Chapter 14

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Isabella's POV:

I slowly pried open my eyes. They felt like they were glued shut. I had a headache and my body felt sore. As soon as my eyes were open I noticed that I was in a dark room that had cobblestone walls, a dirt floor, and a small iron-barred window. I was tied to a chair by my hands and feet. I tried to free myself of the restraints, but it was no use, they were tied too tight. 

In crime tv shows it's best if you just shut up, so I decided that was the best course of action. I sat there in silence for maybe 20 minutes before a noise startled me. I looked over to the door out of the cell like room and saw a boy around Gianni's age. He had platinum blond hair that was clearly visible even in the dim-lighted cell. He approached the door.

 He approached the door

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"Who are you?" I asked. I wasn't necessarily afraid of him like I should have been.

"My name is Aleksander. Who are you?" he curiously asked.

"Isabella." I whispered in reply.

"Marino?" he questioned. I nodded and he looked pained by my answer. He looked around before turning back to me.

"I'm going to get you out of here Isabella." he told me. There was determination in his eyes.

"Why? Where am I?" I interrogated.

"Why, because I don't want you to be here, plus you are just an innocent girl that was dragged into a cruel game of chess. To answer the question of where you are, you are in one of my father's prison cells." he said.

"Prison cells? Who are you?" I demanded.

"My father is leader of the local Russian Bratva." he answered.

"Why was I kidnapped?" I asked, before remembering, "Where's Flavio?"

"Like I said you were dragged into a cruel game of chess between the bratva and the mafia." I gasped at his words. What mafia was I involved with? "Your bodyguard, Flavio, was...killed."

"Why would the mafia and bratva be interested in me?" I don't know why I was asking all these questions to a person I didn't know. For all I know he could be feeding me lies.

"Do you not know who your family is?" he asked incredulously. I shook my head. He looked taken back. "Your family, the Marino's, are one of the most feared mafia clans in the United States. Your brothers, Leonardo and Alessio, run it."

I couldn't believe what he was telling me. My brothers, running a mafia? There was no way. Aleksander had to be lying.

"No, there's no way!" I yelled.

"I cannot make you believe me, I can only tell you the truth." he preached to me. "I will be back soon. My father will be down here soon. Do not tell him you talked to me. Act like you have no idea what is happening." he ordered before running off. I was left with my thoughts for a few minutes before a bang brought me back to reality.

A man with salt and pepper hair walked into the room. Once he got closer I could see his eyes, and they were the blackest eyes I've ever seen.

"Ah, Isabella you're awake." the strange man said with a slight accent. It took me a moment but I recognized the voice, he was the one that called me.

"Who the hell are you?" I yelled towards him. He chuckled deeply.

"I, my dear Isabella, am Sergei Mironov." he introduced. 

"Why am I here?" I demanded to know.

"You will be my son's bride."

"Never." I gritted out. Sergei gripped my chin and twisted my face towards his. The pressure being inflicted was painful.

"I bet you're already obsessed with that Messanelli boy. Aren't you?" he seethed. My eyes widened how did he know about Damiano? Not even my brothers knew about him and I.

"Ah, wondering how we know about you two? I guess we are smarter than your brothers." he inquired. "Speaking of your brothers." he smirked as he picked up his ringing phone.

He pulled the phone to his ear and answered it.

Leonardo's POV:

6 hours.

6 hours since my sorellina was kidnapped.

6 hours since one of my best bodyguards and  friends was killed.

6 hours since my family, the Valentino's, and the Messanelli's declared war with the bratva.

After numerous hours of calling Mironov he finally picked up. 

"Ah, Leonardo. I was expecting your call." he teased.

"You bastard! I've been calling for hours!" I screamed into the phone. "Where is my sister?"

"Your sister is not able to come to the phone right now." he chuckled.

"LEO! PLEASE SAVE ME! HELP ME PLEASE!!" I could hear Bella scream.

"Isabella, dear, do calm down." I could hear the asshole tell my baby sister.

"What do you want? What do I need to trade for my sister?" I asked.

"You cannot give me anything that will replace the use I have for your sister." he replied, his sinister intentions obvious through his tone.

"I'll repeat. What will you trade?" I repeated.

"Hand over your territory and get the Messanelli's to do the same." he told me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He wanted me and Vincenzo to hand over our territories to him? Vincenzo and I may not be innocent, but we had principles, something that Sergei did not possess. 

"Tick tock. You have 2 hours to decide what will happen with your beautiful sister." he told me before hanging up.

After he hung up I was sent into a rage. Everything sitting on my desk made contact with the floor when I flipped it over in anger. Vincenzo and Francesco made their way into the room after hearing the commotion. 

"What happened?" Francesco asked, eyes wide with concern.

"I've just hung up with Mironov. He's willing to give Isabella back...on one condition." They nodded not expecting to hear what came out of my mouth next. "They want the Marino and Messanelli territories." 

"Cazzo. He's crazy. You know we are famiglia, but I am not willing to give up my family's legacy." Vincenzo told me.

"I know. I wasn't planning to either. When I was on the call with him I had my tech specialist trace the call. He should have the coordinates soon and then we can get Isabella back." I sighed in semi-relief. At least Sergei was stupid enough to not have an ant-tracing system of his cellphone.

Author's Note:

I didn't post last weekend because it was super hectic, and I've kind of hit this writer's block. I will try to publish later this week. If I don't I will be definitely be publishing next week once or twice. I apologize for anyone waiting for the updates. Once school calms down and we go into Thanksgiving break I will definitely have more time to write and publish. I am hoping to finish publishing this story by the end of the year.

Also, what type of story should I write next? I already have a few ideas, but would like to know what type of story you would like to read.

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