Chapter Eight: SPEAK IT

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Three months had passed and Honey found herself getting really accustomed to being with Donavon. In the back of her mind she had a feeling something negative was bound to happen. So far, everything had been completely normal. It was Thursday afternoon as Honey left her most recent job interview. Not that she hadn't enjoyed the life of not working; however, she was bored. Taking the much needed break after graduating was perfect but she was now ready to get back to work. Besides, she wanted to establish her own self. She certainly didn't want to continue to rely on the men in her life.

Stepping into the building of Donavon's new business venture, the hotel seemed to be coming together nicely.

"You see how low that is. See look I'm trying to talk to my lady, I have to look around this. Take it down." She heard Donavon speaking to one of his employees as she eyed the hotel longue.

"Well well, you're going to give those big wigs a run for their money once this opens." She said while earning a smile from him. He made his way to her, taking her into his arms and kissing her.

"Where you been all day?"

"Oh you know, how and about. How much longer before you open?" Donavon groaned as he eyed his surroundings. There was more than enough work that needed to be done.

"We'll be lucky if we can get this place opened by the end of the year at this rate. Plus I have to hire staff and I really don't feel like dealing with that."

"Aww. Well it's different starting from the ground up. I know it'll be great though. The restaurant is doing so well, I wouldn't worry about it."

"You're right." Hearing a loud crash, Donavon's attention turned in the direction it came from, throwing up his hands. "What yall breaking now?" He groaned before kissing Honey's cheek. "I'll be back." Honey nodded as she took a seat on the booth where he left his things. Noticing his laptop was open, she grabbed it and placed it in front of her, opening up Safari and searching for YouTube. Once the website was up, she immediately searched for her family to watch, The Lavigne Life. She was a bit behind but decided to watch the most recent vlog.

Noticing a new email coming in, she glanced at it for a moment before realizing the email came from Vicki. Opening it, she read over the message.

To: Donavon Copeland <>

From: Victoria Gloven <>

I have the results from my doctor's appointment. You keep thinking this is a game but I'm not playing with you Don. I am seriously pregnant and I have the ultrasound and blood test to prove it. You need to answer your phone and come see me ASAP!

"I know you aint over there watching YouTube again." Donavon teased with a grin on his face as he made his way over to Honey. She quickly exited out of the email, starting up another YouTube video that was listed in the suggestions.

"Maybe." She said back to him as he leaned against the table. "So um...have you spoken to Vicki recently?" Honey questioned as Donavon looked toward her trying to see where she was going with the conversation.

"She's reached out to be via email but that's about it. Why what's up?"

"Look, she just emailed you. Is it true? Is she really pregnant?" Donavon could see the disappointment in Honey's eyes. Breathing a sigh, he took a seat next to her.

"There's a possibility she is. I don't know yet."

"Well according to the email she sent, she's pretty definite on it. How long have you known?"

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