking Michael's silence, John asked. "Beast man, why did you call him that?"
"That's what Graham calls him."
"Why does he call me that?"
"Because you have animal instincts and you have two months to figure it out. Don't worry you will." Smiling again she returned to the boy's side. "Beast man."
In one instant Michael gained more knowledge on the boy than in all the time he had him. Thanks to the gifts of this child.
John looked at Michael and asked. "Does any of this make sense to you because I'm fucking lost."
"Kinda." He said.
"Ok explain how he's 6 and 18 cause that's illogical as all fuck." John chuckled.
"Well before I came here I was drawn to another home where there was an 18 year old boy, his features almost matched that of the child."
"Ok." John said staring blankly.
"His name was Graham."
"Whoa." John said as he grabbed the concept. "Wait what? Did you talk to him?"
Michael shook his head.
"Then how do you know his name is Graham?"
"Well you remember when we were at the library? The boy you ran into?"
"Umm yea. John Boss which I still think that's a really cool fucking name."
"Well that John Boss called the boy Graham."
"Wait." John said confused. "You met him before?"
"No." Michael said. "I only observed. I was going to meet up with the older him." Pointing at the child. "But he grabbed my hand and stopped me, and then the first time I observed him when I was without the boy, the other John came up yelling his name, Graham."
"Holy shit." John exclaimed. "Shit just got real son."
Brianna watched the two and smiled. "Are we done here?"
At that moment Denise walked into the room. "Hey what's going on?"
"I will explain later." Michael smiled. "Um yea Brianna, you guys can resume your coloring."
Denise looked over at Michael and said. "Dinners almost done Mom wanted to see if you guys could set the table."
"Sure." Michael said, reluctant to leave the children alone.
Closing the door he headed down the hall where the smell of spaghetti enlightened the air. The aroma made his mouth water, the smell of fresh garlic bread, mixed with sauce and a hint of something he could not define made him feel as though, what happened just moments ago, was nothing more than a mere dream. Keeping his composure he made his way into the kitchen, so much to do with so little time, and according to Brianna, only two months to figure it out.

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