Chapter 12 Information

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Back in Konoha, the people living inside Konohas' gates were wishing Naruto would come back. A lot of shinobis went out to search for them but always returned empty handed, no information on the blondie, and definitely no blonde in their hands. The Uzumaki-Namikazes where barely getting any sleep, their priority was the blonde Jinchuriki that was 'kidnapped' from the Leaf. Menma, Mito and everyone else in the village including the Naras were still believing the lie of their beloved Hokage and his wife. They believed that even after they treated Naruto badly after years they still have the right to bring Naruto back to their village, his 'home'(Who were they kidding). A certain Uchiha was stressed out as well, that Uchiha was the 'last' Uchiha, Uchiha Sasuke has had a crush on the blonde jinchuriki for a loooong time now, of course, he also believed the lie that came out of the Hokages' and his wifes' mouth, he decided that he was going to make Naruto his after Naruto is 'rescued' from his 'kidnappers' 'Naruto, as soon as you are back here, I'll make you mine. Or I'll make you mine when I see you again.' thought Sasuke with a wide grin on his face, he doesn't know that Naruto was already taken by a certain orange haired leader. Some Gennin teams and their teachers were also helping, Hinata, Shino, Kiba, Shikamar, Ino, Sakura, Tenten, Nei, and Lee also helped and of course Menma and Mito helped search for their 'little brother' as well. Also, Naruto has met Neiji, Tenten and Lee before. The whole village was desperate to bring Naruto back to their village and when he comes back, they'll all welcome him with open arms and treat him with the respect he deserved, the Inuzuka, Aburame and Hyuga clan were in charge of searching for Naruto since Inuzukas have good sense of smell and they have their dogs, Aburames have insects that can eat and sense chakra and see the surroundings and Hyugas can see chakra and check their surroundings. The Naras were seeing if their are any information in where Naruto could be and the Yamanakas even checked the memories of people passing by Konoha, that was how desperate they were. Konoha wasn't really able to get any information though, a lot of people were getting more exhausted by the day searching for the missing blonde, the same blonde that they treated badly.

(In the Hokage office)

In the Hokage office, Minatos' desk was covered with papers, a lot of them as well, mountains of papers. Minato looked like a panda, he didn't have a lot of energy in him. Knock knock knock. There were 3 knocks at the Hokages' office door. Minato sighed, 'It's going to be another report saying they've failed to find any information on Naruto again.' thought Minato. Minato didn't reply he didn't say anything and continued looking at the paper reports on his desk.

"Hokage-sama, may I come in?" said the person at the front door. Minato sighed again.

"Yes you may." replied Minato. 

The door opened revealing a Nara, it was Nara Shikaku who is a friend of Minato and Shikamarus' father. Shikaku walked in front of Minatos' desk and opened his mouth, before he could say anything, he was cut off by Minato.

"I know what this is about, you have failed to find any information on Naruto am I right?" asked Minato.

"Actually Minato, we've found some information." said Shikaku. Minatos' eyes widened.

"Anbu!" he yelled. 4 anbus appeared in front of Minato knelling down.

"yes Hokage-sama?" said an anbu.

"Bring my family and the other Gennin teams and their senseis here this instant!" ordered Minato.

"yes Hokage-sama." they said then left. A few minutes later, the Uzumaki-Namikazes and Gennins and their senseis were inside the Hokage office.

"Why did you call us here Dad? We need to continue searching for Naruto, we don't have time for this." said Menma, everyone nodded.

"Actually, Shikaku said he has some information." said Minato. Everyones' eyes widened then they turned their heads towards Shikaku.

"Apparently the blonde that took Naruto is from an organisation called Akatsuki. The blonde that took Naruto is Yagami Deidara, he's from the Yagami clan and they have the explosive clay kekkei genkai. The Yagamis were going to leave the Rock village since they are a free clan and don't belong permanently anywhere in a village they don't want to stay in, they use to live in the Rock village but they were killed by some Rock anbus ordered by the Tsuchikage themselves only sparing Deidara and another person so they could control them and have their kekkai genkais in their village. The Akatsuki has helped many and you could pay them but they might not accept some missions. The Akatsuki are known as kind and dangerous." said Shikaku.

"When I see that filthy Yagami I'm going to kick his ass and save Naruto." said Menma cracking his knuckles. 

"Yeah!" said Everyone except some people.

"So where is the Akatsuki base at?" asked Sasuke. 

"Well about that, we don't know." said Shikaku, everyone sighed. Then, the door busted open revealing the toad sannin Jiraiya.

"Oh looks like everyone's already here. Anyways I found out that Naruto was taken by the Akatsuki when I was doing my network spying." said Jiraiya.

"We already know that." said Mito.

"Anyways, I also found out where the Akatsuki hideout is." said Jiraiya.

"WHERE!?" asked everyone.

The answer Jiraiya gave them made everyones' eyes widened.


To be continued...


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for 200 reads.

!DISCLAIMER: Naruto does not belong to me!

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