Chapter Ten: Sneaky

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A couple of hours had gone by as Vicki made her way around the mall, hoping to rid her mind of everything that had happened. Knowing she was only doing a favor for someone, she never thought she'd actually gain feelings for Donavon. The more the two of them hung out with one another, the more she grew to love him. When she realized her plan to get pregnant worked, she was devastated the moment she saw blood. Entering her cousin's shop, she looked around for her.

"Hey girl." She heard her cousin greet her from behind as she turned around to face her.

"Hey Morgan. Thought I'd come by to tell you what happened." Morgan nodded her head as she waved down one of her co-workers.

"I'll be back." She said to her before exiting the store with Vicki.

Once they were out of ear shot of anyone, she went on to speak.

"How exactly did you have a miscarriage? You know there's nothing else we can do now right?" Morgan questioned her cousin. It was no coincidence that Vicki had met Donavon. It was Morgan's plan the moment she left the courthouse. He took everything from her so she was determined to return the favor. All Vicki had to do was either convince him to marry her or get pregnant.

Vicki initially was prepared to play her cousin's game, considering she didn't agree with what Don did to her. But the moment she saw him, her intentions changed. She was more than attracted to his looks, she admired his drive. He was a breath of fresh air compared to the men she's dated in the past. Now she stood unable to find that right words to say to her cousin who was now more than disappointed.

"I can't help that I had a miscarriage. That was out of my control. You could have a little bit more sympathy you know."

"Oh please. You can't tell me you've caught feelings for him."

"What did you expect Morgan? I spent every day with him almost and if it weren't for that bitch..." Vicki took breath as she found herself getting angry all over again.

"What bitch?" Morgan questioned. Vicki looked toward her and shook her head.

"Honey." Vicki said with a dismissive tone. "I don't know what type of hold that girl has on him but moment he saw her, everything changed in a second." She expressed as Morgan turned up her nose at her.

"You are not about to sit here and act like you are in love with my ex-fiancee." Vicki rolled her eyes. She was beginning to regret even being apart of this. She wished she would've met Donavon before Morgan because she wouldn't have been as stupid with her relationship like Morgan.

"Still... I can't believe she's back in his life. I just knew my plan to set her up with Braden would've worked. So I apologize. Didn't know you had a third party you had to deal with."

"Doesn't matter. He's already made his decision to be with her and he's very adamant about it."

"Girl who cares? I know Donavon's weakness. I'm surprise this miscarriage wasn't even to push him back into your arms again. He doesn't handle grief well, never has. Don't tell me you fucked that up to." Vicki didn't bother to say anything. "That's fine. I'll think of something else."

"I have to see her ass at work and shit too. I'm not looking forward to that either."

"Wait she works with you?"

"She's in HR." Morgan took her phone out of her pocket, opening up the Facebook application. She remember Honey's last name and searched for her until she found her profile. Majority of it was private but there was one thing that stood out. It appeared she hadn't been on the site since college but the few pictures that were public were of her and what appeared to be an ex-boyfriend.

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