Chapter 15 Wrong

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Naruto woke up with cold drops of sweat falling down his head. But then he realized, what 'What was wrong?' thought Naruto. Naruto just thought it was a dream and he was just had a nightmare but then he soon realized, he can't remember what happened in his dream at all, he can't even remember a second of his dream, he tried to remember but all he remembered was the colour black, no memories of his dream. In the room Naruto just ignored it and looked around his bedroom, the walls were painted a light orange colour, there were pictures of foxes hung on the wall with a calendar with pictures of strong shinbois like Kakashi and the previous Hokages. There was a book shelf and a table but there wasn't many books on the book shelf and the note books, pencils pens and other stuff on the table looked new like it was never touched even though Naruto has remembered he lived here long. Then, the door opened and Kushina came in.

"Oh good morning Naruto sweetie, I was about to wake you up. Came down and have breakfast with everyone once you finished getting changed." said Kushina.

"I will mum." replied Naruto then Kushina closed the door. Naruto opened his wardrobe and everything looked new. 'They must have bought me new stuff, they always buy new stuff for Menma and Mito too.' thought Naruto then he grabbed a black T-shirt, black pants and an orange hoodie with black flames at the bottom of the hoodie. He got changed and went downstairs into the kitchen to see his family sitting down at the table talking waiting for him. They all stopped talking when they heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and saw Naruto, they smiled and Mito went to hug her little brother.

"Good morning otouto." said Mito letting go of Naruto.

"Good morning nee-chan." replied Naruto with a smile. But then his heart ached when he called Mito 'nee-can'. Naruto decided to ignore it because he thought there was nothing wrong and he sat down eating breakfast. When the Uzumaki-Namikazes finished their breakfast, the family grabbed their things and headed towards the front door. Kushina and Minato went to the Hokage office and the 3 siblings walked through the village. Many villagers pasted them and bowed down to them and even gave them candy, Naruto got the most though since some villagers gave him more than his siblings but, some people looked at Naruto......differently. 'Why am I getting more candy than my siblings? Is it because I'm the youngest out of us 3? I noticed them looking at me with both sad and happy eyes when villagers just see me, why are they looking at me like that? I've been in the village for 12 whole years and I was always treated nicely but why are they suddenly looking at me like that? Is something wrong? Wait, why did it feel wrong when I thought that?'  thought Naruto. Naruto decided to ignore the questions running through his head and looked at his siblings.

"Aren't the villagers nice Naruto?" asked Mito.

"Yeah they are!" replied Naruto with a smile.

"Mhm." said Menma.

'Wait, why does that feel so wrong again? I've been in this village for 12 years and have been treated nicely, are they doing something behind my back? Never mind, they are nice people.' thought Naruto. The 3 Uzumaki-Namikazes soon ran into their friends which is Hinata, Kiba, Sakura, Sasuke and Chouji.

"H-hello Naruto-kun h-hello Mito, h-hello Menma-kun." said a stuttering Hinato.

"Hello Hinato." replied the 3 at the same time then all 3 of them laughed.

"Triplets." said Shikamaru. The group started talking and Menma and Mito were just talking about how good of a younger brother Naruto was and Naruto just ignored what they said and stared at his hands, 'Why do I feel something wrong when looking at my hands?' thought Naruto.

"Isn't that right Naruto!" said Menam looking at Naruto. Naruto snapped back at his own thoughts hearing Menma voice saying his name.

"Oh....uh.....yeah right nii-san." said Naruto laughing nervously but everyone ignored it. 'Damn my heart.'  thought Naruto. Menma and Mito continued talking about being siblings with Naruto and then Kiba said.

"I wish you were my little brother Naruto."

"Yeah, I wish you were my brother Naruto, I would see you as a toddler and I bet you would be so cute." squealed Sakura imagining what Naruto would look like as a toddler.

"No way! He's my little brother!" shouted Menma.

"Yeah his out little brother!" said Mito.

"Thanks guys." said Naruto. The group started going separate ways to their teachers. After the whole day of completing missions. Naruto walked around the whole village and his siblings went straight home. Naruto accidentally ran into Sasuke on his way home.

"Oops sorry Sasuke." said Naruto getting up.








"Whatever." said Naruto then he went back home with only one thing on his mind, 'Why did that feel right? Why did me saying that random line that randomly came into my head feel so right?' Naruto got back home and got yelled at his mother for being home late. 'Wait, why does this feel so familiar?' thought Naruto. After the whole family ate dinner, Naruto went to find the family album to look at their family photos to calm him down but then he couldn't find it.

"What are you trying to find Naruto?" asked Kushina.

"I'm trying to find the family album." replied Naruto.

"Oh, we actually lost it." said Kushina

"Oh...." said Naruto. Naruto walked around the house feeling bored and realized there were none of their family photos hung anywhere the house or in a picture frame. 

(Time skip)

It's now night time, Naruto is laying in his bed unable to sleep.

'Why does everything feel wrong? Me saying the villagers are nice felt wrong. Me in this room even feels wrong seeing things that look new and never touched. Me calling nee-san and       nii-san felts wrong. The villagers being nice to me also felt wrong. Me looking at me own hand felt like something is missing. The only thing that felt right was me saying a random line in my head. Mum yelling at me felt familiar, it's not like she hasn't yelled at me for doing something wrong but it just feels so familiar. What's wrong?' thought Naruto. 

'You really are clueless about what's happening are you. Too bad I don't have much time before-' said a voice in Narutos' head before it was cut off.

'Who was that....'

To be continued...


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for 300 reads.

!DISCLAIMER: Naruto does not belong to me!

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