Chapter 16 What!?

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It's been a few weeks after the voice in Narutos' head said something to him that really confused him.

Flashback no jutsu*

'You really are clueless about what's happening are you. Too bad I don't have much time before-' said a voice in Narutos' head before it was cut off.

'Who was that.' thought Naruto then he got an idea that if there was actually a voice in Narutos' head then if he said something mentally to it, it might reply back.

'Who are you?' asked Naruto. No reply.

'Answer me!' no reply again.

'Speak god damn it!' no reply again. Naruto decided to stop and just went to sleep.

End of flashback no jutsu*

Ever since then, the voice would barely say anything to him, and if it did, it just said 'thing are-' before it was cut off.

'Why won't he just say a complete sentence? How the hell am I suppose to understand him if he always cut his own sentence? Wait, the first time he said something to me, he said he didn't have much time before something, so maybe he doesn't have much time to talk to me. But, the first time he spoke to me, he said I was clueless about what's 'happening'. What does he mean by that? Maybe Mum or Dad or nee-san or nii-san will know what's wrong with me?' thought Naruto then he received another heart ache.

'Ugh, what's wrong with me? Why does this happen so frequently?' thought Naruto then he walked downstairs to have breakfast with his family. Naruto entered the kitchen and saw his family talking ti each other, they stopped and looked at Naruto smiling then Naruto returned a smile. Naruto sat down in his seat and Kushina placed the food on the table, on their plates were eggs, bacon and toast. Kushina sat down and everyone started eating the delicious food that Kushina cooked for breakfast except one person.......Naruto. Kushina, Minato, Menma and Mito realized Naruto wasn't eating and got worried for their son/little brother.

"Are you ok Naruto?" asked Menma.

"Huh? Yeah I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking nii-san." answered Naruto. 'Damn, my heart is aching again? Seriously what's wrong with me? Am I sick?' thought Naruto.

"Really then why aren't you eating your breakfast? Do you not like it? Do you want to eat something else? I can cook something else for you if you don't want to eat this." said Kushina with worry in her voice.

"Oh no it's fine, it's just I'm not that hungry." replied Naruto who was actually hungry it's just he had something else in his mind. Kushina, Minato, Menma and Mito realized that Naruto was lying about him not being hungry and he seemed like he was hiding something.

"Naruto, we know you're lying. Is there something on your mind? You can tell us you know." said Minato.

"Yeah Naruto!" said Mito.

"Well alright, I actually do have something on my mind right now." said Naruto scratching the back on his head.

"Well what is it dattebasa!" said Kushina.

"Well, I've been hearing this voice in my head but I don't know if it's real or not and it doesn't talk to me much and I don't know why I'm hearing it or if it's real at all." said Naruto looked down at his hands, 'Damn I feel like something is missing when I look at my hands.' cursed Naruto mentally. Kushina placed a hand on Narutos' hand. 

"Don't worry sweetie, maybe you're just stressing out because of missions and stuff so you're imagining things. There's nothing wrong with you. Plus, if the voice is real, wouldn't that be cool dattebasa." said Kushina looking into Narutos' eyes.

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