Isabella Beatrice Marino has always lived with her mother and step-father. After her mother dies she is left in the care of her step-father, Tom. After a series of unfortunate events, Isabella is sent to live with the family she never knew existed...
This is a shorter chapter, but I am going to try and publishing during the week.
Leonardo's POV:
This was torture. I have been at the office since last night. I only had a short break around 2 o'clock earlier this afternoon, and that was to discuss business with Vincenzo. I was so close to finally being done with work when one of my little brothers ran into my office.
"What's wrong?" I asked, standing up with alertness.
" I think that the Mironov's have contacted Isabella." Gianni angrily said.
"What the hell? When?" I questioned.
"He called her and told her that they would be meeting soon. Bella was scared out of her mind." he breathed out.
"We are going to fucking kill those bastards." I yelled. "Isabella is not going to be leaving the house until we have killed them." I ordered.
"Leo, what are we going to do? We just got her back. What if we lose her?" Gianni interrogated. For the first time in a long time I saw fear grace my brother's eyes. He was scared of losing his sister, and I was too.
"Everything is going to be okay. As long as she doesn't leave the house she'll be fine. No one can get on the estate grounds, they are too heavily guarded. Give me her phone and I'll see if we can have the call tracked." I ordered. Gianni handed me the phone. I put it down in my drawer before telling him to go back home. I also texted Alessio and Dante to go home as well.
"I'll be home as soon as the call is tracked, probably an hour." I told him before waving him goodbye.
Now it was time to get this call traced. I will not rest until I know that Isabella is no longer in imminent danger.
Isabella's POV:
I must have fell asleep some time last night, because this morning I woke up to the sunlight peaking through my bedroom curtains. I was really scared last night, but nothing will deter me from living my life. I got up and made my way down to the kitchen, where I knew all my brothers would be. As soon as I walked in the kitchen the atmosphere thickened.
"Isabella. You won't be going to school today." Leo told me.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Do you not remember that phone call you got last night?" he asked me indignantly.
"Yes, but-" he swiftly cut me off.
"I said no. Andre or Gianni will get you all your assignments from school." he barked before walking out of the kitchen. He's done this before and he's not getting away from me this time. I raced after him.
"Leonardo? Can I please talk to you about this?" I pleaded.
"No. You won't be leaving this house from now on. If you really want to get out of the house I guess you can come to my office. Ask Eva to pack you a lunch and you can come and eat with me at work, but after that you won't leave." he told me. Even though Leo was being completely irrational, I still wanted to get out of the house.
"Alright." I said before walking back into the kitchen. When I walked in I went to Eva and asked her for a lunch.
"Yes Isabella?"
"Do you think you could pack me and Leo lunch, preferably some of your delicious pasta, so that I can take it to Leo's office and eat with him?" I kindly requested.
"Yes of course dear." she smiled before returning to the breakfast dish she was making.
After I finished eating the breakfast that Eva made I decided to paint. I was in a gloomy mood though, so I painted a cloudy lake, kind of like the lake from the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
I was painting until probably 11 o'clock, then I decided watch a few episodes of The Originals. I unfortunately dozed off at the third episode.
I was woken by Eva shaking my shoulder.
"Your brother is expecting you at 12:30, so it's best that you start getting yourself ready." she told me before walking back out to the kitchen.
I walked to my closet and pulled out a jean jacket, gray t-shirt, and some black leggings to wear. I also pulled on a baby pink ballcap and some white Nike sneakers. I pulled my long hair into a ponytail.
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I walked downstairs and saw Flavio waiting at the front door. I walked into the kitchen and saw Eva packing some delicious looking pasta into a hot thermos container.
"Here you go." she commented as she handed the container. "Have a good time. I made a different type of dish than I usually do." I nodded to her before walking over to the door.
"Mr. Marino has us timed to be there in 20 minutes. I'll be taking you there since Piero is on another duty." he explained.
We made our way to the car and started our journey to Leo's huge office building. We had gotten halfway there when we got stuck on the freeway in traffic. There must of been a crash or something. Flavio called Leonardo and he instructed him to get off the highway and come via backroads. We turned on a street that had no cars on it, and didn't look well-traveled.
"Flavio? Where are we?" I questioned. This road gave me really bad vibes. It looked super sketchy.
"This is a back road I use whenever there is traffic on the way to Leo's office." he elaborated. Suddenly Flavio sat up in his seat a bit more.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Get down!" he screamed. I ducked down in my seat, and placed my hands over my head. I heard loud bangs and the sound of glass shattering. I looked up and saw Flavio limply sitting his eyes open....OMG I think he's dead!
The car starting skidding out of control. I looked up and saw a tree right in front of the car, we were going too fast. We were definitely going to hit it! I put my hands around my head to protect it. I felt the impact and then my vision started fading. I could yelling in the background, but I couldn't understand it. I heard my car door opening but I couldn't see who was there because the darkness took over my vision. I could feel my body being lifted out of the car, and then I went completely unconscious.