Chapter Twenty Eight

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Listening to the chattering in the back, Alex got annoyed. He wasn't used to being around so many people. Altogether he only picked up four, from the noise it sounded like he picked up a crowd.
First there was Rob. With sandy brown hair, thin and balding, and a stout nose he looked more like a book keeper than anyone of sufficient use. Although he wore glasses, he was definitely a force to be reckoned with. Standing at about 6'2, with a muscular physique, you could tell he used to be in the military. Alex recruited him because his training was essential to the first part of Alex's plan.
There was also Chris and Johnny, the twins. Alex was fortunate finding these two considering he was going to send Johnny straight out to kill the girl. It would be remarkably ironic if he managed to succeed, for the girl to die at the hands of someone with the same name as her brother. He could tell Chris and Johnny were related. Dark skin, black curly hair, and same pudgy facial features, it was too noticeable. The only difference that he could see was in the layout of their eyes. While Chris had more broad open eyes, Johnny's looked tight and squinted, as though, besides being of Hispanic descent there was some Asian in their blood. More than likely one of them inherited the eyes of their dad and the other their mom, though Alex didn't care to find out which was which.
Then there was Joshua, the talker. He whom made the most noise seemed to get along well with the twins who accompanied him in the back. He found Joshua coming out of an anime convention. Only standing at about 5'8 with an average build, a buzz cut, and glasses that made his eyes protrude off his head, there was nothing special about him, he would be used just as a patsy. Joshua was also the only one that knew of Green Peter, considering he had headed to the convention from Sweet Home, which happened to be the accompanying city to the camp site. The others were visitors and not from the area.
Reaching a parking garage, Alex had almost everything he needed in order. Now it was time for the last step to be put in place. He pulled into a space away from the other cars. With the window down, the men's chatter got louder as it echoed through the half empty garage.
"Ok listen." He stated loudly. Looking at each one individually he continued to push their minds together as to not lose the hold he had. "I expect you all to be quiet I need to focus, this will only take a moment."
Leaning his seat back he ignored the sudden movement in the back as Chris shifted his legs into a more comfortable position.
Closing his eye's he allowed his mind to make the journey. He quickly intercepted the boy in mid conversation. "…..Listen…. Static….shit….." With a pause in the conversation it quickly resumed. "….buzzing….Glad...static…Green Peter...buzzing....static…..nice……….static…..our abilities."
Breaking the connection he got the information he needed. They must've already arrived. Switching the car back on, he pulled out of the parking garage. According to Joshua it was more than an hour drive to reach Sweet Home. That was plenty of time to explain his plan to his new found recruits. Smiling victoriously Alex headed to the freeway.
Michael listened as John explained what information his sister gave him. In the small time he slept, it looked as though he had a whole world handed to him. Clarifying the area that they were to look for, the reasons why, and ways to utilize their abilities, John went on and ended. "Oh yeah, she also brought up something about when I've been getting sick saying like I'm not really sick, or something, and because I see doesn't mean he sees?" John scratched his head.
Michael listened as Denise scorned him. "What the fuck does that mean John, you almost sound like you're asking yourself a question."
"I don't know, I was trying to remember correctly, and she didn't say what it meant."
"It would help if she would not leave things for you to figure out. You suck at it." Denise chuckled.
"Fuck you Denise I don't think you could do any better, shit Brianna talks in riddles." Sitting back once again he stated. "I don't know where she got that. Oh wait yea…." He held up his hands in reference, and teased in a light voice. "In time."
"John you're a dork."
"And you're a doucheturd."
"Ok guys." Michael quickly interrupted. "Focus." Turning onto the exit for Main Street Michael merged and finished. There was still quite a ways to go, considering they had to pass through Lebanon first. "John, since you're the one who had the vision I'm going to need you to be extremely sharp…."
"Yea good luck." Denise intervened.
"I can do it." John stated.
Continuing Denise said. "John you couldn't find a woman's wet spot if that shit was covered in flour." She chuckled.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Michael asked.
"I don't kiss my mother. Do you?" Denise asked.
"Hey." John said, leaning in from the back seat.
Disregarding him, Michael continued. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know full well what that means." Denise smiled.
"Guys." John interrupted.
Ignoring him, Michael asked. "You jealous?"
"LISTEN." John yelled. "Oh shit."
Instantly John hunched over and his eyes got wide. Michael peered at him through the mirror. Clutching his stomach, John noticed and quickly silenced him. Seeing his change Denise turned toward him bewilderingly. "John?"
Urging her to be quiet, John continued in a loud voice. "Glad to be here in Green Peter. It's so nice out here. What a great place to practice our abilities."
Holding his hand up, he continued holding his stomach. Once the feeling must've passed, he looked through the mirror at Michael and said. "Holy shit, I figured it out."
Curious, Michael said. "Explain."
Denise quieted herself, looked at Michael puzzlingly before turning her attention back to her brother who was smiling.
"Well, Brianna said when I'm sick I'm not really sick and because I can see doesn't mean." He held up his hands in a quotation. "He can. Get it?"
Thinking hard Michael said. "Kinda."
"The killer." John said. "She was talking about the killer."
"Are you sure John, a minute ago you weren't sure what the hell she said." Denise scowled.
"I'm sure Denise. For your information I was sure what she said, but I wasn't sure how she said it."
Putting the clues together Michael said. "So basically she was saying when you feel sick he's intruding."
John nodded. Continuing he finished. "And because you see doesn't mean he can, basically means he's not seeing but listening. Hence why you quieted us?"
"Exactly." John said.
"Oh shit." Denise smiled at her brother. "Good job Lil John."
John sat up. "Oh wait, do my ears deceive me or was that a compliment."
Looking toward Michael he continued. "Beast man was that a compliment? Because I think my ears might fall off from the shock if it was, so please tell me I was hearing things."
Denise laughed.
Focusing on the road Michael noticed a sign, 13 miles to go before hitting Sweet Home.
"Ok listen up." He said cutting into the kids idol banter. "Before we head to the camp site we need to stop by the store and grab some more supplies."
"Like what?" John interrupted. "Everything we need is in the cooler."
"Yea but I was thinking we could grab some other snacks, maybe even some stuff for s'mores. There's no reason we can't try to enjoy ourselves a little."
Denise frowned. "With what time? I mean he was invading John's mind, and John just told him we were already camping he's probably speeding towards us."
"I understand." Michael stated. "But I happen to enjoy camping myself."
"Beastman." John said from the back. "I hate to agree with Denise but she's probably right, and we really need to set up camp."
"Plus." Denise said, interrupting before Michael could state his opinion. "We not only have to set up, but we have booby traps to place, and trees to mark…."
"Booby traps?" John asked.
"Yea this is part of the idea you didn't want to listen to."
"And it's a good thing I didn't."
"Why, was he invading your mind at the time?"
"No, but we didn't know that."
"Well we could've chanced it because I'm not explaining that shit again."
"Fuck you, then don't." John chuckled.
"Guys." Michael interjected. "Focus." Continuing he said. "Fine we won't go to the store we will head straight up to the camp site. Besides we are on limited time and god only knows if John's going to spot it on the first run we may have to turn around."
"Yea that's because John's brain is the size of a raisin." Denise joked.
Mocking her, John said. "Oh har- har that so funny."
Denise giggled.
Persisting loudly, Michael said. "Plus we have to mark the territory and work on your abilities." When the kids quieted down, he finished. "I like the idea of the dry ice."
"Yea well I don't know anything about dry ice so…. Not sure if I like that idea." Denise stated.
"So your school hasn't taught you about basic science?" Michael asked.
"I don't know how basic that is, who knows I could've missed that day too." She chuckled.
Looking in the back seat Michael asked. "John do you know anything about dry ice?"
"Yea, it's fucking cold, and if you touch it without gloves you will burn the shit out of your skin."
Denise laughed. "Thank you colonel obvious, honestly, I think you got ranked up from captain you just are so good at stating the "well duh" factor."
"Shut up Denise." John chuckled. "You're such a bitch."
With six miles to go Michael interrupted. "Guys, try and remain focused."
"Well Michael it's really hard when every time John opens his mouth I lose brain cells. I mean fuck they're practically hemorrhaging out of my nose."
Turning towards him she laughed, as John flipped her off contemptuously.
"Alright back on the subject of dry ice. I'm going to explain it to you so you have a subliminal understanding."
Still laughing Denise nodded.
Continuing Michael said. "Dry ice is made by compressing carbon dioxide gas until it liquefies. It takes about a solid 800 pounds of pressure, and when that pressure releases, the liquid will transition into a gas form. It's mainly a solid form of carbon dioxide. Get it?"
"Well that sounds easy enough but where the fuck am I supposed to get carbon dioxide? Local grocery store in Sweet Home?"
Interrupting John said. "Denise, there's carbon dioxide in the river." Holding his fingers in the shape of an L on his forehead, he continued mockingly. "Har. Har…Loser"
"Yea but not enough to make dry ice." Repeating John's actions she chuckled. "Now who's the loser?"
Interrupting them, Michael said. "Well I guess you're going to have to focus directly on the carbon dioxide in the water. With the river constantly moving you should have an unlimited supply."
Thinking about it, Denise said. "I guess, worth a shot. I'm willing to try anything once, except tequila. I might try tequila twice…." She smiled at him. "Or three times…. Hell you might want to hide the bottle." John joined with her laughter.
Peering at her, Michael asked. "You done?"
"On what?" he asked, unsure if he wanted to know the answer.
"Got tequila?" they both broke out in laughter.
"I have a feeling this is going to be a long trip." He chuckled.
"Not if you have tequila." John stated from the back.
They simultaneously broke out in amusement.
Coming into the town of Wilsonville, Alex kept his focus on Rob. "I expect you to find a way and draw the boy away from the girl. Only once you have them separated will you give the signal to Johnny to grab the girl."
Peering through the rear view mirror, Alex kept his mind focused on Johnny. "You, I expect you to already be in a high enough position to observe the area to see Robs signal." Picking up a pocket sized mag lite he finished. "Once Rob flashes this twice." Placing his thumb on the end of the flashlight it blinked but did not stay lit. "Take the girl out."
Shifting his attention between Chris and Joshua he said. "At that time you two will make a diversion for the third member of the party. They call him the Beast man."
"How will we know what he looks like?" Joshua asked.
"Why are you so fucking dumb Joshua?" he asked.
Because he was using subliminal persuasion Joshua could not respond with a normal "Kiss my ass" or anything of the sort, he could only answer as though he were in a more autistic state.
"I don't know." He answered.
Knowing he could take the conversation further in belittling the grown man Alex, instead exclaimed. "If there's a young boy and a young girl, and only one more person who do you think that is?"
Pausing for a moment, Joshua said. "Oh."
"Yea, oh." Keeping on the side of the freeway marked south for Salem, he said. "I guess before any of you make a move you're going to have to observe the situation a little first huh?"
Directing his attention back to Rob sitting on the passenger's side quietly, he said. "Hence why I have you Rob."
Trying to keep his attention shifting between all three of them and drive proved to be harder than he had expected but not impossible. He continued. "Rob will be in charge of telling you when it's safe to approach and that will be after he corners the boy. You have to remember guys they have no idea I'm coming, they may be thinking I am still on route to their location. Which is why they may be practicing their abilities." Unsure of why he continued to talk to them, considering it was like holding a one way conversation with a caged zombie he finished. "Also they have no idea I brought company. So the idea is to split them up. They are weaker apart."
Smiling at the idea of their surprise, Alex thought about putting his hands around the girl's throat. Even though these four were coming in unannounced, and even though they were perfectly capable of handling the situation, for the most part,  Alex knew he may have to step in. These children were gifted so he could almost guarantee that tonight would be the last night these men are alive. Eventually he would have to take control. "Just when they think they're out of danger... "Alex smiled continuing on the long drive as the chatter started up, once again, in the back seat.

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