09. Momo

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The same day

"We're going twenty eight and oh!"

"Don't jinx it, Dunce Face!"

It was a tradition for the Yuuei Bullets to eat at Burger King after every win and this time was no different. Not only was this the first time they had started the season with a 2-0 record, but they had just gotten their long-awaited revenge against Shiketsu. They were determined to win their next three regular season games against them. And no matter where they ended up in the playoffs, they were determined to defeat Shiketsu whether it was in the first round, the semifinals or the finals. They were also determined to have Burger King twenty eight times this season.

"Oh, God. That would mean Burger King every week!" Kirishima exclaimed. "That doesn't sound very healthy."

"I mean, we don't have to eat here every time we win a game," Midoriya pointed out.

"You don't have to eat here every time," Kaminari beamed. "I'll take as much as they can give me."

"Fatass..." Bakugou muttered as he texted Camie. The blonde typically ate a bunch whenever they were at Burger King, but this time, he only ate a few chicken fries and stole a few French fries from Midoriya. Classic him.

As for our babies, they spent the time eating their food while talking about non-basketball related things like what they wanted to do after they graduated, when they wanted to have another date, pretty much everything they would usually text each other about. For Todoroki, this had to be the best day ever. School went great, especially since he passed his English test, he hit a game winning shot againt Shiketsu High, Momo told him she loved him, and now here he was celebrating at Burger King with his team and his girlfriend who was sitting right across from him.

"You're awfully smiley at the moment," Momo pointed out. "You have a cute smile, you know?"

"Is that so?" Todoroki asked as he arched his brow and smirked at Momo. He knew girls found him attractive; he heard about it all the time. However, there was just something about Momo saying it to him that just felt... different. Maybe it was because of the type of person that she was, or the type of person Todoroki thought she was. He didn't think she was the type of girl to ogle or pay attention to how attractive guys were based on how seriously she took her studies. She just seemed so innocent to him and he adored that about her.

"You do!" Momo giggled, jokingly kicking Todoroki's leg under the table. "Show me those curly whites."

Todoroki closed his eyes and flashed her a genuine smile. The fact that the situation was making him laugh a bit made his smile even wider and brighter.

"See? I could stare at that all day," Momo said as she pinched Todoroki's cheek. Todoroki placed his hand over Momo's and turned his head to kiss her palm. The two stayed like that for a while. Momo's hand on her boyfriend's face as he closed his eyes. Todoroki couldn't help but close his eyes and let out a content breath. Unbeknownst to the couple, just about everyone's eyes were on them, but even if they knew, they wouldn't care. They were just happy to be with each other. They were the most unlikely of couples (except for maybe Bakugou and Camie). A basketball player and a nerd. Who would have thought?


November 30, 2020

Six weeks had passed since Yuuei's astounding win over Shiketsu. So much had happened since then. Todoroki and Momo were getting closer and closer as a couple, people were still shocked about Bakugou and Camie's relationship after it being revealed to the public a few days earlier, and most importantly, Yuuei High's basketball team was off to an 8-0 start to the season, a feat not accomplished by any team in the league since the Seiai Souls in 1973. Over the course of those first eight weeks, Yuuei had run through every other team in the league, including two wins over the Seiai Souls. Their closest games were their win against Shiketsu and their win against the Seijin Storm on November 6 and Shouto Todoroki had sealed the deal in both of them. In other news, the most popular item going around in Yuuei High School was the poster of Bakugou dunking on Romero Fujimi of the Isamu Swans.

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