Chapter Two: CAKE

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"Oh my god!" Honey moaned as she continued to stuff her face with the pound cake her mother brought over. She was congratulating her on getting the job but also her first apartment. Previously, Honey was living with her mom but her plans to make it her own was now in full motion.

Her mother, Gwendolyn, shook her head as she watched her exaggerate.

"Do I need to leave the two of you alone?" Gwendolyn asked as a smile appeared on Honey's face.

"Oh mama you and your jokes. You know how much I love this cake. My god, did you do something different with it?"

"No child. But answer my question, how are you liking things here so far." It was now Wednesday and so far everything had gone well.

"It's straight." Honey simply answered while licking her fork.

"You are such a pest you know that." Her mother frowned toward her.

"Sorry. But everything is fine ma. You don't have to worry about anything."

"I mean I know. You're just so far from me now and I just want to make sure you're in good hands."

"Yeah I get it. It's better than that hell hole I used to work at."

"That hell hold gave you job stability and heath insurance." Her mother ranted. "What are you going to do if you get sick Honey?"

"Ma trust me. I have it covered. I can pay for my own health insurance with the money I'll be making here."

"And what exactly do the two of them do for a living?"

"Ma come on. If they were white you wouldn't even fix your mouth to ask that question."

"I just want to make sure my child is safe here. You never mentioned she was engaged."

"That's because I didn't know. It doesn't change the workload."

"Uh huh. But it does change the environment."

Gwendolyn reached into her purse, pulling out a jar of homemade jam. Honey's eyes lit up as she took the jar from her mother, kissing her cheek while thanking her.

"You are so good to me. I swear I can eat just this and toast for the rest of my life and be satisfied."

"Yeah well that jar will last you over a month Honey. Don't go digging in it everyday." Her mother warned as Honey got up from the couch and put away the jam in her refrigerator.

"You're off on the weekends right?" Gwendolyn questioned as Honey rejoined her in the living room.

"Yeah I am."

"Well that's good. You can come visit me whenever you're free."

"Sure..." Honey said before smiling at her mother. Gwendolyn stood from the couch as she got herself prepared to leave.

"First weekend I'm free I'll be there." Honey promised as she walked her mother outside to her car. She waited until she was inside before going back into her apartment.

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Honey breathed a sigh as her first week came to end. Nothing about the job made things easier for her. She was literally working for the money she was given. She finished up cleaning the kitchen as she thanked God she was off on the weekends. Morgan made her way into the kitchen and smiled.

"Hey. I'm going to visit my parents this weekend but Don will be working from home. I wanted to give you a heads up. I know you're off but if you could please check and make sure he's eaten something that would be great."

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