Chapter 8

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---(flashback) Mark POV---
Celine: You don't care don't you. Bye.

I started tearing up knowing that I broke my crush's heart. I started to walk trying to find her. Suddenly I saw Mr Lim and I walked up to him.

Me: Hello Mr Lim have you seen a girl walking here? Looking for a boy? Her name is Celine.
Mr Lim: Oh yes Mark she just asked me about that boy she's looking for.
Me: Thank you Mr Lim.
Mr Lim: Anytime Mark.

I started to walk to the direction Mr Lim told me she went.

Me: Seu-

I saw something I seriously didn't want to see. I quickly turned back and ran away. I cant believe what I saw. She literally kissed him. I can't believe it. I cried my heart out not caring about anything.

???: Mark
???: Mark it's me Jackson
Jackson: No I didn't. We're only BFFs-
Jackson: Mark please listen first.
Jackson: Mark I asked her. She loves you.
Me: W-what?
Jackson: i'm serious Mark. She went somewhere for now idk where though.
Mark: okay let's find-
Jackson: no give her some space first.
Mark: okay

---end of Mark POV---

---Celine (Your) POV---

I went to the 7th grade's classroom to find Jinyoung. I felt really bad for him. I wanted to say sorry.

I finally found the classroom and took a peek to make sure that I wouldn't be disturbing them. I only saw Jinyoung right there, not knowing what to do. I think he's like daydreaming or something.

I slowly walked into the classroom and sneaked behind him.

Me: Hi Jinyoungie.
Me: Jinyoung?
Jinyoung: huh who what when where why how?
Me: Jinyoung. I just wanted to say sorry. I really feel bad for you.
Jinyoung: Oh Celine. It's fine.
Me: You don't look fine Jinyoung. What's bothering you?
Jinyoung: Oh no I'm just sleepy. I haven't gotten that much rest. I'm fine.
Me: So are we friends again?
Jinyoung: Only?
Me: Yeah why?
Jinyoung: I still lo-
Me: Jinyoung. There's-
Jinyoung: Another guy?
Me: *nods* my mom told me to find someone else.
Jinyoung: oh okay then. Friends :)
Me: You sure you're alright?
Jinyoung: Never better!
Me: okay hahah i know you're fine when you're like that. Better get going bye Jinyoungie.
Jinyoung: Bye pretty

I went outside of the classroom. I was really surprised. That was gosh so random. Then good he's alright.

I went back to where me, Mark and Jackson checked our timetables. Boom! They're there. I'm glad they're fine.

Me: Hi guys.
Mark: I love you too
Me: You told him didn't you?
Me: Chill Jackson I'm not gonna kill you or something.
Jackson: Phew
Me: I'm not the old me when I just met you anymore. I love you too Mark. And. Jackson.

They both hugged me and we decided to go to my house.

When we arrived, my mom was about to cook dinner. Good timing.

Me: Hi mom. Jackson and Mark is here.
Mom: Mark?
Me: Jackson's frie-
Jackson: her new lover
Me: shut up Jackson
Mom: Well nice you're able to forget that Jinyoung.
Me: No I didn't forget about him. I just said sorry to him today. And. He's fine.
Mom: Okay then.
Me: What are you cooking mom?
Mom: Kimchi jjigae
Mark & Me: Yay!
Jackson: Woah you guys really have a lot in common.
Jackson: okay, okay chill gurl.
Me: Mark? Hello? R u daydreaming? MARK? MARK!!
Mark: huh what?
Me: What were you thinking about? It's like you fully dozed off.
Mark: I'll tell you later. I'm hungry*pouts*
Me: cute. Okay let's eat.

After a while, we finished eating our food.

Me: So y'all gon' sleepover or go home?
Mark: woah that's how you talk? So tomboy dude.
Me: well i am
Mark: I'm staying
Jackson: I'm staying too. I'll bring Yugyeom over.
Me: Okay you guys can use that big guest room.
Mark: What about me?
Me: You're sleeping with me pabo. What do you think?
Mark: who what when where why how?
Me: Mark you're so cute when you're embarrassed.
Mark: Stop it. It's even making me more embarrassed.
Me: hahahhahh go hide in my room.
Mark: *runs to my room*
Me: I didn't actually think he would ahahha
Mom: well you got that guy. You're gonna get used to it. Well Jackson's gonna arrive with Yugyeom soon.
Me: I know. I'm gonna shower now.

I went in my room and I saw Mark still hiding embarassed.

Me: Mark chill it's only me here now.
Mark: oh good. Cutie you seriously made me so embarassed.
Me: oh so you're calling me that?
Mark: I guess..
Me: don't wait until Jackson gets angry at you for stealing my nickname he gave me XD
Mark: Awwh i wanted to call you cutie, but i got another one.
Me: wow that was fast.
Mark: it's pretty.
Me: that was the nickname Jinyoung gave me.
Mark: aww man how many nicknames do you have?
Me: hmm Celine, cutie, pretty and sweetie. Sweetie is what my mom calls me.
Mark: I'll just call you beautiful ;)
Me: Mark don't just wink at me i can scream as if I am fangirling.
Mark: aww so cute ;)
Mark: oh so you got me a nickname?
Mark: chill baby ;)
Mark: okay now go shower.
Me: thank you for not winking.
Mark: hahahahh cute

I finished showering and changed my clothes.

Me: you can use my really big hoodies and for the pants uhh idk.
Mark: Do you have like a brother or something?
Me: No but my dad is always out of town so just use his sweatpants if you want.
Mark: okay then
Omg my eyes are so tired imma write later or tomorrow byeee

Mark Tuan 段宜恩 FF - GOT7Where stories live. Discover now