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A curtain of rain surrounded the Potter residence as the night grew in age, a baritone rumble of thunder creeping in from time to time along side a quick snapshot of lightening.

Juniper had finished her reading for the evening, her room nearly as cosy as the common room she would spend all of her time in during school. For a summer night, the weather wasn't a great representation. Draped across the walls were plethers of fairy lights, moving Polaroids and postcards - memories of her early school years all the way up to this day.

Leaning over towards the lamp, she was ready to turn in. She sat up suddenly, unable to decipher if she heard a crack of lightening again or if it was a pounding noise, similar to the front door.
She stood, trudged towards her door and poked her head out, locking eyes with her brother whom adorned the same unsure expression. Together, with wands grasped, they slowly took the stairs, across the hallway and hovered by the door.

Another thump - it was certainly the door. At this point, their parents had joined them to hover by the door. Taking the brave step, Juniper took the door handle and pulled, her brother standing close beside her with his hand hovering by her back just in case.

With an exhale of breath, her shoulder slumped and relaxed.

Her brothers best friend stood before her, arms wrapped up with bags and a large trunk. Completely soaked through

"Prongs..." his voice croaked, a wounded groan so quiet compared to the volume of noise behind him as it drenched him. June couldn't see if it was tears or water on his face...

"Mum!! Grab towels" James bellowed, pushing his sister aside gently, pulling Sirius in and not allowing him a second more to shiver. "June, his bags..."

Unloading the soggy bags and trunk to the ground, she kept them by the door and shut it behind her, the house silent again apart from chatter and simpers by the kitchen.

Not wanting to pry or get in the way whilst James gathered some dry clothes, she made tea for them all and placed it on the table. Locking eyes with Sirius for the first time, she leaned behind him to gather a small towel, placing it on his wet hair and gently massaged and rubbed to get his locks dry.

"Juni.." his hands hoovered towards her.

"Shh... Just try to take some rest now." She muttered, pouting a little as she started to notice the scorched marked on his neck, as well as the small cut on his cheek. Juni. He was the only one to ever give her that name, well it at least it started that way. It's June to most, but now with the exception of friends, family and ... him, it seemed to stick.

The Potters tended to Sirius that night; listening to what happened, feeding him and giving him as much attention as he needed. By 4am, they all went the bed with the exception of James and Sirius.

"I can't Prongs - it's too much, James, honestly!" Sirius flopped back on the sofa, gripping onto a throw to keep his warmth sealed.

"It's not, it never will be! You're part of this place, you're part of this family now and you don't get a bloody say. Understand!" Sitting down beside him, James rested his hands behind his head, the pair of them leaning back to stare at the ceiling as they talked it through.

"But your parents, your sister - it's your privacy!" Sirius argued once again

"When the fuck have you ever considered someone's privacy. I still have engrained in my memory the blood curdling scream June made when you walked into her bathroom last week... whilst she was in the bath!" James choked, suppressing the howl of laughter to keep as quiet as possible!

"Honest mistake! I always get your bathroom and her's confused" Sirius groaned, his blush increasing as well as his temperature.

Their laughter died down a little as they turned their heads toward the creak of the stairs. June, still half asleep trudged down the steps, towards the kitchen and gathered some water. It was mid morning already. Sirius turned slightly to look at her, noticing how exhausted she looked

She was small, 5'2 to be exact, and in contrast to her long chocolate brown hair which went down to the middle of her back, she looked like a doll. She was blessed with great eyesight, unlike her brother, so it was handy as she was finally wanting to try out for Seeker on the Quidditch team in the new school year.

June gazed over her cup, looking at the boys and caught Sirius' eye for a moment before he quickly looked away. Her relationship with Sirius wasn't set in stone - being James' twin, she was the tag along for most cases apart from school; she made it priority to stick with Lily and avoid the group shenanigans. She was unsure as to how the remainder of the summer would unfold but after that night and seeing how pained he was, she wanted to do what she could to help.

"Pancakes anyone?" A voice snapped her out of her gaze as Mrs Potter entered the kitchen.

And so the rest of the summer continued.

𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕀'𝕕 𝔹𝕖 | 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now