Chapter Thirteen: Honey Love...[Final Chapter]

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"I need you to get out of the car." Donavon pleaded a second time as Honey held tightly onto the door handle. They couple had just arrived to his parent's home and she had an overwhelming wave of nerves. She was afraid to know what his mother would think. When he spoke with his parents on the way there, she couldn't hear any excitement in their voices. Then again, she was barely able to hear anything at all.

"Come on Honeydip, we can't stand outside all day." Braden encouraged as he came back out of the home.

"Maybe it's too soon you know. Like, I mean you met my mom but she loves everyone and.." Honey was now stalling. Kinsley rolled her eyes for a moment before going over to the opposite of the car and getting in on the driver's side.

"Bitch if I have to face them today, so do you. Get out the car now." She reached over to unlock the door, allowing Donavon to open it as Honey groaned in protest.

"Babe it's not that bad. Trust me."

"If she looks at me with judgement, I'm leaving." She warned while unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of the car. Donavon held onto her hand as they followed behind Kinsley and Braden.

"There you are." His mother, Angela, greeted once they were inside of the house. Donavon let go of Honey's hand and gave his mother a hug. "For a moment, I thought Braden was joking when he said you came." She teased while getting a good look of her son.

"Mom, I want you meet my fiancée, Honey." Honey nervously smiled as Angela's attention went to her. She smiled, extending her arms to welcome her into an embrace as well. Honey accepted while looking toward Donavon.

"It's good to finally meet you Honey. Donavon has talked about you so much. I know the two of you met back while he was married to that girl." Angela stated, throwing Honey off guard. She would've never thought he'd be bold enough to tell his mom that.

"Um, yeah."

"I'm not judging. He says the two of you met prior but didn't think he'd see you again. I guess it's a good thing he did." Angela said with a smile, putting Honey a bit more at ease.

"Where's dad?" Donavon asked, realizing his father would have joined them by now after hearing additional voices in the house.

"He had to go get your sister but he should be back soon. You ladies can come on back to the den with me while they put your things away." Honey nodded her head as she followed Angela's lead with Kinsley right at her side. She had met Angela prior to coming outside and getting Honey out of the car.

"So it's not surprising he proposed to you. Do you know when you want to have the wedding?" Angela asked while taking a seat on the couch. Honey and Kinsley sat opposite of her.

"I haven't thought of a date yet. I'm still on a high from it." Honey admitted as a smile appeared on Angela's face.

"Well I'm happy to hear that. If you need any help just feel free to ask."

"Thank you."

"I know that, this is a bit awkward meeting us but I'm happy you two ladies came. My boys don't brag about much and well, neither one of them could shut up about either of you." Kinsley and Honey laughed. "I could tell I would like you both just based on what they've told me. Plus I trust they used good judgement on the two of you. Donavon especially." Kinsley nudged Honey causing her to frown at her as the two of them laughed.

"Thank you having us." Kinsley spoke up. "I'm actually happy we finally came to see you all. I actually had some news to tell Braden and well, what better time than now..." She revealed as Honey's eyes widen.

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