Chapter Twenty Five

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The night's dinner was uneventful. With Michael helping her mom make pizza, Denise spent the time with John in his room reminiscing about what the day had brought. After their discussions they sat together eating pizza, laughing, and joking as though no disaster loomed over them, and their tomorrow would not bring about an impending catastrophe.
Again her mom offered Michael the couch, this time he gladly accepted with the condition that the boy stay in Brianna's room and not the boys. With her mom believing he was autistic and not a threat to her own daughter's virtue she had no problem agreeing to the terms.
The night ended with popcorn and a movie before everyone headed off to sleep. Making his way to his room John placed the ear buds over his ears and said. "Night Beastman, Niece, mom."
"Night." Denise said as her mom responded. "You know you keep wearing those damn things going to bed, and you're going to end up deaf by the time you're twenty."
Ignoring her John went into his room and closed the door. Obviously already consumed by his music. Denise decided to stay awake a little longer while her mom headed off to bed.
Adjusting his pillow Michael asked. "Is there something on your mind?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Well, yeah. You have barely spoken all night, even your laughing seemed fake, and you didn't even watch the movie. You looked more catatonic than anything."
"Well." She said. "I'm surprised you didn't use your mind powers to pull me out of it."
Smiling at her he stated. "Well if anyone would have noticed I would've, but, hey no harm no foul." Leaning back on his pillow he placed one hand behind it and propped up his head flipping through the channels. "It wasn't obvious to anyone but me, so I figured you would either get yourself out of it or wait to talk to me. So…" he finished. "Talk."
"Well" she started. "You know earlier today when John jumped up from the couch?"
Meeting her gaze he said. "Yea what about it?"
"Is it just me or did you notice like…" she shifted towards him and lowered her voice. "The minute John closed his eyes he was right back up. Like there was no time there for all that shit to have happened." Mimicking her hands to the events earlier she completed with… "It was like he closed his eyes and… BAM…. He was up again instantly."
"Yea I noticed it too. That's why I thought it didn't work."
Thinking back she remembered, Michael did make that statement. Continuing she asked. "Well, what the hell do you think that was?"
"Honestly I'm not sure but…" finding a station he placed the remote on the floor next to him. "I can guarantee it was something to do with your sister."
"I was thinking that too. What exactly is her ability?"
"Well, she did say something about time maybe this is part of it."
She cut him off. "You mean like stopping time?"
"Or something, yea." Sitting up, he stated. "But for now I have the feeling we shouldn't ask her about it. Just let things be."
"What gives you that feeling?" she asked.
He looked at her scornfully.
"Oh yeah, your ability right? Or one of your abilities?"
"Yea something like that." Leaning back once again he resumed his previous comfortable position. "And for now, I think you should go to bed, and not worry about it. We have a different fish to fry."
Standing up she stretched feeling the exhaustion of the day set in. "Can I ask you one more question?"
"Shoot." He answered.
"What was that whole thing about camping?"
"Really?" he glared.
"I'm guessing Brianna as well?"
"You think." He chuckled. "Now get some sleep."
Heading to her room she opened the door and said, as a final thought. "Good night Michael."
"Sleep well." She heard from the other room.
Feeling as though 50 pounds was just added to her weight, Denise sluggishly climbed into bed not even bothering to change her clothes. As her head hit the pillow she fell instantly to sleep.
By 2:30 in the morning Alex shifted through the streets in downtown Portland. Even this early the streets were alive with people coming and going from whatever drew them out at this hour. Though he arrived less than half an hour ago he could tell already, he hated Portland. There were too many one ways and confusing streets that unless you knew the layout it was impossible to learn. Why would anyone want to tour such a town? Making his way to the far end of the city, he decided to check into a room at the Portland Marriott. The hotel promised it was within a five minute walk of the River Place Marina, and also featured shopping and dining within the same district. Alex didn't care about any of that, his reasons for visiting this dreadful state promised to give him all the excitement he needed.
Accepting his card key he made his way to his room. Though the view was beautiful overlooking the bay the room itself was a travesty. The bed was decorated in a solid grey blanket neatly folded under the mattress, behind the bed was a wall portrait meant to add to the exquisite setting of comfortability, but instead it looked as though, to him, a child got a hold of a paint brush and the wall and went to town. Definitely not his idea of art. The pillows on the bed clashed as well with one color matching the bedding and the other colored to match some tacky oak slabs of wood arranged neatly on the wall. Upon closer inspection he noticed one of the wood carvings was actually a wall clock. Heading into the bathroom, there, by the sink, sat the complimentary shampoos and soaps meant to make your stay worthwhile. The bathroom looked as though it was meant to accommodate a more futuristic setting, with the shower made out all in black tile and a glass door, they even went so far as to have a florescent light around the mirror to glow in a more new wave setting, but with the rustic design in the other room, it made the impression that two different style designers were involved and neither one of them had a taste for the arts.
Placing his bag on the bed he took out his blue jeans, a grey sweater, and a white undershirt. He wanted to dress accordingly with the weather as well as have everything ready for when he awoke. Settling in he would grab a few hours' sleep before finding the location of his two intruders, and making his trip to this awful hotel worthwhile.

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