Chapter Seven: Your Honey.....

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Taking a bite of the toast she prepared for herself, Honey breathed a sigh as she began to feel just a tad bit better. After making sure Brian wasn't returning for the remainder for the day, Honey quickly called Donavon over. Donavon sat on the couch with her as the TV drowned out the silence between them.

"We could've went and had breakfast you know." He mentioned as he continued to watch her eat a minimal breakfast. "You got a little smaller too." He said while reaching over to her, gripping her waist on one side and squeezing it. She laughed placing her hand over his.


"Are you ticklish there?" Donavon asked as Honey attempted to pull herself away from him. He grabbed the plate from her, setting it down on the coffee table. Taking hold of her leg, he pulled her closer to him, pinning her down beneath him.

"Must you be so rough?" Honey whined beneath him.

"Stop being such a baby.

"I'm trying to eat. We can wrestle later."

"Are you trying to eat? Seriously Honey why are you losing weight?"

"Cause it's my body last time I checked."

"Yeah and I've never seen you eat just a little amount of food. Be honest with me." Honey shrugged her shoulders as she sat up against her elbows.

"Brian's a bit of a health freak so, I guess I don't eat the same as before." Donavon frowned as he sat up on the couch.

"How'd you meet him?"

"Dinner party. Kinsley introduced us."

"Hmmm." Donavon thought for a moment. Honey never strike him as the type of woman that cared about money. However, neither did Morgan.

"I enjoy his company though. He doesn't treat me like some common slut or whatever. Probably because he's the first guy I've dated that didn't have to hold a dollar from me." Honey said with a bit of a laugh. Her past taste in men was completely horrible.

"I ran into Morgan though. Didn't think to see her working at the mall." Honey mentioned as Don shrugged his shoulders not caring to discuss his ex. "How'd things go with you and Vicki last night?"

"Oh my god." Don groaned and ran his hands over his face. "She argued all the way back home. Damn near got our asses in a wreck trying to hit me."

"Hit you?" Honey sat up on the couch. "Oh hell Don, you know better than to deal with some shit like that."

"But I understood her reason for being upset. I did come out of the bathroom with you and she was my date for the night. I don't know. Seeing you last night made me forget she was even there. That wasn't fair to her. Vicki really hasn't done anything but been a positive person in my life over the past couple of months."

"And yet you're here." Honey muttered.

Don looked at her, bringing her closer to him.

"Because I care about you. I want us to be something more but I don't want to hurt you. You have someone in your life as well Honey, don't play innocent."

"I get it Don. Let's go do something though."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Something other than sitting in this house all day." Don nodded his head.

"Get your things and come on." He said while standing up from the couch. Honey went to grab her phone and wrist wallet. She grabbed her keys out of the kitchen and met Donavon at the door.

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Honey held onto Donavon's arm as they made their way down Neptune's Boardwalk. Sitting on the bay of Serena beach, it was much similar to the Santa Cruz boardwalk in California. Digging into her bag of cotton candy, Honey broke off a piece feeding it to Donavon. She watched as a group of children rushed passed them chasing one another. Feeling something wet hit her bare back, she noticed one of them had a water gun. Smiling, she didn't bother getting upset as children will be just that, children.

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