Chapter 6

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---Celine (Your) POV---

---skip time to last day of vacation---

Jackson: aww man it felt too short.
Me: I know right.
Jackson: welp who cares. We're in the same class anyways :)
Me: yeah
Jackson: Okay then let's pack up and check out.
Me: Okay

---skip to plane landing---

Me: Finally home.
Jackson: Yeah
Me: Are you going straight to your house?
Jackson: Yep
Me: Okay
Jackson: Bye-
Me: Wait I just wanna tell you to not be too lovey dovey with me in class because we're just BFFs okay?
Jackson: Okay *pouts*
Me: but out of school you can haha
Jackson: :))) bye!
Me: Bye

---skip to first day of 8th grade---

Me: *yawn* oh my god today is first day of 8th grade!

I quickly showered and wore my uniform. I ran downstairs with my backpack on to eat breakfast.

Mom: Hi sweetie. Excited?
Me: *nods while gobbling up food*
Mom: woah chill it's not like you're gonna be late or something..
Me: okay, okay mom.

I finished my breakfast and said bye to my mom. When I went outside I saw Jackson with Yugyeom.

Me: yah since when?
Yugyeom: About 5 minutes ago?
Me: Why didn't you come in?
Jackson: We just didn't want to bother you.
Me: Oh wow look at these gentlemen.
Jackson: aish whatever let's go.

We three walked to school while chatting and playing around. Suddenly I saw someone staring at me. He's about 1 year older than me, but I don't really care about it cus I have these two boys hahah. 3 minutes later I started to feel uncomfortable so I wanted to ask the boys.

Me: Guys..why is that guy staring at me..?
Yugyeom: huh? What do you mean noona?
Me: that guy. The tall and skinny one.
Jackson: huh? Oh wait what!?! Mark!

Jackson ran to that guy leaving me and Yugyeom confused.

Me: He knows that guy?
Yugyeom: idk
Me: lat's go there
Yugyeom: But noo-
Me: chill there's Jackson.

Me and Yugyeom walked up to them.

Mark: Oh so you moved here.
Jackson: Ye- oh Mark these are my friends.
Me: Hi?
Yugyeom: Hello
Mark: How old is she?
Jackson: Same age as me. Just 1 month younger.
Mark: What about him?
Jackson: He's 8 years old.
Mark: wow he's tall dude.
Me: ...should we walk to school now?
Mark: Right.

We arrived school at 7.05 AM

Mark: Well bye see-
Jackson: dude we're in the same class as you.
Me: we're skipping grades.
Mark: who what when where why how?
Me: whatever just- let's go

I pulled Mark's hand so that he would follow me.

---Mark POV---

wow what just happened? She just literally hold my hand and she pulled me to the classroom. Wait why am i feeling like this? But she's cute though. What what stop Mark your heart had been broken and you dont want it to be broken anymore so Mark stop. But i cant ughh why am i like this?  Whatever ughh i still like her though-

Jackson: hey Mark. Mark? MARK
Me: huh? Yeah? What?
Jackson: you were daydreaming weren't you? That means you like someone. Cus you only daydream when you think about someone.
Me: huh what no
Jackson: come

He pulled me to the back of the classroom.

Jackson: *whispering* you like her don't you?
Me: no
Jackson: really?
Me: stop it i said no
Jackson: if you're like that that means you do haha
Me: stop
Celine: stop what?
Jackson: He- *mouth covered by me*
Me: nothing it's nothing.
Celine: okay then.
Me: By the way what's your name? I forgot to ask you hehe
Celine: oh it's Celine
Me: oh hi mine's Mark
Celine: I know i heard you guys talking back when we were still walking to school.
Me: oh ok :)

---end of Mark POV---

---Celine (Your) POV---

Suddenly our homeroom teacher went in our classroom.

Ms. ?: Hi my name is Lee Sehyun. Please call me Ms Lee.
Class: Okay Ms Lee.
Ms Lee: I heard that we had 2 students that skipped grades. Who are they?
Me: It's me and Jackson Ms Lee.
Ms Lee: Alright will you guys please come forward and introduce yourselves?
Me: *nods and pulls Jackson's hand then went in front of the class* Hi my name is Jeon Seulin. You can call me Seulin. My English name is Celine Jeon.
Jackson: um hi my name is Wang Jia Er and my Korean name is Wang Jackson. You can call me Jackson.
Ms Lee: okay thank you. Class, i hope you can be nice friends to them. You can get you class schedules in the school admin office. Thank you and enjoy your day.

Ms Lee leaves the classroom and I started talking with Jackson again.

Please wait im sorry if it takes so long but i have a lot of schoolwork :(

Mark Tuan 段宜恩 FF - GOT7Where stories live. Discover now