Chapter One: Move In Day

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Chewing on her bottom lip, Honey made a mental note of everything she had left to unpack. She was thankful to have Alina and her boyfriend to help. He invited a few of his friends and she was moved in with plenty of time to spare for her to decorate her apartment.

"Surprised you're not weirded out by living with complete strangers." Raymond, Alina's boyfriend, stated.

"I mean. I don't see the issue. My door will remain locked unless I'm upstairs. Good thing there's more than one door to this thing." Honey pointed out while nodding her head in the direction of the door they were using to move her in.

"Just be careful okay? I don't want anything happening to my baby sister." He said while pulling Honey into a hug. Raymond and Alina had been dating since high school so naturally he played the big brother role to her. Seeing how overprotective her sister was with her, Honey didn't really mind it.

"Are they home currently?" Alina asked while Honey shook her head no.

"She had go out of town but they'll both be back on Monday. I already have my first to do list for Monday as well."

" you need any help getting everything setup?" Alina offered.

"You can stay. I was going to order some pizza and just kick back my first night."

"Well shit let us setup your tv cause I'm hungry." Raymond admitted as two of his friends came into the house with them.

One of them in particular was Trey, who was always determined to get Honey's attention. He was a clown so she couldn't take anything he said and did seriously. The other was Randall, who out of the three of them was the most reliable.

"Just be careful with my things. I'll go ahead and order it though."

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Sunday night had arrived and Honey smiled while looking around her room. She was finally done unpacking and satisfied with the outcome of her place. Taking her hair out of its ponytail, she noticed her phone ringing. Frowning a bit, she walked over to her kitchen counter to see who could be calling her so late.


"Honey! Oh please tell me you're home, I seem to have forgotten my house key." Morgan shamelessly laughed into the phone.

"Yeah I'm here. I'll be up in a minute."

"Thank you." Honey disconnected the call and made her way upstairs. She unlocked the door to the home and walked down the hall to the garage. She disabled the home alarm and unlocked the door to the garage, granting Morgan entry. "See I knew I was right to have you move in early. I usually keep this door unlocked but guess I just thought I had my key." Morgan rambled as Honey smiled at her.

"Come on Morgan, this suitcase is heavy." She heard a deep baritone voice behind her.

"Sorry honey." She said while stepping aside, allowing her fiancée to walk in. He sported a pair of jet black shades, dressed in a navy blue business suit. Honey looked away from him, realizing he was a lot younger than she imagined.

"Oh. Honey this is my fiancée Donavon. Donavon this is Honey, isn't she a doll?" Morgan flattered as Donavon looked at her. Removing his shades, his eyes met Honey's as her lower region reacted to his features. Though he wasn't smiling at her, there was a look in his eyes she was very much familiar with.

She had met him before on more than one occasion. He was coming out of a store, she couldn't figure out the name at the moment but she remembered him looking at her. He held his cellphone in one hand and a Starbucks coffee cup in the other. A sly smirk rested on his face as he admired her curves and boldly called out to her to let her know. She remembered thinking he was just another clown that she would just ignore. Yet, she saw him again. This time it was at the mall and he was more reserved then. He apologized for the way he approached her the first time and offered to take her out sometime. She said she would take him up on the offer but never got around to calling him.

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