Chapter Twelve: Changes...

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"I still can't believe Don let that bitch go. She deserved any and everything she got, Morgan included." Alina stated as she cleaned around her shop with Honey. Honey was still unsure of how to process everything. Was it really over or would it only be a matter of time before Vicki returned?

"Yeah. I never would've guessed he owned a gun though.

"That's what's bothering you? Not that the bitch had her cousin all hemmed up like some captive or the fact that she's been stalking you and your family. No. The fact that Don has a gun is what got you shook."

"I mean...I saw something in her that night. Crazy as it may seem, I couldn't be mad at her anymore. It's still fuck her forever though but..." Honey shook her head. "She actually looked scared for her damn life when that gun went off."

"I told you I had some people I could've called. Yall played it too safe and could've wind up with a case on your asses." Honey agreed with her sister which was ultimately why she couldn't be bothered with pressing the issue further.

"So now that all the craziness is over with, what's going to happen now?" Honey shrugged as the sound of the shop door went off. The sisters looked toward the entrance as a stranger stood near the door.

"I'm sorry ladies, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Hassan, I run the barber shop next door." Alina smiled as she made her way over to him and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you love. I'm Alina and that's my sister Honey. We own this shop."

"That's what's up. I'll try to keep my clients away from your shop though. Last hair salon couldn't last a week before moving uptown and I don't want my boys running you and your girls off."

"Oh I'm sure it'll be fine. Anything would be better than my damn basement." Hassan smiled as his eyes went to Honey. She was busy checking her phone knowing she had to get back to work soon.

"Yeah so also if you need anything, like need any men to come over, rough someone up or something, just call me." Alina laughed and grabbed her notepad from the counter.

"Write it down for me. I mean I have a boyfriend as does my sister but aint no telling how long it'll take them to get here if something does pop off."

"Yeah. It's good to know someone close by." Hassan stated while writing his number on the notepad and handed it over to Alina. "Anyways I'll get out of your way. If need anything don't be afraid to come by the shop or call, whichever."

"Thank you. Nice meeting you." Alina said as Hassan made his way out of the shop.

"Girl... I feel like I died and went to chocolate heaven." Honey looked up from her phone and laughed.

"See. This is what happens when you deal with that light meat. You start going through withdrawals."

"Whatever. We can't all be blessed with good dick and a job courtesy of their same man."

"I mean we could but..."

"Bye Honey. And don't think I aint notice you checking your phone every twenty minutes."

"I wasn't during it on purpose. I'm sorry."

"That you are, now get so I can close this place up." Honey nodded her head as she grabbed her things and made her way out of the shop. She noticed Hassan standing outside of his shop smoking and smiled.

"How often you come on this side of town?" He questioned as he made his way over to her.

"Um... only if my sister calls, that's it."

"Damn. And here I thought I'd get a chance to see more of you." Honey began to say something slick but chose against it.

"You do know I have a boyfriend right?"

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