Chapter 5

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---Your POV---

I don't know what happened, but all I know was Jackson waking me up.

Jackson: Cutie wake up.
Me: Huh? We arrived already?
Jackson: No no I just wanted you to eat first. I don't want you starving.
Me: Oh okay thanks for waking me up Jackson.
Jackson: Do you want ramyeon or kimchi jjigae?
Me: Ramyeon would be fine. I kinda want both though, but I want kimchi jjigae more.
Jackson: Alright then I will order ramyeon for myself and kimchi jjigae for you then we share.
Me: Thanks Jackson. *kisses his cheek*
Jackson: *blushes* W-welcome.
Me: Cute.

The food was served and we began eating. Once we finished eating, we almost reached our destination. Oh right I forgot to tell that we are going to Jeju. Quite far from my hometown, Busan.

After a while the plane landed and the 4 of us went to the hotel we booked. Me and my mom in one room and Jackson and Yugyeom is in one room.

I slept immidiately when we arrived because I'm really tired.

---Jackson POV---

Jackson: Should I ask auntie Jeon if I can be in one room with Celine?
Yugyeom: It's up to you hyung. If you really want to then ask.
Jackson: Alright then. I guess I'll ask.

I went to next door and knocked the door.

Jackson: Auntie Jeon? May I come in?
Auntie Jeon: Come in Jackson.

I opened the door and saw Celine sleeping. How cute.

Me: Can I please be in one room with her? Please? I love her so much..
Auntie Jeon: If you really want to I will allow you, but only if Celine agrees.
Me: Thank you. I'll wait for later. I don't want to disturb her sleep. Bye auntie Jeon.
Auntie Jeon: Bye Jackson.

I went back to me and Yugyeom's room.

Yugyeom: So?
Me: She allowed, but only if Celine herself agrees.
Yugyeom: I'm sure that Celine noona will agree. She's nice and caring. She only breaks people's hearts by accident. I know her since i was young, so don't worry.
Me: *nods* I'm sleeping until 6 PM.
Yugyeom: Kay.

---End of Jackson POV---

---Celine (Your) POV---

I suddenly woke up at 5 PM.

Mom: Hi sweetie.
Me: Hi mom. How long have I been sleeping for?
Mom: You slept since 10 so... 7 hours.
Me: Oh. My. God.
Mom: Oh yeah by the way Jackson asked if he can be in the same room as you so he'll switch with me.
Me: Oh okay then. I'm fine with that.
Mom: Okay great. I'll tell him now.

---End of your POV---

---Mom POV---

I went next door and knocked on the door.

Me: Jackson? Yugyeom?
Yugyeom: Hold on auntie.
Me: Thank you for opening the door.
Yugyeom: You're welcome auntie Jeon. So, what did she say?
Me: She said yes.
Yugyeom: Yasss I knew itt.
Me: Hahahhaha of course you knew. You guys knew each other for so long already.

Suddenly Jackson woke up.

Jackson: Oh. Auntie Jeon, you're here. Wh-
Yugyeom & Me: SHE SAID YES!!!!
Yugyeom & Me: WE KNOW WE KNOW!!
Jackson: I'm moving my things there nowwwww.
Me: Go ahead. I'll take my things here.

---End of Mom POV---

---Celine (Your) POV---

I was still lying down on my bed because i don't want to get up then feel dizzy. Suddenly, mom came.

Mom: Hi sweetie I'm moving to The boys' room. I'm staying there with Yugyeom.
Me: Okay.
Jackson: Hi!
Mom: Oh my you're so fast.
Jackson: Of course! I'm too excited about staying with Celine.
Me: I know you like me too much.
Mom: Alright then bye I'm moving to Yugyeom's room.
Me: Bye mom.

Mom went outside leaving me and Jackson.

Jackson: Cutieee I miss youuu *hugs me*
Me: Hahah you're like a kid Jackson so cute.
Jackson: I know *blushes*
Me: Are you going to sleep on the left side or right side? I'm fine with any.
Jackson: Wait what it's only a single king-sized bed?
Me: Uhmm yeah
Jackson: I thought it was a twin bed, but who cares it would be easier for me to hug you.
Me: Alright Jackson you really love me too much.
Jackson: How can't I not? You're so kind and cute and so pretty.
Me: Okay okay then I'm gonna shower. I'm not eating dinner. I'm used to it now.
Jackson: Okay then, but don't get sick.
Me: Hm okay

---skip to 8 PM---

Me: Ate already?
Jackson: No why?
Me: Just asking. I'm surprized cuz you ate a lot in the plane and was still hungry when we finished eating.
Jackson: Eh. I don't care. I'm trying to lose weight anyways.
Me: Still? You're already fine dude.
Jackson: But I'm still heavy because of my muscles and I can lose more weight by burning fats.
Me: Okay then. I wanna sleep.
Jackson: Seriously? You slept for like 8 hours already and so did I.
Me: I slept for 7 hours Jack, 1 hour less than you.
Jackson: Okay then let's sleep. Anything for this cutie.
Me: Okay good night.

After 1 minute I fallen asleep and didn't know what happened.

---End of Celine (Your) POV---

---Jackson POV---

My thoughts: Aww she's asleep. She must be tired. So cute.

I kissed her forehead and slept.

Wait kay? I'm sleeping so tired... and i have school.I promise won't take me long writing the next part

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