Chapter 3

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Yugyeom POV

Me: *yawns* oh it's 6 AM already?

The doorbell rang. I went downstairs to see who it was.

Celine Noona: Hi Yuggie! Need help for preparing for school?
Me: Ah it's you noona. Yes please I need help. I just woke up.
Celine noona: Ah yes I can see that. Just go shower first. I will make you breakfast.
Me: Okay!!! Thank you noona!

I went upstairs to my bathroom and showered.

Your POV

I went to the kitchen, got eggs and bacon from the fridge and cooked them for Yuggie.

Me: Wow. These cooking tools are so fancy.

I finished cooking and put the food on a plate. Once I was done, I saw Yugyeom going downstairs with his bag and uniform on.

Me: Breakfast is ready Yuggie!
Yugyeom: Yay! Thank you noona! You're not eating?
Me: Ah no. I ate already.
Yugyeom: Oh okay

I waited for Yugyeom to finish his breakfast.

Yugyeom: Alright let's go!
Me: Okay.

We went outside and started to walk to school.

Yugyeom: By the way..
Me: Yes?
Yugyeom: Yesterday why did you leave so quickly? I saw you ran to your house so quickly and I don't think that you would run that fast if it was just for helping your mom.
Me: Did Jinyoung tell you something about us?
Yugyeom: He didn't say a word after you left.
Me: And why is that?
Yugyeom: I don't know. By the way back to our topic. Why did you run so quickly?
Me: Well..umm..I don't know if you understand about these stuff though...
Yugyeom: Okay. Let me guess. Did you guys like.....break..up,,,??
Me: hmm... yeah..

My smile faded. Yugyeom noticed it.

Yugyeom: I'm sorry noona. I didn't want you to get sad like this..please forgive me..
Me: No, it's okay Yuggie. I'm fine..
Yugyeom: Okay but you don't look alright. Please tell me everything after school ends. Let's talk at your house.
Me: Thanks for your concern Yugyeom.
Yugyeom: Anytime noona :) let's head to our classes now. It's 7 AM already.
Me: Alright see you Yuggie.
Yugyeom: See you noona.

---skip after school---

I just wandered around after going out of my classroom. I wasn't focused the whole day.

Yugyeom: don't look too good.
Me: Oh Yugyeom thanks for coming here. Let's go home.
Yugyeom: Noona please don't tell me you didn't focus for the whole day..
Me: Sorry Yuggie..I miss him being with me so much even though I want to erase him from my life..
Yugyeom: Noona I will sleepover in your house I don't want you being alone when you are like this.
Me: Alright Yugyeom thanks.

We arrived at my house and we took turns to shower. After we both were done showering we started to talk again.

Yugyeom: Now tell me everything please noona.
Me: Okay. So. I told him that I'm skipping grades. Then he was really sad because I'm the one who had been taking care of him all these passed years. He didn't know how to take care of himself and I said to him that he is already a grown up and I'm sure he didn't need my company anymore so I accepted the offer from the school.
Yugyeom: How did you get that offer noona?
Me: Oh it's because of my high grades. Anyways. Then he shouted at me WHAT  and he complained a lot until he wanted us to break up.
Yugyeom: I feel so sorry for you noona. You didn't do anything wrong.
Me: It's okay Yuggie I'm fine now.
Yugyeom: Thank god.
Mom: Hey you two! Dinner is ready!!!
Me: Alright let's eat.

Me and Yugyeom went downstairs and ate dinner.

Mom: Yugyeom may I know why you decided to stay over here?
Yugyeom: Oh it's just that I'm worried about Celine noona.
Mom: Aww. Okay Yugyeom. You're such a good kid.
Yugyeom: Thanks auntie Jeon.
Me: Mom where will he sleep? He can sleep with me if you allow..
Mom: Of course he can sweetie.
Yugyeom: Yay! Thanks auntie.
Mom: Of course Yugyeom.
Me: Oh right. Mom what day is it today?
Mom: It's Tuesday sweetie. Why?
Me: Oh really?? It's just that I thought it was still Monday..
Mom: Oh okay. Excited for holiday?
Yugyeom & Me: YES!!!!

Me and Yugyeom went to my room and lied down on the bed.

Yugyeom: Noona...
Me: Yes?
Yugyeom: You are skipping classes right? So does it mean that you would be in 8th grade next school year?
Me: Yes
Yugyeom: Oh ok..i just wished that I was like you so I can skip classes and finish school faster...
Me: ahhaahha it's okay Yuggie... I can teach you everything I know so that you could be smart like me. Even if my mom allowed, I want you to be my little brother.
Yugyeom: Awww thanks noona.. i want you to be my older sister too.
Me: It's just funny that i feel like im talking to someone my age right now...
Yugyeom: hahah i guess i'm too mature.. c'mon let's sleep. Good night noona.
Me: good night Yuggie. *kissed him forehead* it's okay that i kiss you right? Because i think of you as a brother
Yugyeom: *blushes* of course noona.

Pls wait. I'm so tired typing haha
I hope you enjoyed this chapter..

Mark Tuan 段宜恩 FF - GOT7Where stories live. Discover now