Chapter 13

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Mr Lim: Whatever. You choose yourselves.
Me: Mark-
???: Mark oppa can I sit with you please? *pouts and hugs Mark*
Mark: Get off Chaeyeon.
Chaeyeon: What? Why are you like this to me oppa?
Mark: I'm always like this to you. Celine cmon.
???: oppa why are you sitting with her? Do you even know who I am? I'm Kim Yeona.
Mark: I don't care about you bitches.
Jackson: Chaerin cmon i don't want that to happen to me.
Chaeyeon: Jackson oppa why do you want to be with that bitch?
Jackson: Shut up don't call my girl a bitch.
Yeona: Oppa I want to sit with you. I'm lonely.
Jackson: Why don't you girls get your asses off me.
Mr Lim: hello? What's going on there?
Me: It's nothing Mr Lim. It's been decided already. Me and Mark, Jackson and Chaerin and those two I don't care.
Mr Lim: Ok.
Chaeyeon: What?!? Aren't you gonna be mad at her for saying that?!?!
Mr Lim: What? Aren't you the one who's supposed to be scolded? You wanted to force someone. Now sit.

Me and Mark were just staring at them. They looked like those girly idiots.

Mr Lim: Alright. For today, you can start writing lyrics. It could be about anything.

I decided to write a sond called 'Why'. (Author: i actually wrote this myself.)


Verse 1
I should tell you my story
My life I kept on hiding
I just don't want people to know
Things don't work that smoothly
Gliding through the problems thinking
Don't wanna share to the smooth flowing river

Verse 2
Time keeps ticking
Leaving me with nothing
Every time I sing
People keeps judging
When i try to make myself free
Something blocks my view of the blue

I don't think it's only me
But it could be
I feel like my heart's been broken a couple times
I feel so sad and mad at myself and it brings back memories

From the old days that was fun
I compared with what was now
I can't believe that it changed a lot
It's way too different to me the original life
This day I come to you
This day I just came to this world
This day would never be forgotten
Since it's the day where I started to love you

But why~
Is this world so judgemental
But why~
Is this world so cruel
But why~
Is this world so meaningful to me
When it's been a stressful life

Verse 3
I want to tell people something
But it's not the right time yet
The blue sky kept me thinking
Of why life was a such thing
Why is there love why is there hate
Why can't we just live in peace?
It's confusing..

Verse 4
Why do i feel so sad everyday?
Why should i take risks?
Why is life so hard?
People say that I need to change
I really feel unloved
They put me 2nd or last in life

I don't think it's only me
But it could be
I feel like my heart's been broken a couple times
I feel so sad and mad at myself and it brings back memories

From the old days that was fun
I compared with what was now
I can't believe that it changed a lot
It's way too different to me the original life
This day I come to you
This day I just came to this world
This day would never be forgotten
Since it's the day where I started to love you

Turn back to the pages
Turn back to the old times
Fast forwards are useless
Flashback are more important
Why do i have to have this life?
What did I do wrong?
Why can't we just live in peace?
Why is there such thing as a broken heart?

Mark Tuan 段宜恩 FF - GOT7Where stories live. Discover now