Chapter 14

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We ate lunch really quickly. I didnt know how, but we still had 45 minutes. We went to our lockers and grabbed our clothes for dance and changed.

We went in our classroom and had about 30 more minutes, but suddenly I saw those two girls. Chaeyeon and Yeona. They glared at me and rolled their eyes.

Chaeyeon: Yah! Loser! Why do you even have to be in this class huh?

I just stayed quiet. Actually I was alone in my seat drawing while Jackson, Chae eonni and Mark was chatting.

Yeona: Stay away from my boy! He's mine!

I just ignored them. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, approaching me. It was,,,Chaeyeon. She punched my head. I shouted. Loud. Then. I didn't know what happened.

*Mark POV*

I was in the classroom chatting with Jackson and Chaerin. Celine was drawing so i didn't want to disturb her. We were having fun chatting. Suddenly, i turned around and saw Celine passed out. Why? I saw Chaeyeon still holding her fist up after punching her.

Chaeyeon: Oh! Mark oppa. What are you talking about? Hm.. your girl? It's me right? I didn't do anything to myself.

I immidiately carried her to the school nurse followed by Jackson and Chaerin. I started to worry because today I was planning to propose to her for her to be my girlfriend.

Once we arrived there, the nurse was shocked and told me to lay her down. We stayed there with her until 2 PM.

Mark: Jackson, Chaerin. You guys should go. I don't want you guys to skip classes. Please. I'll take care of her here.
Jackson: but hyung-
Mark: Please
Chaerin: okay. Jackson oppa, let's go.

I stayed for another 10 minutes and she hasn't woken up yet. Thank god she still has pulse when I checked..

I stared at her face. She's so cute and pretty. Plus, she has a good personality. I held her cheek. It was so soft.

Nurse: Mr Tuan?
Me: oh oh yes ma'am?
Nurse: May I check on her? If she hasn't woken up in another 10 minutes, we better get her to the hospital.
Me: ok.

I was so scared. I don't want to lose her. I dozed off until the nurse called me.

Nurse: Mr Tuan, she's up.
Me: oh my gosh. Thank God.

I ran to Celine and hugged her. I didn't even realize that i dropped a tear from my eyes.

Celine: oppa. I'm hungry.
Me: huh? But you ate lunch already.
Celine: Mark oppa, you don't know what I do this time right? Hahah
Me: okay then. C'mon let's get food.

I thanked the nurse and we went to the cafeteria.

After she was done eating we head to our homeroom. It was still 14 30 so we still had 20 minutes of break.

Me: Celine.
Celine: hm?
Me: Let's go to the principal's office. I want to tell him about everythinga and I don't want to leave you here I'm scared that you would get hurt again.
Celine: okay.

So then, we went to the principal's office andtold him about everything. He told us that Chaeyeon would be expelled from school and can never come back. We thanked him and went to our Vocal class since it's almost starting.

Mr ???: Hi class my name is Choi Youngjae and you can call me Mr Choi
Class: okay Mr Choi.
Mr Choi: Today you guys will go in pairs and practice a song that has both rap and vocal. Make sure either you or your pair can do either one.
Me: hey, Celine.
Celine: ok, but oppa i can't rap that well.
Me: It's okay, leave it up to me
Mr Choi: Find your partners now and tell me right away after you find them.
Me: Mr Choi?
Mr Choi: Yes?
Me: I'm with Celine.
Mr Choi: Alright what song are you going to sing?
Me: ahat do you want Celine?
Celine: Do you know Blue Hour by TXT?
Me: Of course!
Celine: okay. We are doing Blue Hour by TXT, Mr Choi.
Mr Choi: Alright, you guys can go in the first practice room. Everything is there.
Me: okay thank you Mr Choi.
Celine: So whose part are you doing?
Me: Uhm definitely Yeonjun because he's the one with a rap part.
Celine: I'll do Soobin and Taehyun. Do you want to do Beomgyu and Hueningkai's too or do you want me to have one of their parts too?
Me: I'm fine.
Celine: Great!! Let's warm up first.
Me: okay.

We warmed up our voices and started to practice the song. After 1 hour, we thought that we were done practicing so we went out of the practice room and told Mr Choi.

Me: Sir, we are done practicing.
Mr Choi: Alright then, I'll go in your practice room and check on you guys.
Me: Sure.

We went back to our practice room and sang the whole song.

Mr Choi: Wow. You guys are a perfect match!
Me and Celine: Thank you Mr Choi.
Mr Choi: You guys can get early dismissal. Enjoy your day!
Me: Thank you.

We both went out of the classrom happily. We have 15 minutes additional break yay!!

Me: By the way, don't forget I'm picking you up at 6.30 PM in the library okay?
Celine: okay
Me: and don't forget about the double date.

During the break, we just set an alarm and slept because we didn't know what to do.

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard my alarm went off. I woke Celine up and told her we only have 5 minutes left for going to Science class.

We ran to our lockers then ran to the Science classroom. Good thing that we're not late.

Mr ???: hello everyone, my name is Shin Hyeonseong but you can call me Mr Shin.
Class: Good evening Mr Shin.
Mr Shin: Today we are learning about Chemistry and take note that I would be giving you homework so pay attention.
Celine: *whispers* I hate chemistry. Let's just do nothing. We are at the back row anyway.
Me: ok.

We just didn't do anything in Science class and just took the homework the teacher gave us. Celine told me to not worry because she said that we always can search in Google.

Me: Bye Celine, I'm going home now.
Celine: Okay I'll be in the library in 5 minutes.
Me: alright, take care.

After I see her walk in the library, I went to Mr Jeon's classroom.

Me: Mr Jeon?
Mr Jeon: yes?
Me: can we start now?
Mr Jeon: Alright.

Mr Jeon handed me a lot of things and we hurried to the rooftop. We began decorating and it didn't take long because it was really simple, but still it's pretty. I saw the time on my phone and it was 6.27 PM so I hurried to the library.

I went in the library and looked for Celine.

Me: *whispers* hey Celine. Let's go. Pack up your things.
Celine: okay.

We went out of the library.

Me: Celine. Wait.
Celine: why?
Me: turn around.

I put on a blidfold on her.

Celine: why did you put a blindfold on me?
Me: you'll see. Now come with me.
Celine: okay.

I walked her to the rooftop and saw Mr Jeon prepared to throw the confetti.

Me: Alright Celine. You can take off your blindfold now.
Celine: Alright.

She took of her blindfold and I immidiately confessed to her.

Me: Celine. I love you so much. I still remember that time when we fought because of misunderstang, but we got over it, so I thought that it is okay to be together even if we would get into problems. I really love tou so much. I'm sorry I had to lie about going back home for something, but please forgive me. Celine, will you be my girlfriend?
Celine: Of course Markie.

I hugged her then I kissed her. We were both crying due to happiness. I heard Mr Jeon threw the confetti. I was so happy.

Mr Jeon: Congratulations you guys!
Me: Thank you Mr Jeon and thank you for helping me decorate this place.
Mr Jeon: Anytime Mark and be a good boyfriend.
Me: Of course Mr Jeon. And by the way if you need any help I will help you.
Mr Jeon: Thank you Mark. And congratulations again Celine and Mark.
Celine: Thank you Mr Jeon.

Mr Jeon left and we stayed for a while. We took some pictures, but we havent uploaded it online. After taking a few pictures, we tidy up the decorations and kept it for memories.

Me: Celine, let's go home and change. Don't forget we still have that double date plan.
Celine: okay. See you in a few minutes. By the way, use normal clothes, so they wouldn't be suspicious of us.
Me: okay.

I think this was the longest chapter I wrote. Anyways if you liked it, please vote for me and follow me for updates. Thank you!!!!! :)))))))))

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