Chapter Four: Swish Swish

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Morgan stood in the living room of their home as Don sat on the couch. He had asked her more than once to take a seat so the two of them talk but she couldn't bother to be near him. She was battling to tell him whether or not Honey was aware of what was going on. The thought alone was making her sick. She didn't bother to involve Honey because she wanted it to happen naturally. To know Honey intentionally set out to sleep with Don even before she knew what was going on drove her insane. Exactly when he did he meet her? Why hasn't he mentioned her at all? Why wasn't he honest enough to tell her he's met Honey before? Furthermore, what did their 'meeting' consist of?

Each question was burning deep into her brain as she rubbed her temples trying to find the words to say to him. Then she thought, as long as Honey didn't know everything, she could deal with it. She couldn't be too upset. This was her plan after all.

"So are you going to talk?" Donavon asked as he looked at Morgan.

"Yeah.." Morgan took a seat on the couch and smiled toward him. "Why didn't you tell me you knew Honey beforehand?" Donavon shrugged his shoulders. She wasn't always capable of tripping him up.

"Didn't think it was necessary to tell."

"I mean how did you know her?"

"We ran into one another twice in a week and I asked her for her number. She said she'd call, she didn't. End of story." Donavon explained as he looked down on his watch. Braden should've arrived at the same time as him.

"Still. Would've nice to know instead of being blindsided."

"You? Blindsided?" Don chuckled as he took his phone out of his pocket, shooting a text to his brother.

"Braden should've been here by now huh?" Morgan said as she made her way over to the window and peered out of the curtain.

"They're both grown. It doesn't matter." Don stood as he went into the kitchen. Morgan followed him and watched as he fixed himself a drink. "So what's the end game on all of this? You get what you want and then what?"

"Well, so far you haven't tried anything...right?" Morgan tested him because at this point he may as well tell the truth.

"Maybe I did." Don stated as he grew tired of lying already.

"Well. Like I said. It's up to you. When you're done with her, let me know." Morgan made her way over to him and sat on the counter.

Taking a sip of his drink, he reviewed his phone to see he hadn't received a response from Braden yet.

"Why do you keep checking your phone?"

"Because. Branden would've responded by now."

"Well you know how your brother is. You practically gave him that piece of ass." Morgan hopped down the counter. "Goodnight." She sung as she twirled out of the kitchen. Don downed the rest of his drink, fixing another as he made his way down the hall to his office.

🍯🐝 🍯🐝 🍯🐝

"So the two of you aren't even related?" Honey questioned with a shock expression. She sat on the floor of Braden's apartment as the two fished out of a large container of cookies and cream ice cream. Braden couldn't keep his eyes off of her and felt a bit helpless about it. He could see how easily it was for Don to get caught up with her so soon. Remembering the question she asked as he got lost in her eyes yet again, Braden spoke.

"Nope. His parents are my god-parents. They basically raised me after my parents died in a car crash when I was two years old. His mom was watching me the night it happened and well, they didn't want me to go into foster care."

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