Chapter 10

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Me: Shall we?
Mark: Wait. Let me make popcorns first. I guess i would have to deal with those crazy shippers.
Me: haha okay Markie. I will grab lots of blankets to make us comfy.
Mark: okay. Anything you want to do miss beautiful.
Me: *hits him* Stop teasing me jagiyaaa~
Mark: hehe so cute.
Me: stop it. Just go make the popcorns now.

Mark left and went outside. I got LOTS of blankets and put them on my bed. I also prepared the movie on Netflix so it wouldn't take long to find now. After i finished those, i heard a notification sound from my phone. It was Chaerin.

Chaerin: hey gurl. So when ya goin to tell me about it?
Me: umm now if you want
Chaerin: yesssss
Me: so what was the question you were about to ask?
Chaerin: Mark waited for you ?
Me: um yeah and why?
Chaerin: you guys know each other?
Me: actually we just met. Jackson knows him so-
Chaerin: ok then
Me: then what else do you want to ask?
Chaerin: when's your birthday?
Me: oh it's on the 30th of April.
Chaerin: okie got it. Btw what year?
Me: 1994 i just skipped 1 grade thats it.
Chaerin: you are frickin lucky to be smart gurl.
Me: hehe no im not. When is yours?
Chaerin: oh its on 31st of January 1993
Me: noted :)))) what about Jessi?
Chaerin: it's on 22nd of May 1993
Me: okkkkk
Chaerin: so is there smth going on with u and him?
Me: who?
Me: um sorry i gtg im watching netflix talk to u later Chae eonni bye!
Chaerin: Bye Seulin ssi

Mark suddenly came in. That's why i said that i gotta go.

*Mark POV*

I went out of Celine's room and straight to the kitchen. Auntie Jeon, Yugyeom and Jackson were still teasing us. Ugh. Then i favepalmed myself.

Me: Auntie Jeon?
Aunt Jeon: hm?
Me: do you have popcorns?
Aunt Jeon: sure it's on the 2nd cabinet from the left.
Me: Thank you auntie
Aunt Jeon: of course Mark. Or. Should i say my future son in law
Me: Auntie~
Aunt Jeon: hehe ok i will stop.

I immediately went to get the popcorn and prepared a bowl. I put the popcorn pack in the microwave for a while then put them in the bowl.

Jackson: what are you up to hyung?
Yugyeom: they're having a movie night date *smirks*
Mark: yah pabo shut up.
Aunt Jeon, Yugyeom and Jackson: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

I went back to Celine's room and saw her playing her phone. Maybe texting cus it looked like the was typing something.

Celine: Oh hi Markie.
Me: who are you texting with?
Celine: oh it's just Chaerin.
Me: ok then should we start?
Celine: sure. Dont sleep.
Me: of course i wont i like to stay up late hihi
Celine: gosh how are we so alike?
Me: hahah

Celine played the movie. It was 9 PM and the movie is about 2 hours long so we're gonna be staying up yay!

Me: it's just the beginning of the movie but it's already so confusing.
Celine: yup they keep on going to flashbacks and then back to present again.
Me: here we go. The smarty. I don't even know when is yhe flashback
Celine: aish dont call me that. It would make me look like a nerd.
Me: aigoo okay beautiful.

*1 hour later*

*Celine (Your) POV*

I started to have headaches because of the story.

Mark: are you okay?
Me: yeah im fine
Mark: tell me if you want to stop watching
Me: no no its okay im fine.

10 minutes later my head started to feel really heavy but thank god it went back to normal seconds later.

Mark: by the way when is your birthday?
Me: 30 April 1994
Mark: i will remember that
Me: when is yours?
Mark: 4th September 1993
Me: okie

Suddenly a real disgusting part went up.

Me: ashi-
Mark: yah no cursing.
Me: but what can i do its real gross
Mark: chill i know u r not innocent
Me: sht dude u also arent but im literally 12 and u r 13.
Mark: well whatever we're both the same so-
Me: yayayaya whatever lets just watch we skipped the scene because of talking so who cares about it now
Mark: ok then we still have about 50 more minutes
Me: yep lets just enjoy.
Mark: i dont think so this is like so interesting
Me: hm i guess so

30 more minutes had passed now 20 more minutes until the movie is finished.

Me: so Markie
Mark: hm?
Me: uh nevermind
Mark: cmon what is it?
Me: no no its nothing
Mark: cmonn
Me: i forgot what i was gonna say okay?
Mark: *pouts*
Me: so cute.
Mark: 15 more minutesss
Me: yup
Mark: by the way..
Me: hm?
Mark: I'm actually in a band with Jackson, Yugyeom, Mr BamBam, Mr Lim, Mr Choi and Jinyoung.
Me: Wha-
Mark: We're called GOT7.
Me: and Jackson and Yugyeom didn't tell me?!?
Mark: yeah our band actually isn't public yet. We still need to improve on our skills.
Me: any positions?
Mark: by the way dont tell anyone about this.
Me: ok
Mark: Mr Lim is Leader, Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer and Center. I am Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist and Visual. Jackson is Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist and Face of The Group. Jinyoung is Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper, Visual, Center and Face of The Group. Mr Choi is a Main Vocalist. Mr BamBam is Sub Rapper and Sub Vocalist. Yugyeom is Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Sub Rapper and Maknae.
Me: hmm okay. That was...long.
Mark: duh. It's complicated.
Me: right and it took us 5 minutes talking about this one topic. 10 minutes left.
Mark: this movie is kind of interesting but at last it kind of bores me.
Me: yeah. It aint scary. Let's just watch horror next time.
Mark: yep.
Me: but the edits are hella great.
Mark: let's sleep tomorrow we have to be at school at 7.30 AM.
Me: ok brush your teeth and sleep im going to the bathroom now night.
Mark: any new toothbrush?
Me: just get a new one in my bathroom cabinet.
Mark: ok

We both brushed our teeth and went straight to bed.

Hope y'all like it sorry if i got any typos.
See i promised it wouldn't take long

Mark Tuan 段宜恩 FF - GOT7Where stories live. Discover now