Chapter 12

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Mr Jeon: Alright class let's get going.

I started to draw a girl's face without erasing anything to make it look aesthetic. I was so focused because i love arts a lot.

Mr Jeon: woah Celine that's really impressive
Me: oh yeah? Thank you.
Mark: what! How could you do that?
Me: i dont know. I started learning arts since i was 4 i think that's why.
Mark: hm okay.

*Mark POV*

I'm really lucky to have someone like Celine, but when should I propose to her to be my girlfriend? And. How? Maybe Mr Jeon can help me.

Me: Mr Jeon?
Mr Jeon: Yes?
Me: May i talk to you for a while?
Mr Jeon: sure. In private?
Me: yes

We went outside and I wanted to ask him but suddenly someone went outside and asked if she can go to the toilet and now finally i can talk to him.

Me: Mr Jeon, can I have some tips?
Mr Jeon: of what?
Me: I want to propose to Celine to be my girlfriend.
Mr Jeon: Well what i see from her is that she likes aesthetic things and not girly, so i think you should set up a casual proposal. I can help you if you want.
Me: really?
Mr Jeon: of course. When do you qant it to be?
Me: After school maybe?
Mr Jeon: Great! So at 6.30 PM everything must be ready.
Me: Thank you so much sir.
Mr Jeon: anytime Mark. You are really a romantic guy.
Me: hehe i guess.

I went back in the classroom and started doing my work again.

*Celine (Your) POV*

After Mr Jeon complimented me, Mark suddenly talked.

Mark: Mr Jeon?
Mr Jeon: Yes?
Mark: May I talk to you for a while?
Why does he want to talk to him?
Mr Jeon: sure. In private?
Mark: yes.
Huh why does it have to be in private?

I just wandered around and 3 minutes later Mark and Mr Jeon went back in the classroom.

Me: what were you doing?
Mark: i was just talking to Mr Jeon.
Me: about what?
Mark: i can't tell you yet. It's not allowed to be public yet.
Me: well okay.
Mark: by the way im sorry i cant walk you home today.. i have something to do at home.
Me: ok

I just continued doing my work and made the last touches.

Mr Jeon: Alright class, it's almost time. You guys have 5 minutes left, so I'm just going to assign this as your homework.
Class: yes Mr Jeon.

I waited for a while until it's only a few students left in the the classroom because I don't want to brag.

Me: Mr Jeon?
Mr Jeon: Yes?
Me: you can have my work now. I'm done.
Mr Jeon: Great! You're free then.
Me: Thank you Mr Jeon.

I then went outside to go to my locker and put my things i don't need for the next class which is music production. Well I don't really need that much things. I only need my usb drive, notebook, pencil case and headphones.

Mark: hey what are you doing?
Me: preparing for next class.
Mark: aish it's still break time we still have 25 minutes.
Me: i know but i don't want to forget anything.
Mark: cmon let's go.
Me: where?
Mark: our homeroom.
Me: why?
Mark: to rest.
Me: ok

We went to our homeroom and sat on our chairs.

Mark: Celine?
Me: hm?
Mark: what are you gonna do after school?
Me: I'm staying in the library until 6.30 PM.
Mark: ok I'll pick you up.
Me: huh why?
Mark: because i want to
Me: i thought that you have to do something in your house.
Mark: it wouldn't take long.
Me: ok then.
Mark: what should we do to Jackson and Chae?
Me: hmm what about we set up a date for them?
Mark: nice. What about a double date? *smirks*
Me: okay fine. When and where?
Mark: what about the cafe nearby the school exit at 7?
Me: ok. I will ask Chae eonni to come with me and you will ask Jackson oppa to come with you.
Mark: ok.
Me: dont forget blindfolds.
Mark: okie. I get your plan. So dont forget-
Chaerin & Jackson: forget about what?
Mark: no we were just talking about our arts homework.
Jackson: oh ok.
Chaerin: so what did you guys learn in arts class?
Me: we learnt how to draw a freehand face drawing.
Chaerin: can i see yours you said you had homework and I'm sure you're alnost done in class.
Me: no it was a classwork that was assigned as homework because most of us were not yet done.
Chaerin: then where is yours?
Me: I'm done with it so i gave it to Mr Jeon and what we were talking about earlier was just for Mark's.
Jackson: what a kid *facepalms himself*
Mark: hey!
Chaerin: lol
Me: so have you guys been u know... lovey dovey in class? *smirks*
Chaerin and Jackson: NO! *both blushing*
Mark: ok but we know that you guys like each other because you guys are both red. *giggles*
Jackson: HYUNG!
Me: Alright let's stop.
Mark: Wait we have 5 more minutes to go to the next class! Cmon lets go.
Jackson: we're all in the same class good.
Me: Lets go fast!!!

We all ran to room 1040 and thank god we made it 2 minutes before the class starts.

Mr Lim: hello everyone! My name is Lim Jaebum but you can call me Mr Lim.
Class: Good morning Mr Lim.
Mr Lim: alright everyone go to the back of the classroom and let me arrange your seats.
Class: okay Mr Lim.

Everyone went to the back of the class and there was only 12 students. Probably maybe the equipments are really expensive.

Mr Lim arranged the seats of 6 students already and the 4 of us haven't been arranged.

Mr Lim: hmm 2 boys and 4 girls left.

Oh are you curious who the other 2 girls are? Just wait for the next chapter :)

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