The First Day

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Betty's Story

I woke up in my dorm at 6:30 A.M. because it was the first day of college. I always like to be prepared so I got some of my clothes and slipped into the bathroom to change so I wouldn't wake anyone up. Hanna and Abby were still sleeping so I did the morning routine that I would usually do. I put on a light blue shirt with jeans on. Then I clipped my hair to the side and put on some light makeup. After an hour or so of getting ready I came out of the bathroom and Abby and Hanna were awake. " Hey Betty," Abby said to me. " Hey, guys," I said. " I can't believe you got up at 7:40," I said to Hanna. " Well I can be late any other day but this is the first day to make a good impression." I laughed. " Well, I will make sure you are up so you don't do that," I said to her. " Yeah, good luck with that." Then she went into the bathroom and it was just Abby and me in the room. " So what's your major?" I asked her and she looked up at me. " I am a business major, what about you?" She asked. " I am really into writing so I am doing literature," I said smiling. " Hey, jug's doing literature too, that's so cool!" Abby said excitedly. Of course, he is doing literature. I mean we both worked in the Blue and Gold. He probably doesn't even remember that. Then Hanna came out of the bathroom and Abby turned to both of us. " Well I have to go to class so maybe we can have lunch with you guys." I looked at Hanna and we both smiled. " Sure, let's do that," Hanna said to her. " Ok, cool I will see you at lunch then." Then she took off. " What did I miss when I was in the bathroom?" She asked me. " She told me that her business major is business and Jughead is in the same major as me so now we probably have a lot of classes together and he probably hates me after what I have done to him and he has a girlfriend who is super nice and I thought that I would never have to see him again but-" Hanna then cut me off. " B, you are stressed over Jughead who you haven't seen in 4 years. I don't think he hates you but you were saving him and it was 4 years ago. College is supposed to be fun, not mope around about him. You have me and Reid. You don't need him so stop worrying about that stupid boy." I slightly laughed but then it turned into a sigh. " I know and I am sorry-" She cut me off again. " You shouldn't be sorry, you had a lot of stuff that has happened to you." Then I hugged her and Hanna wasn't expecting that. " Thanks," I whispered. " No problem. just try to have fun, don't worry about the who shall not be named." She said and we both laughed. " Let's go then." We linked arms then we walked to our first class. We had our first class together so that's good at least. After a few classes went by, I had lunch. I got out my phone and texted Reid and Hanna.

B=😄, R=🍕, H=😸

😄- How were your classes?"

😸- They were great, love college life!"

I laughed at what Hanna said. Then my phone buzzed and I looked at the text.

🍕- Where are we meeting to eat I am already eating outside by the maple tree by the science lab.

😸- I am coming in 5, should we invite Jughead and Abby?"

I kind of forgot about that.

😄- yeah, I will tell them.

Then I turned off my phone to see Abby and Jughead smiling and talking to each other. This is going to be awkward. I walked up to them uncomfortably and when I got there I put on a fake smile. " Hey guys, sorry if I am-" Then Jughead cut me off. " You weren't,'' he said no making eye contact with me. " Ok well, my friends and I are sitting by the maple tree and I just wanted to tell you because earlier you said you wanted to sit together but it's fine if you don't," I said the last part quietly. " Sure, we would love to, right juggie?" She calls him juggie. I tried to not let my pain visible but I failed because then Jughead looked at me weirdly and then he replied. " Sure, let's go." He said putting his arm around her waist. It took 5 minutes to walk to the maple tree and it was one of the longest 5-minute walks. I hate being the third wheel to your ex-boyfriend. We got there and I quickly made my way there. I sat in the middle of Hanna and Reid so I was on the opposite side of Jughead. It was going well until Abby spoke.

Jughead's Story

We were sitting underneath the maple tree when Abby suddenly spoke. " So Betty, juggie told me that you and Reid are a couple. We should go on a double date." What is she doing? I don't want to go on a double date with my ex-girlfriend. Betty looked uncomfortable but Reid replied to Abby. " Yeah, we should go on a double date together, right babe?" He asked while taking a bite of a burrito. We all looked at her. " That would be awesome." She said to us. " I am so single." Betty's friend said. She had long, straight, strawberry blonde hair with a t-shirt with jeggings and freckles across her face with black glasses. " You'll find someone," Betty said in a cheery voice. " No, she will die alone." Reid laughed and Betty rolled her eyes playfully. " Don't listen to him," Betty said to her. " So how did you guys meet?" Betty's friend asked. " Hanna," Betty said with her eyes wide open. So that's her name. " It's fine, we met 2 years ago because I joined the Serpents because I needed an escape away from my old town. Now we're here!" She said. Abby is very energetic. She is a positive person most of the time. Yeah, we sometimes fought but we would always apologize to one another. I have seen her cry a few times but overall she is very outgoing. " So are you like the Serpent queen?" Betty asked. I knew by the sound of her voice that she was hurt. Abby then turned to me. " We never really talked about it but I guess I am." I looked up to see Betty's reaction and she looked upset. She tried to hide it but I know that hit a nerve. We talked about it before.

Flashback 4 years ago...

" We would be next in line." She looked at me. " Yeah, if you guys want to." she smiled at me and I smiled back at her. " Do you want to?" She asked, " I am so in." Then we kissed each other. " I can't wait for us to be king and queen," I said. " Me too."

I remember that like it was yesterday. Jughead, stop thinking about your past! I scolded myself. " Jug, it's almost time to go. Where's your next class?" Abby asked standing on her feet. " English," I said then she gasped. " Betty has English next, right?" She turned to Betty. " Yeah I do, with Mrs. Glimber?" and I nodded and she quietly sighed. I'm guessing she isn't looking forward to it." Well, I'll walk you to your class." Abby said to me and I nodded. " Ok, bye guys. See you later." Abby turned back to them. " Bye." They said in unison. Then we got up and left the maple tree.

Hi, this is isn't going to be awkward at all. (She said sarcastically) what do you think is going to happen with all of this? Do you think Jughead and Betty will become friends or even more than friends? What will Happen with Jughead and Abby's relationship? Will it go down hill or will it rise? Anyways thank you for reading my stories. Have a wonderful day!


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