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A few months ago he came over drunk and got mad at me and started to choke me. He's extremely against putting his hands on me like that again.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Well just stop asking me." He sighed. He sat back down and ran his hands down his face. "People seeing us on the street already assume the worst between us."

"What do you mean?"

"A tall muscular black guy and a petite white guy? The first thing people assume is that I physically abuse you. And I don't want that to come true. Even if it's consensual and during sex."

I bit my lip. I know that's what people think. It's not true. But it's just stereotype. I looked at the time.

"Can you please sleep here tonight?" I asked.

"I can't. I gotta go feed Otto." Otto is his golden retriever dog. "But I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon. Alright?" I nodded my head okay. He kissed my forehead. "Love you, bye."

He put his shirt on then left. I put the oversized hoodie back on and took off my pants. I was now back in the hoodie and boxer breifs.

I walked back out. I picked up Layla. She's a ragdoll cat so she's really fluffy.

I sat on the couch with her on my lap and called Alice; my best friend.

"Hey bish. What's up?" She answered the phone.

"If you've never met Chris and I and just saw us on the street, would you think that he hits me?" I questioned.

She then just hung up. Not even a minute later her and her girlfriend; Jenna burst through the door. They only live down the hall from me.

"Why would you ask that!? Did he hurt you!?" Alice freaked. I quickly jumped up.

"No no! Not at all!" I assured. "He just said that if people see us on the street without knowing us that's what they'd assume due to stereotypes. And I wanted to see if it's true." They both sighed. "So I guess it is true. That's even what you guys think..."

I sat back down and looked down twiddling with my thumbs. They sat on both sides of me.

"What would even bring up that statement?" Jenna asked.

I thought for a second. Debating if I wanted to tell them or not.

"I asked him to choke me. And he said that he never wants to lay a hand on me like that, cause that's what people assume when they first look at us together. And he doesn't want to make it true in any way. Even if it's consensual."

"Well at least he's smart." Alice pointed out.

"But the thing is that he's done it bef-" I stopped. I didn't mean to day that. We swore to never tell anyone. "I mean... Nevermind."

"What do you mean he's done it before?" Alice questioned.

"Nothing. I didn't mean to say it." I denied. Jenna put me in a headlock.

"Tell us what you meant Morgan." She demanded.

"Fine! Fine!" I gave in. "He came over drunk like 5 months ago. He got pissed off and started to choke me."

She let go and they both stood in front of me. Glaring at me.

"And you didn't tell anyone or leave his ass!?" Alice yelled at me.

"No. Because I didn't want to. I knew that wasn't him. And that was the first and last time he ever did something like that." I explained. "But please don't tell anyone we promised not to tell anyone."

"Do you swear to tell us and to leave him if he ever puts his hands on you again?" Jenna implied.

"I swear."

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