Chapter 4

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"Hear what?" Said Nadine.

There was another crunch. A squirrel ran past our legs.

"It was just a squirrel! You really are spooked!" Nadine said playfully.

"I think I want to go for a walk, come with me, Dante?" Lidia put down her bottle.

"Me? In the woods?"

"Down by the lake. Pleasee?"

She took him by the hand and pulled him up out of the chair. They drunkenly wondered off by the lake together.

"It's getting late, should we start heading to sleep?" Nadine yawned.

"Works for me." I said.

"You guys go ahead, I'll stay here to put the fire out." Said Pax.

Nadine and I began to walk towards the tent. By the lake dock, we noticed two piles of clothes sitting there.

"I knew it was gonna happen soon." Nadine smiled.


"Dante and Lidia. I bet they're skinny dipping."

"I hope they don't get too cold."

"I think they'll be fine, they have each other to keep warm. Have you dated anyone?" She asked abruptly.

"Me? Not really."

"Why is that?"

"I don't really know. I had a girlfriend in middle school but that was weird."

"Why weird?"

"I don't know. We kissed and it didn't feel right. I broke up with her and haven't really liked anyone since. My aunt and uncle always push me to get a girlfriend, but I don't know."

"Maybe you should give it a try. College is a great place for that. Lots of new people."

"I know. Maybe when we get back I'll download a dating app or something."

We squeezed back into the small tent. It was chilly. We tucked ourselves into sleeping bags and began to drift off.

A startling scream jolted both of us up.

"What was that?" I said.

"I think it's Pax! We have to go check!"

We unzipped the tent as we hard another deep scream. Nadine didn't put on shoes, she ran out. Something leapt out above me and grabbed her leg. It appeared to be a giant dog or coyote. My heart raced. My first instinct was to run, but I couldn't leave Nadine. The animal growled. It dug its claws into her leg. She screamed as it tore through her pants.

I grabbed a frying pan we brought and chucked it at the animal, hitting it right in the back. My aim was terrible. It removed its claws out of her, and set its eyes on me.

"ERIN!" She screamed.


The animal chased me. I ran into the forest, stumbling under the trees. It was so dark, the only small light was the full moon shining above. I fell into a pile of wet leaves, face planting right into the ground. I used my dirty palms to push myself up. Breathing became hard. There was no way I could keep outrunning this thing, I thought. I tripped over a branch and fell once more, marking my fate as the animal's dinner.

It's razor claws dug into my back thigh, pulling me closer. I cried and pleaded. I tried to grab something from the ground to hold me down but it was no use. It rolled me over, biting my leg. It's teeth felt like daggers, drilling itself into me. I mustered enough strength to kick it in the face and drag myself a bit farther away. The animal immediately pulled me back and continued to snack on me. I cried, the pain was like nothing I had ever experienced. My legs became wet with blood. The animal snapped my leg. I begged it to stop, but there was no use. It couldn't understand me.

I felt myself slipping. The pain was too unbearable. I felt like I was going to die.

I heard howling in the distance. Howling that wasn't the animal attacking me. This was the last thing I heard before slipping out of consciousness.

It was dark. I wasn't able to feel anything or think. It was empty, numb. I thought I had died.

With a deep breath, I woke up. I didn't have my glasses, was my first thought. My leg hurt, was but bandaged. My body ached. Where was I?

"Hey, you're awake!" A friendly male voice said.

"Yeah. I am. Where am I?" I said weakly.

I took in my surroundings. It appeared to be some type of cabin. I was on a bed in a corner. There were cabinets which appeared to be full of medicine and herbs. A large window allowed sunlight to reign down into the room.

"You were injured. We found you and fixed you up."

He was a man, a very attractive man. He had blonde hair and a sharp jawline. His clothes were tight on him. My heart flickered a bit, blood flow began to various parts of my body. My palms got sweaty. I didn't recognize him, but I felt like he should have been a model in a magazine.

"We? How long have I been here?"

"Three days. You had a pretty bad bite on your leg. Some deep tears too. But I'm a pretty good healer, I think you'll be just fine in a bit."

"Healer? Where am I?" I asked.


"Canada! I can't be in Canada! My friends!"

"Your friends are alright. Not nearly as injured as you. I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Romulus."

"Erin." I said, pushing myself to sit up.

"I know everything is confusing right now, the rest of my pack will be back in a bit to explain things. You must be hungry, let's get you some food. Do you want to try walking? I have crutches if you need them."

He was really kind. I was so confused in what was happening. Pack? Canada? He assured me Nadine and the rest were alright, that's what was important. I had to be grateful I was alive, and reminded myself to be patient.

I pushed up on my leg, it was sore but it didn't feel broken.

"Awesome! It's not broken anymore! It worked!"

"How did you heal my broken leg in three days?"

"Crazy the things we can do with advanced medicine these days. Let's head down to the cafeteria."

Cafeteria? Was I in some kind of school? I followed him out of the room, the log cabin we were in was huge. We turned and went down a flight of stairs to the ground floor. There was a massive kitchen, and massive wooden tables in the dining area. It almost resembled a summer camp, but much nicer.

I walked down the stairs. The kitchen and dining room was filled with the most handsome men I had ever seen.

And they all stopped eating to look at me.

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