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"I hope you like the apartment. We did a lot of renovations after our last tenant left. Just keep in mind, your rent is deducted from your pay for the work you'll do. My fiancée and I are just too busy to lift a finger around here. So what do you say? Are you interested in the job?" Honey Richardson eyed the extensive contract in which she would pretty much be signing her social life away. She had to be pretty desperate for money, as she was determined to pay off her current student loan debt and finish the remaining three classes for her to graduate. The job sparked her attention when a girlfriend of hers mentioned it. She originally thought the woman was single but far too busy to keep up her own home. It wasn't until she laid eyes on her four carat brilliant cut engagement ring that Honey thought otherwise. Nevertheless, it didn't change her interest in the position. A few of her girlfriends were live-in nannies so this was just as good. She didn't have to watch after anyone's kids and had an entire apartment below the main house to herself.

Tucking in her bottom lip, she signed the contract before looking up toward her new boss Morgan and smiling.

"I can start on Monday." She advised as the woman cheered and gave her a hug.

"Sorry. Thank you so much. Don won't be back until next week so that gives you time to move in this weekend in peace. He was a bit against this so try not to take his attitude personally."

"It's cool. A few of my friends are live in nannies and...well let's just say they get along with the wives better." Morgan smiled as she nodded her head.

"Sometimes I think I live with an old grumpy man. But....great. Here are your keys and a signing bonus just in case you need anything like or something for the apartment." Honey thanked her once again as she walked out of the house with Morgan.

She waited until she was settled into the car before opening up the envelope, counting ten thousand dollars in cash.

"Shit." She muttered before her phone began to ring. Noticing her sister's name, she quickly answered the call. "What's up?"

"How'd it go?"

"I got the job." Her sister, Alina, cheered as she heard additional voices celebrating. Honey laughed while pulling out of the driveway.

"What is all of that?"

"I'm over here with Derek. They're watching some silly game. But hey that's great! I know how much you wanted to go back to school."

"Yeah. Quitting that damn job scared the hell out of me but shit, with the signing bonus, I can pay for the rest of my classes."

"Oh my god. How much did they give you?"

"Ten thousand dollars. Like, bitch how do you know I'm not going to take this money and run?" Alina laughed in agreement.

"Shit. Maybe that's what's been happening."

"Nah. She just started looking for people two weeks ago. They used to rent the apartment under their house."

"Oh well. I hope you ready to play Alice to Mrs. Brady and her clan."

"She doesn't have children." Honey pointed out as she merged onto I-75.

"Oh bitch you in there. What's the husband like?"

"He wasn't there. Apparently he's not gun hoe for the idea but I don't give a fuck. All I have to do is clean around the house, run errands and cook. Bitch I'm straight."

"Well hopefully he won't be that much of a pain or worse, a fucking creep."

"Oh I'm already going to be dressing like a nun. I'll be damned."

"Oh please. No amount of fabric can hide that ass. You just better hope he keeps his eyes to himself."

"See why are you putting it into the universe. Ugh, you're aggy as hell."

"Whatever. If you're not busy come by Derek's place. I need to get off the phone."

"Sure thing."

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