Chapter 9

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---Mark POV---

I went to Celine's Dad's room to get his sweatpants. Wow. He was like one of those sporty guys I guess or maybe that kind who likes comfortable clothes.

I got the things I needed and went back to Celine's room.

---end of Mark POV---

---Celine (Your) POV---

Me: Done picking out clothes Markie?
Mark: yep. I'm showering now.
Me: okay I'll be downstairs.
Mark: ok

I went downstairs and saw Jackson, Yugyeom and my mom chatting. They already started eating dinner haha. I guess they were really hungry.

Me: Hi. Hungry? Hahah
Yugyeom: Of course noona. You took so long.
Me: Sorry Yuggie.
Jackson: What is he doing?
Me: Showering.
Yugyeom: What? Who?
Me: Mark Yuggie.
Yugyeom: Oh so you liked another guy?
Me: well yeah. I can't control my feelings right?
Yugyeom: true. C'mon noona eat. You must be hungry.
Me: alright Yuggie.

I started putting food on my plate and started eating.

Me: oh yeah. Mom. Mark can use dad's clothes right?
Mom: of course.
Me: good.
Mom: why?
Me: i told him to use appa's clothes.
Mom: ok.

Suddenly Mark appeared from the staircase looking so hot omg. Please don't tell me I'm crazy over him again ahhhhh. He walked to the dining table.

Mark: Hi beautiful. Why is your face so red?
Me: *runs away blushing*

---end of Celine (Your) POV---

---Mark POV---

Well she's blushing isn't she?

Yugyeom: Do you know what happened to her?
Me: she's just blushing that's it.
Jackson: what did you do?
Me: almost nothing.
Celine's mom: Mark I bet she's crazy over you. By the way just call me auntie Jeon.
Me: okay auntie Jeon.
Auntie Jeon: so what happened in her room?
Me: well nothing special. I just winked at her and she shouted like a fangirl.
Jackson: well that's the Celine I know.
Mark: by the way, where is she? She haven't finished her lunch.

Suddenly Celine went out from her hiding spot looking really embarrassed.

Me: you okay?
Celine: I'm fine but please don't do that to me. That's my weakness.
Me: Okay now finish your lunch.

Yugyeom, Jackson and auntie Jeon was just staring at us.

Me: uhm...why are you guys staring at us?
Me: Celine let's go to your room.
Celine: *nods*

We went to her room locking the door and we still can hear them shouting gosh...

Me: so uh what do you wanna do now?
Celine: Netflix?
Me: Sure. What genre?
Me: Woah gurl you have the same taste as me.
Celine: Dude you sound weird talking like that. Just talk to me normally.
Me: well you also sound weird talking like that *giggles*
Celine: Alright. What movie do you want to watch?
Me: I don't know.
Celine: oh right. Remember the principal sent us a google form for the halloween movie night that we didn't join because we watched the movie already?
Me: yup
Celine: There was an option on the voting list. It was called Bird Box. My friend Jessi told me it was scary. Chaerin too.
Me: When did you make friends huh? I didn't notice. Haha.

*Flashback Celine (Your) POV*

After I went to Jinyoung's classroom, i went to my classroom before going back to Mark and Jackson. I saw 2 girls chatting. They looked like best friends. Suddenly one of them saw me.

???: hi there! You're Celine right?
Me: Yeah. Hi
???: My name is Chaerin and this is Jessi.
Me: Hi
Jessi: Hi.
Me: so what are you guys up to?
Chaerin: hmm nothing i guess.. it's the first day of school so I'm just wandering around hehe..
Jessi: i guess so.
Me: Okay then. Friends?
Chaerin: Of course!!
Me: Great! Can i have you guys' numbers?
Chaerin: sure! Mine is 0XXX-XXXX-XXXX
Jessi: Mine is 0XXX-XXXX-XXXX
Me: is it only me or Jessi is really quiet?
Chaerin: yeah she's an introvert.
Me: well I actually am one but if im talking to someone i feel close to i get really talkative.
Chaerin: well i guess you're like Mark oppa then.
Me: wait what? You guys talk to him and call him oppa?
Chaerin: we don't talk with him much and no we don't call him oppa we just say that because A LOT of girls are crazy over him but we're not.
Jessi: yeah. He's popular in this class.
Me: well...
Chaerin: what?
Me: uh i will tell you guys later when i have time. Sorry i gotta go Jackson and Mark is waiting for me.
Chaerin: wha-
Me: bye!

*back to present (Your POV)*

I told Mark everything then he laughed i don't know why.


Sorry this took a while.. i was really tired and i had headaches alot these days. I hope i wouldn't take long writing the next part

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