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Abigail is her daughter, my niece. She's only 7.

"I'm sorry Uncle Morgan." Abigail apologized.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault, and there's nothing to be sorry about." I assured.

Me, Abigail, and Chris then all went up to my apartment.

"How about you go set your bags down in spare room then we can play a game." She ran to the extra bedroom. I turned to Chris. "Sorry about this. You don't have to stay if you don't want to."

"Don't be sorry Morgan. If I didn't want to be here then I would've just dropped you off. Abigail's pretty cool. She's not one of those really annoying kids." He replied.

I just laughed. Alice and Jenna then barged in.

"I saw Abigail. Where is she?" Alice announced. Abigail then came out. She saw Alice.

"Aunt Alice!" She gasped as she hugged her.

She calls her aunt Alice since Alice is basically my sister. And so basically her aunt too.

"So what are you doing over here?" Alice asked.

"I'm spending the night." Abigail answered.

"So therefore we're all half in a sleepover?" Jenna implied.

"No, because she has school in the morning." I denied.

"Pleeeease." Abigail and Alice both begged.

"Fine." I gave in.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go before y'all force me to put on makeup." Chris declared. "Talk to you later babe." He kissed my forehead and began to leave. I grabbed his sleeve.

"Oh no. If I have to stay then you're staying too."

"Please Chris." Abigail insisted.

"Yeah. We're gonna build a big fort and you're the tallest one. And we need your help with it." Jenna pointed out.

"Besides, the makeup will wash off." Alice added.

"Can I at least go home and feed my dog and grab some pajamas?"

"You can. But you better come back. And just make it easier and come back wearing pajamas." I agreed.

He then left. We all put on pajamas while waiting for him to get back. Alice and Jenna akso brought some makeup with them. We ordered a pizza and got out all the supplies for a fort.

Chris got back right after the pizza got here.

"Sorry, I couldn't find any 'appropriate' pajama pants. And so I had to stick with South Park pajama pants." Chris apologized.

"Alright. Anyway we need you to help us with this." Alice responded.

We then built the most amazing fort I've ever built in the living room. I got out my makeup and nail polish. We all sat on the floor. Chris was clearly dreading this.

"Hey Abigail, can you please go get the neon pink nail polish?" I told Abigail. She nodded her head yes then ran to my room.

"You understand we're only gonna torture you, right?" Jenna implied. Talking to Chris.

"I know." Cheis sighed.

"Uncle Morgan!" Abigail called me. I jumped up and went to my room.

"What's wron-"

"What's this?" She asked.

I quickly what she was holding and put it back into he drawer.

"I told you get  the nail polish. And that's it." I hissed.

"I couldn't find it. And so I started looking around." I grabbed the neon pink nail polish that was in clear sight.

"You mean this?"


She grabbed the nail polish and walked out. It took everything not to laugh.

I took a deep breath and walked back.

"What happened?" Alice asked.

"I'll tell you later." I replied.

A little bit later Abigail walked to the bathroom.

"Alright, so what happened?" Alice repeated.

"She couldn't find the nail polish that was in clear sight. And so she started searching around my room." I began.

"Oh God, what she find?" Chris questioned.

"Let's just say she found a quite phallic object..." They all died of laughter.

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