Chapter 2

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Me: .......I'm skipping a grade.
Jinyoung: WHAT?!?!
Me: I'm sorry I can't take care of you while sitting next to you in class anymore. Plus, you're grown up. Please Jinyoung this is life. I'm sorry.

---skip to end of school 3.00 PM---

Mom: Hi sweetie. You don't look to good. Anything wrong? Where's Jinyoung?
Me: Mom, I'm sorry I'm about to shout at you.
Mom: *nods her head*
Me: HE DIDN'T WANT TO ACCEPT THE REALITY OF ME SKIPPING CLASSES BECAUSE I'M SMART ENOUGH. I TOLD HIM TO ACCEPT IT BUT DECIDED NOT TO. And there's a problem of something you and his parents didn't know at all. Do you want to know?
Mom: Sure.
Me: Me and Jinyoung became boyfriend grilfriend and then..wait mom please don't be mad about this thing...I'm sorry.
Mom: It's okay..I knew it would happen someday :)
Me: Then since he didn't accept the reality, he wanted us to break up and yeah now this is why I'm like this.
Mom: Hmm. This happened to me before and I end up dating another guy and that someone is your father :)
Me:'re telling me that I won't get back with J-Ji-Jinyoung?
Mom: I'm sorry but it looks like it's a yes.
Me: Alright then it's okay I don't want to like that b*tch anymore....sorry I curse when I'm really mad.
Mom: It's okay sweetie. Just forget about him..tell me if you don't feel good about this again.
Me: Thanks mom. Love ya <3
Mom: Love you too sweetie..

I went back to my room after that long emotional conversation with my mom. I went to the bathroom and showered. I can't believe it's almost the end of 6th grade. I'm so happy about leaving that dumb b*tch.

I planned on going to Yugyeom's house at 6 PM today. Wow. I just realized that he's 7 already.

---skip to 6 PM---

I told my mom that I'm going to Yugyeom's house and left. I knocked on the door and I saw him open it for me. He was so happy when he saw me and immidiately hugged me.

Me: Woah, woah chill kid.
Yugyeom: I'm not a kid noona.
Me: Alright, alright. Do you need help for any homework?
Yugyeom: No noona. Jinyoung hyung helped me already. *points at Jinyoung*

My smile faded when I saw Jinyoung there.

Me: Yuggie I'm sorry my mom called me. She needed help with cooking. I better get going. I'll come back tomorrow. Okay?
Yugyeom: Oh...okay noona...

I left his house and ran back to my house, opened the door quickly and ran to the sofa.

I thought why did that happen? Jinyoung was probably asked why I'm like that. Oh no this can't happen. How if Yugyeom hat-

Mom: Helloooo? Celine? Can you hear me?

I got out of my thoughts and just went back to reality.

Me: Oh yes mom?
Mom: What happened? I saw you running back.
Me: Uhh..its just-
Mom: Jinyoung was there?
Me: *nods*
Mom: Just-
Me: I'll go there tomorrow in the morning so Jinyoung wouldn't be there and plus I can help him get ready for school. You know mom. I treat him like a younger brother.
Mom: Alright then. By the way dinner is ready.
Me: Okay let's eat now.

I ate a bit slow because of my thoughts filling my head. My mom looked at me worried and she suddenly hugs me from the back.

Mom: It's'll be fine.
Me: Thanks mom.

I finished my dinner and went to my room to finish up my project for this semester's grade. I slept after finishing all of them and brushing my teeth.

---skip to tomorrow morning 5 AM---

Me: *yawns* right. I have to get ready fast because I'm planning yo walk Yuggie to school.

I showered and wear my uniform.

Me: Mom?
Me: I guess she is still asleep.

I made myself a simple breakfast, ate and went to Yugyeom's house. It was 6 AM when I went there.

Wait for the next one pls.. i have homework to do :((((
Be right back!!!!

Mark Tuan 段宜恩 FF - GOT7Where stories live. Discover now