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Death - Miscarriage - Suicidal Tendencies - Self Harm-

It was a cold December day when we were driving home from our second appointment, the baby was doing good everything was healthy and we were happy.

"Babe you gotta be careful it's slick out today." I say to Col as we drive home

"I know but you gotta start your stream soon." He says as he looks over and grabs my hand.

"I'll just tweet saying it gonna be delayed a bit."

He smiles and nods as he continues driving. I see red and blues lights flashing ahead, 'that doesn't surprise me one days like this there's probably more' I think to myself, we pass the small blue car that had hit a snow embankment on the side of the road.

We're about 5 miles from our house when a large truck spins out of control and hits our car from the side. Everything becomes a blur as the car goes spinning only to hit black ice in the road.

Last thing I remember before waking up in a hospital bed was the tree that we wrapped the car around and the EMT's asking if I could move.

At the hospital

"What happened, where's Col, oh god the baby?" I ask looking around the room at all the people. I notice my grandmothers face as mention the baby, she just looked at the ground a took a deep breathe.

"Den get the doctor, honey you need to be calm." She said as she got and grabbed my hand.

I didn't need the doctor to tell me I lost it, I had lost my child in that car. What I didn't know is I had lost my husband as well, he had flown out of the car and died on impact of the concrete, they said it was quick and painless. I wish I didn't have to fell this pain, I wish I didn't have to deal with the fact I missed the funeral for him because I was to tired to get out bed, I wish I didn't have to hide away like a hermit because I didn't have the strength to get out of my chair.

My assistant sent out a message saying I needed to take a break. She didn't say why or how long, all she said was that 'Something has come up and I needed to take time to figure things out and that I'll return when I'm ready.' finishing out with my classic 'I love you babes.'

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