Chapter Eleven: GAMES WE PLAY...

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Two months had gone by and Donavon's hotel The Wolfcreek would be opening that following night. He was honestly impressed with the production after hiring Rashon. He was a bit skeptical at first after finding out he used to date Honey, but his professionalism won him over. Not to be mention the fact that he appeared to be overly in love with his fiancée. As an added bonus, Donavon agreed to host their wedding at the hotel free of charge. Rashon couldn't have been more grateful and he had Honey to thank for it. She could've easily had him fired the moment he walked through the door but she didn't. The pair didn't see much of each other but they were able to get along just fine.

Currently, Honey sat in the lounge with Rashon as she did a taste testing on the meals that would be offered for the opening event. Donavon was busy with the restaurant and agreed to meet up with them later that night.

Rashon was busy telling the story of his daughter's birth that just occurred a week prior. Honey held her chest as she continued to laugh at how much he panicked the moment his fiancée, Eniko, water broke.

"So I'm running up and down the stairs looking for towels and everything and she's standing there like what are you doing! Get your ass in the car!" Rashon laughed as Honey wiped the tears from her eyes. "So I run back downstairs. I'm all out of breath, now mind you, she was already outside of the house in the garage at this point. I slip and fall in the middle of the house. She left me there." Honey threw her head back laughing.

"Eniko is a savage though. After meeting her I could tell she was something serious."

"Yeah. I was on the ground for a good ten minutes before getting up and taking her to the hospital. But I'm telling you, the moment I saw her. I can see why most men say their lives change. I just wanted to give her everything the minute I laid eyes."

"Awww that's so sweet. I really am happy for you both. She's a good match for you for sure."

"Thank you love."

"But this food. All of it's good."

"See! So you know I'm not tripping."

"Yeah nah I can't decide either. We can't do all three?"

"I mean we could. I'll run it by the chef and see what he says."

"Great. So since wifey will be pent up at home with the new born, who's your plus one?"

"Completely solo tomorrow night."

"Aww you could've brought your mom at least. You know the mayor is coming."

"I know. I invited him."

"Aww shucks. Go head Rah! I see you." Rashon laughed as he stood from the table.

"I have to go make sure everything else is straight. We have guests coming in tonight."

"That's fine. Thanks for letting me try this out. I was so bored at the office. Plus I needed this laugh."

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow night."



Hearing the sound of his doorbell ringing brought on confusing as he wasn't expecting any company. He was preparing to stay with his brother the night before the opening so he could get ready at his place. His mission was to get back with Kinsley that same night. He knew she was coming and bringing her new boyfriend as her date. Once she left, he busied himself with work, trying to contact her to see if she would be willing to talk or meet up. Each time she declined or didn't answer at all.

Opening his front door, he frowned at the sight before him.

"Ah hell nah." Braden expressed as he looked back toward Vicki.

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