Chapter Five: Do U Dirty

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Sitting across from his now ex-fiancée, he listened in on the terms of his settlement as they met for a third time, coming to a final agreement. Morgan wiped away the few tears from her eyes as she mouthed the words, "I'm Sorry" over and over again. He knew it was a ploy by her lawyer to get to him to reconsider but in his eyes, this was better than her receiving actual jail time. Donavon's eyes wandered toward his former boss Gerald McKee.

"Mr. Copeland, are you ready to sign?" He heard his lawyer voice a second time, snapping out of his own thoughts. Grabbing his pen out of his suit jacket, he signed and initialed the appropriate areas. When he was finished, his lawyer quickly reviewed before passing the paper along to Gerald's lawyer as well. Three additional attorneys representing his company sat in the room as they breathed a sigh at Donavon finally being satisfied.

He didn't even care to know what she did it.

He noticed a change in Morgan's behavior soon after the two moved in with one another. After a while, small amounts of money was moved and being debited from his one of his accounts. Now because he knew Morgan used his account from time to time, he figured it was just simple things. Fifty dollars here, twenty dollars there, the activity seemed to be going on for nearly a month. That was until he moved his money into a different account. Keeping only a lesser amount in the one he shared with Morgan.

After he proposed to her, it started up again but this time it was coming out of his own paycheck, in large amounts. Each time he attempted to bring it took his boss's attention, it was brushed to the side. In just a short amount of time, it totaled out to two hundred thousand dollars. It wasn't until the night Morgan came back into town that he found out what she was using the money for. Teaming up his own boss who he considered a mentor, he knew their relationship was more than what meets the eye. Learning that the two of them knew one another prior to him meeting Morgan only made matters worse.

He knew something was strange when he was initially hired on as a Financial Manager for Gerald's finance firm. With little to no experience, he was making six-figures fresh out of college while attending grad school. Morgan was aware of the small investments that Donavon put his last few dollars up for which turned over pretty well for him. She knew he had the potential to grow Gerald's company to where it is today.

Yet, Donavon was good at his job. Possibly too good as Gerald feared he would one day branch off on his own and become more successful. There were already other companies offering him job positions and as his subordinate, Don didn't think he was unwise to tell him. Looking back on it now, he realized his own mistake.

He teamed up with a college friend who was now a private investigator to tie all the strings together. Resulting in a hefty file that would cause a media frenzy around the company. Not wanting the issue to go public, Gerald decided to settle out of court. The amount he initially offered him was comical.

It wasn't even the affair between the two of them that angered him. It was the simple fact they got in the way of his money and stole from him. Was this their plan the entire time? Donavan watched as Morgan's hand shook slightly as she signed the papers as well. Donavon turned away from her as he slightly rolled his eyes. He knew why she wanted to get into his office so bad. Outside of his own affair with Honey was footage right before she moved in of Morgan and Gerald. She was trying to avoid him seeing it. The footage was enough for Donavon to up the ante on his lawsuit.

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"Now I know legally you aren't supposed to tell me how much it was much was it?" Braden questioned as he sat with Donavon and their sister Amber.

"Stop being so nosey Braden. I'm just happy you were able to get a job so quickly. That bastard's worse fear just may come true." She said while taking a sip of her coffee. "And to think I was so excited about the two of you getting married."

"Yeah well...everything happens for a reason."

"Have you spoken to Honey lately?" Braden asked while Don shook his head no. A couple of months had gone by but after what Morgan told him, he didn't expect to hear from Honey at all.

"He needs to be focused on himself and his career. The women will come and go." Amber advised while Braden playfully rolled his eyes.

"Just give it a little time though man, I'm sure she'll come around eventually." Braden encouraged. Donavon slightly found his words of encouragement laughable. Especially after that Honey's confession the last time he saw her. For all he knew, Braden could be seeing her behind his back.

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