Chapter 7

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Me: So,,,do you want to get it now?
Jackson: sure.
Mark: hey I'll come with you guys too
Me: okay.

We all walked to get our timetables, hoping that I would get the exact same with Jackson.

Admin: Hello good morning are you coming for your timetables?
Me: Yes. We're coming for Celine, Mark and Jackson's timetables.
Admin: Alright what's you guys' surnames?
Me: Jeon
Jackson: Wang
Mark: Tuan
Admin: alright J, T, W. Please wait for a while.
Me: okay. Thank you

We waited for about 2 minutes.

Admin: Here's all of your timetables.
Me: Thank you.

We went out of the school admin office and stopped for a while.

Me: Hold on guys. Let's see if our timetables are exactly the same.
07 30 - 07 40 : Homeroom (Room 5643)
07 40 - 09 00 : Science (Room 7739)
09 00 - 09 30 : Break
09 30 - 10 50 : Music Production (Room 1040)
10 50 - 11 20 : Break
11 20 - 12 00 : Math (Room 7892)
12 00 - 13 00 : Lunch Break
13 00 - 14 20 : Dance (Room 6734)
14 20 - 14 50 : Break
14 50 - 16 10 : Visual Arts (Room 1253)
16 10 - 16 40 : Break
16 40 - 18 00 : Vocal Training (Room 3462)
Jackson: wait what!? Until 6PM?!?!
Mark: Yeah, but you get a lot of breaks. There's 3 hours of break in total.
Me: Woah okay that's a lot. Let's see yours now Mark.
Mark: Okay.
07 30 - 07 40 : Homeroom
07 40 - 09 00 : Visual Arts (Room 1253)
09 00 - 09 30 : Break
09 30 - 10 50 : Music Production (Room 1040)
10 50 - 11 20 : Break
11 20 - 12 00 : Math (Room 7892)
12 00 - 13 00 : Lunch Break
13 00 - 14 20 : Dance (Room 6734)
14 20 - 14 50 : Break
14 50 - 16 10 : Vocal training (Room 3462)
16 10 - 16 40 : Break
16 40 - 18 00 : Science (Room 7739)
Me: okay.. this is totally different from Jackson's. Let's see mine.
Jackson: ok
---End of Celine (Your) POV---

---Jackson's POV---
oh my.. i hope it's the same as mine..
---End of Jackson's POV---

---Celine's (Your) POV---
07 30 - 07 40 : Homeroom
07 40 - 09 00 : Visual Arts (Room 1253)
09 00 - 09 30 : Break
09 30 - 10 50 : Music Production (Room 1040)
10 50 - 11 20 : Break
11 20 - 12 00 : Math (Room 7892)
12 00 - 13 00 : Lunch Break
13 00 - 14 20 : Dance (Room 6734)
14 20 - 14 50 : Break
14 50 - 16 10 : Vocal training (Room 3462)
16 10 - 16 40 : Break
16 40 - 18 00 : Science (Room 7739)
Me: Woah it's exactly the same as Mark's.
Mark: yeah
Jackson: oh uh yeah
Me: anything wrong?
Jackson: no no.
Me: just tell me if there is something wrong...
Jackson: no there's nothing wrong.
Me: c'mon Jackson..
Mark: i...know why
Jackson: Mark shut up or else-
Me: Jackson you're jealous?
Jackson:...*runs away*
Me:...what should we do now?
Mark: idk. C'mon let's jus-
Me: you don't care don't you. Bye.

I ran off to find Jackson not caring about Mark. Well I actually liked him, but I don't want him to not care about my best friend. I started to tear up, but I blinked my tears away. I saw a teacher and I walked up to him. Today was the first day so our homeroom teacher gave us free time for the whole day.

Me: Excuse me. Have you seen a boy running here?
Mr ?: uhm yeah he went left.
Me: thank you so much Mr?
Mr ?: oh its Mr Lim
Me: It's Celine. Thank you mr Lim!
Mr Lim: You're welcome.

I ran off to where Mr Lim told me he went and boom I found him crying in a corner. I don't think he knows I'm here. I slowly walked to him and sat beside him.

Me: Jackson?
Jackson: You like him right?
Me: uh Jackson
Jackson: TELL ME
Me: y-yeah but I can't just leave you like that. You're my best friend cutie.
Jackson: *wipes tears* thank you cutie *kisses my cheek*
Me: I really feel like you're my brother.
Jackson: of course you do. I want you to be my sister.
Me: sure, but like do you mean like real?
Jackson: well idk but i would love you to
Me: hahhah okay then lets just stay as BFFs first kay?
Jackson: alrighty
Me: cute *kisses Jackson's cheek*
Mark: Seu- *turns back*
Me: MARK WAIT! Please Jackson help.
Jackson: anything for this cutie.
Me: thank you. I will go somewhere first.
Hiiii i just finished chapter 7 yayyyyy i am still busy with schoolwork sooo pls wait thankss

Mark Tuan 段宜恩 FF - GOT7Where stories live. Discover now